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International Criminal Court Rejects Uighur Genocide Accusations Against China

Prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague rejected the calls from Uighurs outside China for the investigation against China's alleged genocide and crimes against humanity.

Uighurs outside China submitted hundreds of pages of evidence to the ICC in July, accusing China of setting up “re-education camps” in Xinjiang, detaining more than a million Uighurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities, and forcing women to undergo sterilisation.

However, the office of ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said that they were unable to take action as the alleged acts took place within Chinese territory, which is not a signatory to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The annual report also noted, “no basis to proceed at this time” regarding allegations that Uighurs were forcibly deported from Tajikistan and Cambodia to China.

Nevertheless, the Uighurs argued that actions can still be taken even if the alleged deportations did not take place on Chinese territory because part of the criminal conducted in Tajik and Cambodian, which are parties to the Roman Statute of the ICC.

#Uighur #Xinjiang #Genocide #China #ICC #Cambodia #Tajikistan #TheHague

Source: Apple Daily #Dec15
Australia Seeks UN Probe Into New China Uighur Abuse Claims

Australia has called for a United Nations investigation into allegations of human rights abuses in China’s Xinjiang region. In the statement, Australia also urged China to allow international observers, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, to be given immediate and unfettered access to Xinjiang

Former detainees and a guard said they experienced or witnessed systematic rape and torture inside China’s so-called re-education camps where the UN says anywhere from tens of thousands to “upwards of 1 million” Uighurs have been detained.

Source: Bloomberg #Feb04

#Uighur #Xinjiang #Re-educatonCamp #HumanRightsAbuses
'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape

Tursunay Ziawudun spent nine months inside China's vast and secretive system of internment camps in the Xinjiang region. She fled Xinjiang after her release and is now in the US.

Ziawudun said women were removed from the cells "every night" and raped by one or more masked Chinese men. She said she was tortured and later gang-raped on three occasions, each time by two or three men.

The BBC also interviewed a Kazakh woman from Xinjiang who was detained for 18 months in the camp system, who said she was forced to strip Uighur women naked and handcuff them, before leaving them alone with Chinese men. Afterwards, she cleaned the rooms, she said.

The Chinese men "would pay money to have their pick of the prettiest young inmates", she said.

Asked if there was a system of organised rape, she said: "Yes, rape."

Qelbinur Sedik, an Uzbek woman from Xinjiang, was among the Chinese language teachers brought into the camps and coerced into giving lessons to the detainees. Sedik has since fled China and spoken publicly about her experience.

The women's camp was "tightly controlled", Sedik told the BBC. But she heard stories, she said - signs and rumours of rape.

Source: BBC #Feb02

#Uighur #Xinjiang #ReEducaitonCamp #DetentionCamp #China #Rape
UK must fix modern slavery laws to help protect Uighurs in China, say MPs

The government introduced the Modern Slavery Act in 2015 “The Modern Slavery Act is out of date, has no teeth, and we do not accept that businesses should be excused from doing basic due diligence to guarantee that their supply chains are fully transparent and free from forced labour and slavery,” the report by MPs said.

The UK government must toughen measures to tackle modern slavery, including more penalties to compel businesses to ensure Uighur forced labour is not used in their supply chains.

The report called for more penalties to compel companies to ensure supply chains do not include forced labour.

Source: The Guardian #Mar14

#ModernSlaveryAct #UK #Uighur #China #CCP
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China hits UK with sanctions over Xinjiang row

China sanctioned organisations and individuals in the United Kingdom on Friday over what it called "lies and disinformation" about Xinjiang, days after Britain imposed sanctions for alleged human rights abuses in the northwestern Chinese region.The Foreign Ministry said in a statement it sanctioned four entities and nine individuals, including lawmakers such as former Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan Smith and the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, that "maliciously spread lies and disinformation."Targeted individuals and their immediate family members are prohibited from entering Chinese territory, the ministry said, adding that Chinese citizens and institutions will be prohibited from doing business with them.The move is a retaliation to a coordinated set of sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union, Britain and Canada against Beijing over what the countries call human rights violations against the Uighur Muslim minorities in Xinjiang. Beijing already applied retaliatory sanctions against the EU that were in line with Friday's announcement."China is firmly determined to safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests, and warns the UK side not to go further down the wrong path," the foreign ministry said. "Otherwise, China will resolutely make further reactions."Activists and UN rights experts say at least 1 million Muslims have been detained in camps in Xinjiang. The activists and some Western politicians accuse China of using torture, forced labour and sterilisations. China has repeatedly denied all accusations of abuse and says its camps offer vocational training and are needed to fight extremism."It seems I am to be sanctioned by the PRC government for speaking the truth about the #Uighur tragedy in #Xinjiang, and for having a conscience," Jo Smith Finley, a Uighur expert at Newcastle University, said on Twitter."Well, so be it. I have no regrets for speaking out, and I will not be silenced." (Reuters)

2021-03-26 09:26:11 (1)
Tiananmen Square, Uyghur Court: Tower Hamlets plans name changes in solidarity

The Chinese embassy is to be relocated to the East End of London, Tower Hamlets.

