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News from non-state media sources about China and Taiwan. 来自非国营来源关于中国和台湾的新闻。中英双语 Bilingual English and Chinese
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“After China declared an exercise with some mobile missile launchers … they mentioned this area in the central part of northern China. And I honed in and found it.”

An expert at an #NGO discovers 16 new underground #nuclearmissile launchers in #China. 🔥Watch here👉
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US colleges will now be able to push back against Chinese Communist #censorship on campus because the Senate has just passed a new bill targeting Beijing-funded #ConfuciusInstitutes. 🔥Watch full video👉
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“After China declared an exercise with some mobile missile launchers … they mentioned this area in the central part of northern China. And I honed in and found it.”

An expert at an #NGO discovers 16 new underground #nuclearmissile launchers in #China. 🔥Watch here👉
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A video posted by a member of China's #50cent army is raising concerns online. In it, he claims he helped #CommunistParty authorities track down and arrest 6 #netizens last year. 🔥Watch full video👉
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In a recent survey by @pewresearch, 70% of respondents say Washington should stand up to Communist China over its poor #HumanRights record. They say this is more important than fostering economic ties with #China.
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China warns Biden over policy towards Taiwan

China’s foreign minister warned the Biden administration on Sunday to roll back former President Donald Trump’s “dangerous practice” of showing support for Taiwan.Beijing's claim to Taiwan, which split with the mainland in 1949, is an “insurmountable red line,” Wang Yi said at a news conference during the annual meeting of China’s ceremonial legislature.The United States has no official relations with Taiwan but extensive informal ties. Trump irked Beijing by sending Cabinet officials to visit Taiwan in a show of support.“The Chinese government has no room for compromise,” Wang said.“We urge the new US administration to fully understand the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue” and “completely change the previous administration’s dangerous practices of ‘crossing the line’ and ‘playing with fire,’” he said.President Joe Biden says he wants a more civil relationship with Beijing but has shown no sign of softening Trump’s confrontational measures on trade, technology and human rights. Surveys show American public attitudes turning more negative toward China, which is seen as an economic and strategic competitor.Wang gave no indication how Beijing might react if Biden doesn't change course, but the ruling Communist Party has threatened to invade if Taiwan declares formal independence or delays talks on uniting with the mainland.The State Department later reiterated that the Biden administration's support for Taiwan was rock-solid and that the US stood with its regional friends and allies, including “deepening our unofficial ties with democratic Taiwan.”“We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure against Taiwan and instead engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives," said the statement issued late on Sunday in Washington.Wang’s comments in a wide-ranging, two-hour news conference reflected Beijing’s increasing assertiveness abroad and rejection of criticism over Hong Kong, the northwestern region of Xinjiang and other sensitive topics.Wang defended proposed changes in Hong Kong that will tighten Beijing's control by reducing the role of its public in government. He dismissed complaints that erodes the autonomy promised to the former British colony when it returned to China in 1997.Also on Sunday, Wang rejected complaints Beijing’s treatment of predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities in Xinjiang amounts to genocide.Human rights researchers say more than 1 million people, many of them members of the Uyghur minority, have been sent to detention camps. Chinese officials say they are trying to prevent extremism.“The so-called existence of genocide in Xinjiang is absurd. It is a complete lie fabricated with ulterior motives,” Wang said. He blamed “anti-China forces” that he said want to “undermine the security and stability of Xinjiang and hinder China’s development and growth.” (AP)

2021-03-09 09:10:13
Interesting Wechat sent to someone I know...
不明白港府為什麼不出指引,我朋友一家在國內打都會有以下指引。 在此轉發給大家,打之前請了解清楚才接種啊。
I don’t know why the Hong Kong government doesn’t issue guidelines. A friend of mine in China had the following guidance issued to their family. Please share this and be clear about things before getting vaccinated.

國內防疫中心提示接種科興疫苗的要求 :
The Chinese Quarantine agency reminds everyone of the following requirements for vaccination:
🔸1. 惡性腫瘤病者不予接種。Those with malignant tumours should not be vaccinated.
🔸2. 有基礎疾病時如高血壓,糖尿病等藥物控制不好的,不予接種。Those with basic diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes which are not under good control with medication should not be vaccinated.
🔸3. 精神類疾病者如抑鬱症不予接種。Those with psychiatric disorders such as depression should not be vaccinated.
🔸4. 家族遺傳性疾病如白化病,不予接種。Those with inherited conditions such as albinism should not be vaccinated
🔸5. 心腦血管疾病不穩定,不予接種。Those with unstable heart or blood vessel conditions should not be vaccinated
🔸6. 做過心臟手術時如心臟搭橋,不予接種。Those who have had heart surgery such as coronary bypass should not be vaccinated
🔸7. 大手術後恢復期,不予接種。Those recovering from major operations should not be vaccinated
🔸8. 近三個月內使用過血液制品和免疫抑制者,不予接種。Those who have used products made from liquid blood or immunosuppressants should not be vaccinated.
🔸9. 服用優甲樂的人,不予接種。Those taking Euthyrox should not be vaccinated.
🔸10. 被孕期婦女三到六個月,不予接種。Pregnant women between 3-6 months pregnant should not be vaccinated
🔸11. 長期服用免疫抑制劑者,不予接種。Those on long term immunosuppressants should not be vaccinated
🔸12. 有中重度貧血者,不予接種。Those who are moderately to severely anaemic should not be vaccinated
🔸13. 三個月內服用過抗病毒藥物抗過敏藥,抗生素的必須停藥,症狀消失,一到二週後方可接種。
Those who have taken antiviral or anti-allergic medicine within the past three months should wait 2-3 weeks before being vaccinated. Those on antibiotics must finish the course and be free of symptoms and then wait 2-3 weeks before being vaccinated.
🔸14. 乙肝和幽門螺旋杆菌抗病毒期間不予接種。
Those with hepatitis and heliobacter pylori infections should not be vaccinated while they are fighting the viruses.
🔸15. 高血壓控制穩定140/90以下才接種。Those with high blood pressure should have their blood pressure stable at under 140/90 before being vaccinated
🔸16. 流感禁忌的本苗都禁忌接種。Those who can’t have flu vaccine shouldn’t be vaccinated against CCP virus
🔸17. 接種流感疫苗至9隔14天後才可接種。Those who have taken flu vaccine should wait 9-14 days before receiving CCP virus vaccine.

