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Migrant workers urged to avoid CNY trips home

Fearing Covid cases, lost profits and possible lockdowns, local governments and humming factories on the mainland are offering a slew of incentives to persuade workers not to go home for the Chinese New Year holiday in February.This period usually sees the majority of the country's 280 million rural migrant workers, as well as millions of white-collar workers who live far from home, travel back to see family.The rapid coronavirus spread during last year's holidays, however, trapped many workers in their villages for months and forced them into long quarantines when they finally returned to the cities.Factories were paralysed, industrial production plummeted, and workers lost weeks of income.Companies usually pay more to those who work over the festival, but this year local governments and companies are hoping far more take up the offer.Most provinces have issued notices encouraging workers to stay in place, citing the importance of epidemic control as well as "guaranteeing the stability of industrial and supply chains."Incentives include extra pay, prizes, entertainment, free New Year's eve banquets and staggered holiday arrangements.Demand for labour in some industries is already high. China's manufacturing recovery, fuelled in part by demand from Covid-constrained consumers abroad, has soared past expectations this year, with factories struggling to fill a shortage of blue-collar workers.A notice from the government of Ningbo, Zhejiang province, said a halt to production over Lunar New Year amid blistering foreign demand could "cause companies huge losses."While it's yet to be seen how many workers stay put this year, the mainland's state planner said it expects "markedly lower" holiday travel than normal. Jiangxi province, a major source of migrant workers, expects travel to be around 60 percent of 2019.One chemicals company in Zhejiang told local media 85 percent of its workers plan to stay this year, lured by double hourly pay and an extra 500 yuan (US$77) reward for full-time attendance over the festival period.Increased mass travel at this time also heighten the risk of new coronavirus infections, which had otherwise been largely snuffed out across most of the country.China reported its biggest daily jump in new Covid-19 cases in more than 10 months on Thursday as infections in Heilongjiang province nearly tripled. Twenty-eight million people have been put under home quarantine in northern provinces.Wang Zhishen, who works at a container factory in Dongguan, said he will probably stay there if his factory remains open, despite having already purchased a train ticket home to Gansu province, 2,000 kilometres away."What if you get unlucky and get infected on the road back home? Then your whole family might get sick," he said."If my factory is not going to be closed over the holiday, I think I'll just stay in Dongguan. Going home is too risky."For some, especially those who don't have employers who can offer prizes and guarantee work over the holidays, reuniting with families is still worth the risk.At Beijing Railway Station this week, a 64-year-old migrant worker surnamed Wang, who works as a construction worker in the capital, was rushing back to his village in eastern Shandong province before it enters lockdown. "There's no other way. We have to get back before then. We've got family back home." he said, after arriving at the station seven hours before his train leaves Beijing. (Reuters)

2021-01-15 11:41:15
#WuhanPneumonia #MadeinChina
China-Made #CoronaVac Only Scores 50% in General Efficacy Test

The Butantan Institute in Brazil announced that the China-made CoronaVac vaccine has a 50 percent general efficacy rate in late-stage trials. 

Reuters described the results as disappointing. The rate means that CoronaVac is only 50 percent effective when preventing patients from contracting mild cases of coronavirus.

Although the minimum target set by the World Health Organisation is 50 percent, the efficacy of the Chinese vaccine is way behind the vaccines produced by Moderna at 94 percent and Pfizer/BioNTech at 95 percent.

Source: Apple Daily; RTHK #Jan13
Stalking, Surveillance, Blocking, Capturing - Experience of Chinese Human Rights Activists (and The New Norm in Hong Kong)

"I haven't had any visitors at my house for years, because they're downstairs, not allowing any diplomat, media worker, journalist, or so-called 'unstable individuals', to come to my house." Hu Jia said in a video interview with Stand News from her home in Beijing, while wearing a black blouse with the words "I want true universal suffrage".

Read our full translated article:

Source:Stand News #Oct21

#Stalking #Surveillance #Blocking #Capturing #ChineseHumanRights 
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Big Brother is Watching You. With all your spending habits exposed to #CCP, is anyone really safe? It probably only takes one button to freeze all your assets too.
#digitalcurrency #suzhou #shenzhen #china #tencent #wechatpay #english #diyms
Swiss Government Exposed to Have Allowed In Chinese Agents in Secret Agreement

Human rights group Safeguard Defender has published a report exposing a secret agreement between the Swiss government with China allowing operations of Chinese public security agents in Switzerland. The agreement, the existence of which had been unknown to the Swiss parliament, allowed Chinese agents to enter the country in unofficial capacities and to track down and help investigate Chinese citizens that the Swiss authorities wished to expel.

