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#PoliceState #Censorship #WhiteTerror
Four Staff Associations in the Police Force demand University President to “take responsibility” on his “untrue” criticisms against police brutality"

It has almost been one year since the police siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). On Nov 6, 2020, the Police Force Council Staff Associations including the Hong Kong Superintendents' Association, Police Inspectors' Association, Overseas Inspectors' Association and Junior Police Officers' Association issued a letter to the president of CUHK Prof. Rocky Tuan.

In the letter, as the founder of Hong Kong Coalition, Tuan was criticised for violating “the ethos of a seeking truth as a professional”, and made “untrue claims” during the siege last year.

Ip Kin-yuen, a pro-democracy lawmaker for Education constituency, described the letter as flippant, frivolous and ironic. Also, he stated it was disrespectful that they addressed the letter to Tuan, a key person in Hong Kong’s academic and education sector.

In Ip’s opinion, Tuan’s open letter issued in Oct last year condemned police who were proven to use excessive violence against protestors. The letter was fair and unbiased, but not against the entire police force.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov6

#RockyTuan #CUHK #University #Education #CUHKSiege
First Anniversary of CUHK Defense War: “Hong Kong Independence” Slogan Reappears but is Quickly Removed

On November 12, 2019, pro-democracy Hongkongers launched the Operation Dawn across different districts.

Debris was thrown to train tracks and Tolo Highway. At the No. 2 bridge of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK), the police fired tear gas grenades towards civilians triggering the “CUHK Defense War”.

One year on, graffiti appeared in many places on the CUHK campus on the early morning of November 12, 2020.

Among them, the words “Hong Kong Independence” appeared on the external wall of the University Library located in the Central Campus; however, it was soon covered up with paint.

Source: Stand News #Nov11

#Graffiti #OperationDawn
#LastYearToday #CUHKSiege #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#CUHK Management Censors Protest Photos Displayed in Exhibition; Flags with “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” Covered

Joint Students' Unions of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) organised a photo exhibition to commemorate the "CUHK Battle" where pro-democracy Hongkongers defended the campus from police siege during the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Protests.

Read more:

In a call to the organisers, the university management was concerned with some wordings that might deem provocative. In the exhibition, the protest slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” which appear on some flags in several photos, were seen covered by black paper.

The provisional president of the Students' Union (#CUSU) pointed out that students had organised many exhibitions on the 1989 Beijing Tiananmen massacre. The university authorities had never expressed any concerns .

However, this time the university management called the students union several times and clearly stated that such an event would cause "dissatisfaction among some alumni, or the students' union would be targeted".

Au is very surprised by such reaction. He worries that the freedom of expression in the university is no longer safeguarded and the #CUSU would face difficulties when organizing similar events.

Au also pointed out that it is very normal for students to care about politics. He doesn’t think that the university president Rocky Sung-chi Tuan, who is currently attacked by Beijing loyslists, has sided with any parties. Au found it absurd for the Police Officers' Association to issue an open letter to condemn Tuan.

Source: Stand News #Nov11

#Censorship #Suppression
Hong Kong Students Organize Exhibition to Commemorate #CUHKSiege; Authorities: University has the Right to Refuse Visits

At the one-year mark of the police siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK), the Students' Union (#CUSU) organizes events including photo exhibition to commemorate the pro-democracy Hongkongers' defense of the campus.

The university's security office, however, placed a notice at the campus' entrance, stating 'Depending on overall risk assessment and pandemic control, the university has the right to decline entry of non-CUHK identity holders or individual visitors into the campus."

Jacky So Tsun-fung, a member of the Students' Union, said the notice was placed by the university management probably in the afternoon. He believed that the university authorities saw the anniversary of the "CUHK Battle" a "sensitive period".

Earlier, the authorities censored the commemorative events:

Source: Stand News #Nov10
#Mainlandization #Sinicization
#Poll: 64% Respondents Consider #HKU's Appointment of Mainland Professors as Vice-Presidents as Against Principle of Fairness

The governing council of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) appointed two professors from mainland China, Max Shen Zuojan and Gong Peng, as vice-presidents. Shen is suspected to be a Communist Party member but the council clarified that the allegations are found to be unsubstantiated.