Please share far and wide
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Rare earth? Actually not that rare.
Trying too hard? Actually can backfire too.
Good luck, ccp.
#fuckccp #boycottchina #rareearth #tyranny #china #beijing #english #diyms
Forwarded from RTHK Latest News
Beijing urged to build hydropower plant in Tibet

China should aim to begin construction of a controversial hydropower project on the Brahmaputra river within the year, a senior Tibetan Communist Party official said in comments published on Monday.Comprehensive planning and environmental impact assessments for the project should be completed as soon as possible, Che Dalha, chairman of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, said in a delegation briefing issued by China's parliament.Tibet should "strive to launch construction within this year," he said.China's plans for a giant hydropower project on the river, known in Tibet as the Yarlung Tsangbo, have stirred fears in India it could disrupt downstream river flows, worsen water shortages and even cause flash floods.The river flows for about 2,900 km through Tibet, India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal.The "Yarlung Tsangbo downstream hydropower base" was listed in China's new five-year plan last week as one of the country's major energy development projects for the 2021-2025 period.China could build up to 60 gigawatts (GW) of generation capacity on the river, state media have reported, which would make it the world's biggest hydropower project, overtaking China's 22.5 GW Three Gorges Dam.A Chinese diplomat said late last year the project was at a "preliminary planning and demonstration" stage.India is considering plans to build its own dam on the river to increase its water storage capacity and counteract the impact of the Chinese project, an official said last year.According to Tibet's five-year plan proposals published in January, the region aims to "research and promote" the project and begin related engineering work as soon as possible. (Reuters)

2021-03-09 09:38:35
Forwarded from RTHK Latest News
Fans of fallen Jiangsu FC made to suffer in silence

Fans of Chinese football champions Jiangsu FC say police have warned them not to protest or "make trouble" after the club's abrupt financial collapse, and describe themselves as angry, heartbroken and powerless.Jiangsu said it had "ceased operations" after its backers, retail conglomerate Suning, who also own Serie A leaders Inter Milan, pulled the plug on February 28.The club's sudden implosion came just over three months after Jiangsu won the Chinese Super League for their first domestic title and highlights wider problems undermining China's bid to be a leading football country.Irate supporters have pledged to boycott struggling Suning.A small group of fans were pictured on social media last week, their faces blurred, outside the Nanjing-based club with a banner reading: "Hot blood is hard to cool, defend the Jiangsu team."Liu Yu, a member of a fan group of more than 400, said supporters also lobbied outside Jiangsu province's governmental sports office.But they have now been warned by authorities against more protests, especially with the annual National People's Congress, China's legislature and biggest political event of the year, under way in Beijing."The police called the people in charge of fan groups and told them not to go there anymore because gathering is not allowed, so there's nothing they can do now," the 31-year-old accountant said.Liu said that she has "a very strong sense of powerlessness" and can only stand and watch as the club she loves – which was founded under a different guise in 1958 – disintegrates.Jiangsu FC have not officially disbanded but that appears certain to happen, becoming the highest-profile casualty among more than a dozen Chinese clubs to disappear in little over a year.The speed at which Jiangsu went under, just over 100 days after the biggest triumph in their history, is especially hard to bear."I feel that something very close to my heart suddenly disappeared," said Liu.Another fan, who did not wish to be named – underlining how even football can be sensitive in Communist Party-ruled China – backed up the assertion that "people in charge of the major fan clubs received calls from the police and were asked not to make trouble".Mainland state media has tried to cast Jiangsu's demise, which is expected to soon be followed by that of fellow CSL outfit Tianjin Tigers, as a chance for Chinese football to reset after the heady days of big spending on foreign stars.Bereft Jiangsu supporters do not share that optimism but their opinions have been given scarce coverage in the heavily vetted Chinese media.A Jiangsu supporter who asked to be called "Oscar" – the name of the Brazilian who joined Shanghai SIPG from Chelsea for an Asian-record 60 million euros in 2017 – went with friends to the club just after its bombshell announcement.They were confronted by five security guards who stopped them taking pictures.The 25-year-old said that he never trusted Suning and felt the soul of his club was ripped out when they took over in 2015 for 523 million yuan (now US$80 million).He mostly stopped attending matches in 2018 and instead went to see the youth team. When he did occasionally watch the first team, he refused to sing.His scepticism about Suning was proved right, he said."Everyone knows it now," he added, calling the company's treatment of the club "disgusting"."So everyone who used to support Suning has started to boycott Suning together."For some fans, perhaps for me, the team may be their biggest emotional support."It disappeared so suddenly." (AFP)

2021-03-09 11:26:45