The councillors said they welcomed the relocation of the embassy from the West End but “we must continue to make clear where our own standards and principles apply”.

The motion which proposed to rename roads and buildings in the surrounding area of the site Tiananmen Square, Uyghur Court, Hong Kong Road and Tibet Hill was passed. This showed “support for the freedom and diversity of our borough”.

The repression of Uighur Muslims is particularly sensitive for Tower Hamlets, which has the highest proportion of Muslim residents (38%) of any borough.

Source: The Guardian #Mar19

#TowerHamlets #London #UK #ChineseEmbassy #Uighur #UighurMuslim
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Media is too big
The US has accused Communist China of genocide against the #Uighur in Xinjiang. What's really happening behind the scenes? Will the US and Western democracies finally stand up to #CCP violation and intrusion?

Germany is supplying Uighur ‘gulag’ in Xinjiang

German companies are supplying the technical backbone for the vast textile industry in the Chinese province of Xinjiang, where at least half a million members of the persecuted Uighur minority have allegedly been forced to labour in the cotton fields.

Leaked trade figures from the Chinese customs authority underline the extent of Germany’s commercial entanglement in the region despite numerous claims of human rights abuses and “cultural genocide”.

Source: Times #Feb19

#Germany #Uighur #Xinjiang #HumanRights
‘We don’t know if he is alive’: Uighur woman speaks out on jailing of father in Xinjiang

The last time Jewher Ilham’s family saw her father, he had lost 40 pounds and his hair had turned grey.

“He used to be a pretty chubby man and now he has nothing. And all his hair turned grey. But other than that he looked okay. He’s a very strong person, I mean a mentally strong person, or at least that is what I knew of my father. And I hope he can remain the same.”

Ilham Tohti, Jewher’s father (Jewher is an Uighur, a Turkic ethnic group whom take their father’s first name as their surname), is a former economics lecturer from Minzu University, Beijing.
Source: Irish Times #Apr29

#Uighur #Xinjiang #China #Beijing
Fraud, force and genocide: An extraordinary day in the annals of Australia’s national life

Genocidal? Who, us? It was an extraordinary day in the annals of Australia’s national life. China’s representative in Australia opened his home to reporters on Wednesday to persuade them that the Beijing government wanted only the best for its Uighur ethnic minority in the northwestern province of Xinjiang.

The government of the US, the parliaments of Canada and the Netherlands and Britain’s House of Lords have damned China’s treatment of its Uighur people as the gravest possible crime against humanity – genocide. Neither Australia’s government nor Parliament has done so. Yet.

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald #Apr10

#Australia #Beijing #Uighur #Xinjiang
#WolfWarrior #Disinformation
Chinese #ForeignMinister tells Germans ‘you know what #genocide looks like’

//It is estimated that 1 million Uighurs have been detained in so-called re-education camps in Xinjiang.

China’s Foreign Minister #WangYi rejected academic research detailing the abuses, including forced labour and forced sterilisations of women.

#Uighur women who have been detained in the camps have detailed systemic rape, abuse and torture. China has refused to allow independent investigators into the camps and denies any abuses are taking place.

“There is no forced labour in China,” Wang said. “There’s no such thing [as] concentration camps in #Xinjiang.”

“And there’s no such thing as genocide - our European friends know what is genocide,” he said, referring to the Holocaust when Nazi Germany murdered 6 million Jews during World War II.

#Buetikofer, who leads the European Parliament’s China delegation, was one of the politicians sanctioned.

Buetikofer described as reckless Wang’s attempts to use the Holocaust to dismiss claims of crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.

“Wang Yi basically tells us ‘shut up, you shouldn’t talk’.

“The Holocaust should not be used as a diplomatic football for rhetorical gains,” he told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

“The fact of the matter is that it has been precisely because of our wretched history that we have built our democracies and European Union on the basis of adherence to human rights and the rule of law. For us it is an historic obligation.

“If this People’s Republic of China had nothing to hide, they would open up and allow a full independent investigation; no amount of aggressive wolf-warrior diplomacy will obscure the fact that they still have not done so,” he said.//

Read the article:

Source: Sydney Morning Herald #May27
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Media is too big
“People are beginning to look at what is happening, the genocide that is being carried out against the #Uighur Muslims.They are seeing what has happened to the #HongKong freedom fighters and how China has broken its word with Hong Kong.” --#SenMarshaBlackburn