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#PORI) has interviewed 5,767 Hong Kong citizens in November 2020. The survey asked the question: 'The University of Hong Kong recently appointed two scholars from Tsinghua University, Max Shen and Peng Gong, as Vice-Presidents. How much do you consider the appointment to comply with, or not comply with, the principle of fairness?'.

89% of the pro-democracy respondents said the appointment did not comply with the principle of fairness. A total of 64% of respondents, pro-democracy or otherwise, considered the appointment 'not quite comply', ' very much not comply' and 'entirely not comply' with the principle.

Dr. Chan King-ming, associate professor at the School of Life Sciences of Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) and the former chairman of the Teacher's Association of CUHK, said that this appointment clearly shows the mainlandization and Sinicization of HKU.

Chan added that when he was the union chief a few years ago, a number of his colleagues at CUHK complained the use of Mandarin during meetings, 'it is now mainlandization, not globalization.'

Chan mentioned that since many mainland Chinese scholars had returned to China from the US, Hong Kong had become one of their preferred destinations. He worried that these scholars are being intentionally installed in different universities and organizations in Hong Kong. He added that HKU's appointment this time was related to the earlier change in the governance structure, such as the direct interventions occurring in the governing council and the Court. Such things had actually happened 15 years ago at the university.'

Chan also criticized that this appointment had already posed threats to academic freedom and institutional autonomy, and noted that the issue of resource allocation was involved here as a number of scholars had been invited to work in mainland China, especially the Greater Bay Area.

Regarding the National Security Law, Chan remarked that chilling effect had already been brought by the reporting hotline set up by the Police's National Security Department, and 'Cultural Revolution 2.0' had come. Some students had begun self-censoring as they changed the names of their online accounts.

Source: InMedia #Nov6

#AcademicFreedom #University #Academia #CCPControl #CulturalRevolution
#CUHKSiege #NeverForget
Democracy Wall Becomes Lennon Wall During the Commemoration of Battle of CUHK

A year after the police's attempt to siege the university campus, the students' union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) held a retrospective exhibition on the campus.

The venue was crowded as many visitors came. As people stuck memos on the "democracy wall" of the students' union, it became a Lennon wall.

Source: Stand News #Nov12


#CUHKBattle #LennonWall #HongKongProtest #Save12HK #Exhibition
#NeverForget #NeverForgive
The Long and Arduous Aftermath after the Battle of Chinese University of Hong Kong; Arrested Student: Hongkongers, Please Go On Fighting

One year after the Anti-ELAB movement began, a quieter but more sustained form of suffering now grips Hong Kong's pro-democracy activists.

The Stand News follows the story of Ah Man, a student who was arrested at the Siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) by the police, as he awaits his trial that is yet to even be scheduled.

This is just one of many Hong Kong protesters' stories.

Ah Man hopes to tell Hongkongers, "Please go on the fight".

Read the Translated Article in Full:

Source: Stand News #Jun11


#CUHKSiege #AntiELAB #HongkongProtests #HongkongChronicles
CUHK Graduates March In Support Of 12 HK Youth

Today is the graduation ceremony of CUHK. Although the ceremony was organised online due to the coronavirus, over 50 graduates march from the Goddess of Democracy in CUHK and then across the campus in the afternoon to voice their support to the 12 Hong Kong youth being illegally detained in the mainland.

Apart from their graduation gown, some wore the Vedetta mask and held slogans. Others even held black balloons. The security guards of CUHK used megaphones to warn protestors that they may be in violation of the gathering ban, and order them to keep the social distance. Some even started to stop and frisk the graduates, but they didn’t stop the protests so far.

Source: Hong Kong Citizen News #Nov19

#CUHK #Save12HKYouth #Democracy

#Censorship #Freespeech
#University in HK to Tighten Control of the Opinion Expression: Posts on #DemocracyWall Requires Real Name and Restricts Content

In the universities in Hong Kong, the "Democracy Wall", a free posting notice board on campus, has been a symbol of free speech.

After the forceful enactment of National Security Law (#NSL) in Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) has pressured the Students Union for several times about the setting up of the pro-democracy #LennonWall.

Recently, the Student Union committee members received an email from the Staff-Student Central Management Committee about an online meeting to be held on Dec 8, 2020, which will discuss "new rules" for the Democracy Wall. The new rules proposed by the university include real-name posting and content which cannot "go against the facts".

The students union acting president Au Cheuk-hei said that the university intended to tighten the freedom of speech inside the campus.

Source: Apple Daily #Dec4
Nearly 90% of Hong Kong Students Have No Trust in the Government

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) has interviewed 250 high school students in Hong Kong during the coronavirus outbreak in 2020. The project was funded by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office and the findings were published on Jan 3, 2021.

Results show that nearly 90% of the students have no confidence in the Hong Kong government. Some scholars directly pointed out that it is an alarm and urged the government to listen to the opinions of the youths.

Apple Daily has also interviewed a number of students and youths on the streets. They also criticized the government for rejecting public opinion, and believed that the government did not show goodwill to the young people.

They said to a large extent, the government had completely abandoned repairing the relationship with young people. As for whether the cracks could be mended, the interviewees frankly said: “I think it will never happen in the next eight to ten years”.

Form 6 students Kay and Yun stated that they do not support the government. In particular, Yun pointed out the government has ignored the demands of the citizens, and make them lose trust: “Have they ever reflected on their own problems? They only accuse us of violent acts, but how about themselves? They have never admitted their mistakes ever”.

When asked for the reason for their mistrust toward the government, Yun and Kay showed hesitation in expressing their views due to the concern over retribution: “are we really allowed to speak?” and “I’m afraid I cannot say in this way”.

The two youths directly stated that they are “afraid of bearing consequences”. They are also very sensitive to the government’s suppression in education, by indicating their pressure of taking the HKDSE, a public university entrance exam in Hong Kong. They said they would be cautious in expressing their stance when answering exam questions and will try to avoid sensitive issues. They denounced the government for politicizing education, and asked why the government cannot let students freely express opinions.

Source: Apple Daily #Jan3


#HongKongYouths #NextGeneration #HKDSE #Students #FailedState
#Interview #HongkongersVoice
Arrested Pro-democracy Uni Student is Not Pessimistic: "The Movement is About Seeking an Ideal, Which Can Only Come True through Practice"

Part 1:

Ah Ling (pseudonym), is a MPhil postgraduate student in Philosophy at Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). He is also one of 1.03 million citizens who took to the street on 9 June, 2019 to protest against the government’s willful introduction of extradition to China.

At the end of the rally, he headed to the Legislative Council (#LegCo) building to offer help, knowing his fellow protesters needed assistance. Shortly after he arrived at the LegCo building, a large team of police broke into protesters’ defense and arrested Ah Ling and six others.

The seven of them were dragged into the Legco building and forced down on their knees in front of a wall. They knelt there for for five hours. In November 2020, Ah Ling was charged with illegal assembly for piling up mills barriers.

On January 13, 2021, Ah Ling decided to plead guilty. In court, his lawyer stated that Ah Ling was graduated with first class honors and received 18 scholarships in three years. It is likely that he will lose the opportunity to study a Ph.D at Yale University.

Ah Ling was at last sentenced to 16 weeks of imprisonment.

“Actually, many Philosophy students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong have been arrested, accounting for quite a large faction of the total arrestees. For God knows why, we kept being arrested.” Ah Ling said it lightly.

“In times like this, many of us felt being summoned and urged to do something following our [philosophical] training."

Ah Ling said Hongkongers' involvement in the pro-democracy movement came from the “sense of justice”. “We genuinely see the importance in seeking justice in Hong Kong. So willingly, we put in our time and efforts.”

Commenting on the arrests of Jimmy Lai and 12 Youths, Ah Ling expressed, “the authorities will not let go any slightest chance to scourge us.”

The current silence at the street is built up at the expense of disquiet minds and raging hearts. At the end of the Umbrella Movement in 2014, a regression took place. As of this moment, social activism in Hong Kong has seemingly slumped into another state of speechlessness and helplessness. Many people asked how could they carry on?

With reference to history, Ah Ling acknowledged a long and tough journey ahead, “there are too many races going extinct in history. Nobody is giving shit to the so-called resistance and sacrifice. All those brave deeds have been deeply buried in our history.”

But he is not pessimistic.

Ah Ling said, “it doesn’t matter … do not presume that you are going to see any achievement in your lifetime, or like some commentators claimed - the coming two weeks are the most critical. It’s better to drop this mentality altogether.”

“The entire movement is about seeking an ideal, which can only come true through our practice.”

Source: Stand News #Jan21

#ProtestersStory #Arrest #PhilosophyStudent #University #Youth #Future #Justice
#Education #University
#CUHK cuts ties with student union

The university issued an unprecedently strong statement in the evening, stating that "The Student Union Executive Committee members have made false allegations against the University and exploited the campus for their political propaganda, which ran counter to the mission of CUHK and brought the University into disrepute. "

A spokesman stressed the election platform of #Syzygia, which won the leadership election a day ago on February 24, 2021, does not represent the position of the university, reminding them that their comments on #NationalSecurity may be in violation of the law.

The university said it will also stop collecting student union fees on its behalf and require the student body to register as an independent society to assume its own legal responsibility. Members will also be suspended from their ex-officio positions in all university committees.


Source: Stand News, RTHK; #Feb25
#Censorship #Erasure
Chinese University of Hong Kong Deletes Content on General Education Salon

While the public broadcaster #RTHK was deleting programmes on YouTube, the General Education (#GE) Salon of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) has also been found deleting its own videos on its Youtube channel.

It used to be a platform where professors share their knowledge relating to practical experiences in Hong Kong. The videos deleted include “1984 and the Brave New World” , “On Liberty” and Benny Tai's “the Rule of Law Culture”

Professor Chow Po-chung, a speaker on the channel and well-known public intellectual, is shocked by the news. “These are a kind of public resource! Of course I wish they can be left undeleted.”

Source: Stand News #May4

#PoliceState #SelfCensorship #Youtube #GeneralEducation
#HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "We can still strive for the future we want by our actions from moment to moment"

Part 1 / 3

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

"That year, the feeling of hopelessness led to a wave of student suicides. One youth after another became overwhelmed by the feeling of darkness as they could not see their future, and ended their brief lives.

One of my best friends was among them; he departed suddenly, without leaving a word behind. After that, I spent countless days and nights curled up on my bed, watching countless sunrises and sunsets outside my window, berating myself for being unable to prevent the tragedy from happening.

It was then that I began to doubt the phrase 'determining my own destiny'. No matter how my self-determined spirit struggles, it could not slow down the fall and corruption of this land by even a little bit.

So I began to think that, in this cruel society, self-determination was probably only an absurd joke.

I was caught up in all these depressing emotions when I came to find Buddhism. I reached a relevation one day, and understood that all things came from dependent arising, and are emptiness by nature; whether times are good or bad, nothing is permanent, and nothing lasts forever.

From this, I learned to put aside my own preconceptions, and let go of my own honor and disgrace. I no longer worry whether every effort I paid would be rewarded. I only concern myself with whether what I think and do are improving myself, those around me, and the world I live in. The past cannot be changed; the present is bound by the past; but the future is determined by our choices today.

Even though much of the world is beyond our control, even beyond our knowledge, we can still strive for the future we want by our actions from moment to moment. Perhaps this is what 'determining my own destiny' really meant. This is how, through faith, I found the strength to carry on living, and the courage to meet my own future destiny."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#Court #HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "I see hope...many people are still striving for Hong Kong"

Part 2 / 3

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

Previously, Part 1:

"...As stated in my case, I was arrested during a protest on Oct 20, 2019, which was 576 days ago.

During this period of time, nearly ten thousand citizens had come under arrest due to the movement or other political reasons. More and more people are forced to leave Hong Kong, with no chance in sight for their return.

This development is surely the opposite of the outcome that many had hoped for: 'determining our own destiny', or democratic self-governance.

After my arrest, a police officer asked me mockingly: What did I feel I've achieved by taking to the streets?

Thinking back now, over these 576 days, it certainly seemed like I've achieved nothing, except losing more and more fellow students and friends. Undoubtedly, this caused me more pain than the court case now being brought against me.

However, different from the overwhelming feeling of powerlessness in the years past, today I do not feel hopeless at all, and have not given up on my belief in 'determining our own destiny'.

These 576 days had been long and full of changes. There had been trauma and pain, but at the same time, I see hope. Because I know that, outside of the courts and prisons, out of sight of others, many people are still striving quietly for Hong Kong, taking up the fight in place those who have fallen.

Local business owners absorb losses to make their Hong Kong brands shine; artists and creative minds are working day and night to reclaim the city's coveted reputation of 'number one in Asia'.

These Hongkongers are full of life and dreams, and I can feel the immeasurable bravery and wisdom in them. Before such great people, I feel humble, and have no more excuses to wallow in self-pity.

They make me firmly believe that this city is not fated to spiral downward forever; this city will create infinite possibilities for the future."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#Court #HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "No matter what awaits us in the future, I believe that our generation is one who determines our own destiny"

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

Previously, Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

"...Nobel Prize laureate Albert Camus used to say, 'Each generation doubtless feels called upon to reform the world. Mine knows that it will not reform it, but its task is perhaps even greater. It consists in preventing the world from destroying itself.'

Due to historical reasons, our generation has no choice but to be born into a Hong Kong where political rights and the room for free speech are dwindling day by day.

Two summers ago, we chose to fight back against the fate that was forced upon us, demonstrating to the world our determination to take hold of our own destiny. Now is the time that we take up the responsibility for our choice.

The world is changing, perhaps for better, or perhaps it is crumbling. But no matter what awaits us in the future, I believe that our generation is one who determines our own destiny:

we all hold fast to our own duties in our own ways, striving to create a new, beautiful era that we can truly call our own."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
Executive Committee of UCSU CUHK Dissolves

Following the Chinese University of Hong Kong Student Union (CUSU), the Executive Committee of the Student Union of United College, CUHK have also announced its disbandment. They said in their statement, "CUHK’s management has closed in on college students unions with threats of individual registration after requiring CUSU to do so.” And that with no other choice, all cabinet committees have now resigned, followed by the dissolution of the Executive Committee.

The statement said that the Student Union of United College had voiced out issues of injustice in the preceding decades, including those in college administration, school administration, and current social affairs. They aimed to raise social awareness and put their feet into others' shoes “outside ivory towers”. However, “there is very little room for us to practice the college motto in these times.”

The statement said that the 59-year history of the Student Union has formally come to an end, saying, “we apologise to every UCian for failing to live up to the efforts paid by previous cabinets over the years.”

They also indicated, “there are many goals and ideals we have yet to fulfill, and we are more than reluctant to end our journey here. However, we do not regret what we’ve done in the past months and would like to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts.”

The statement ends with the college anthem, “The sky is vast and the sun remains in the sky. We must keep this pure heart, be kind, and set an example for others.”

Read the full statement here.

Source: Stand News #Oct18
#CUHK #ChineseUniversity #StudentUnion #ExecutiveCommittee #Dissolution
#University #Admissions
Steep Drop in Applications to Political Science and Journalism Programmes in HK following China-imposed National Security Law

The Joint University Programmes Admissions System (#JUPAS) published its 2021 admission numbers. The number of applicants to faculties of Political Science and Journalism saw a significant drop this year.

Admissions to the Government and Public Policy in both Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) and City University had dropped by 20% last year, and by another 40% this year.

A 15% drop was seen in admissions to Journalism among Hong Kong universities last year, and a further 13% this year.

Ronson #ChanLongSing, chairman of Hong Kong Journalists Association, said that the National Security Law has aggravated the political environment in the city, leading to the decline in these numbers. Students saw that becoming a reporter could lead to being sent behind bars; "It is reasonable for those with a rational mind to not choose Journalism."

Tommy #CheungSauYin, a Political Science graduate at Chinese University of Hong Kong and former President of CUHK Students Union, added more depressing facts.

Cheung noted that in 2019, 18 CUHK political science graduates won seats in the District Council election, but all of them have now been disqualified by the government. "There is no future for political science undergraduates," he said.

#PoliticalFreedom #WhiteTerror

Source: Stand News, #Oct23