According to the report, the “readmission agreement” was signed on 8 December 2015. The agreement allowed Chinese officials to enter Switzerland and to track down, investigate and question “illegal immigrants” or potential repatriates to help the Swiss authorities ascertain if the individuals were Chinese citizens.

While the agreement provided that Chinese officials could only come by the invitation of the Swiss authorities for an investigation lasting two weeks, China had full discretion in deciding in naming the agents without Switzerland’s approval. Upon arrival, the officials might be admitted in unofficial capacities with their identities and reports guaranteed secret by the Swiss authorities. They were also allowed to act freely on Swiss soil and to question up to six people every day for 10 days without being supervised by Swiss officials, meaning they could question as many as 60 people on each visit.

The annex further provided that all their travel and local expenses be covered by the Swiss authorities. Accommodation would also be arranged.

#Switzerland #China #PublicSecurityMinistry #ReadmissionAgreement #SecretAgreement #Diplomacy

Source: Stand News #Dec11
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China’s stinky mouth at it again, this time dissing Australia’s cherries.

#boycottCCP #ccp #china #tradewar #australia #beef #cherry #seafood #wine #diyms #english #tradewar
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[手足投稿] 笑撚左,正所謂... 敢同惡鬼爭高下吖嘛~ #ccp #china #meme #devil
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How likely are you to use a condom that’s 50.4% effective of preventing pregnancy? 🤔 #sinovac #vaccine #casino #covid #coronavirus #wuhanvirus #meme #english #diyms
Origin story: what do we know now about where coronavirus came from?

Maria van Kerkhove, the World Health Organization (WHO) virologist said that something happened at Christmas time in 2019.

On the evening of 30 December 2019, the Wuhan municipal health commission had issued an “urgent notice” online, warning all medical facilities to be on the alert and put into effect their emergency plans. It pointed the finger of suspicion for the outbreak at the Huanan [meaning South China] seafood market. Of a sample of 41 early confirmed cases, 70% were stall owners, employees or regular customers of the Huanan market, which sold seafood but also live animals, often illegally captured in the wild and slaughtered in front of the customer.

The market was closed by the Chinese authorities on 1 January 2020 and comprehensively cleaned and disinfected, which was helpful to hygiene but destroyed clues
It’s important for the entire world to know, so the WHO has been investigating since the outbreak began.

The Canadian doctor and epidemiologist appointed by WHO leading the investigation Bruce Aylward said, “from the moment you landed in China, you knew you were dealing with something very serious that the rest of the world wasn’t getting. You got off the plane and you were in an empty Beijing airport. It was absolutely stunning, your footsteps would echo through the great cavernous halls of Beijing airport, which is teeming day and night normally.”

Source: The Guardian #Dec12

#Covid19 #Wuhan #WHO #China #Covid19Origin
Torres Strait Islanders' fear over $200m Chinese fishery handshake with PNG

China’s ministry of commerce has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with PNG to build a $200 million "comprehensive multi-functional fishery industrial park" on Daru Island in Western Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Torres Strait Islanders say they are "very nervous" about China's plan to build a fish processing plant on their doorstep, and are seeking urgent talks with the Australian Government.

There are calls to review the Torres Strait Treaty, which allows PNG nationals to fish in Australian waters. Chinese could use the Torres Strait Treaty to "vacuum-up" fish.

Source: ABC #Dec16

#PNG #TorresStraitTreaty #China #Australia
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US set to impose sanctions over mass NSL arrests

The United States is set to announce fresh sanctions on Friday on six individuals connected to the mass arrests earlier this month of Hong Kong pro-democracy activists, two sources familiar with the matter said.Hong Kong police on January 5 arrested 53 people in dawn raids on democracy activists in the biggest crackdown since China last year imposed a security law which opponents say is aimed at quashing dissent in the former British colony.US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week warned of fresh sanctions in response to the arrests of pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. That warning came a day after supporters of Republican President Donald Trump on January 6 stormed Congress in a bid to overturn his November election defeat, prompting China's state media to accuse US politicians of "double standards."Pompeo also said last week the United States would also explore restrictions against the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in the United States.Action on Friday would come just days before Trump is due to leave office and be succeeded by Democrat Joe Biden next Wednesday and would be the latest in a series targeting China, which analysts see as a bid driven by Pompeo to lock in a tough approach to Beijing.The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Trump has pursued hard-line policies toward China on issues ranging from trade to espionage and the coronavirus. Relations plummeted to their worst level in decades when he ramped up the rhetoric in his unsuccessful November re-election campaign.His administration has already imposed sanctions on Chinese officials for their actions involving the pro-democracy movement and other alleged rights abuses, and last July declared an end to the territory's privileged economic status under US law.The Trump administration took another swipe at China and its biggest companies on Thursday, imposing sanctions on officials and companies for alleged misdeeds in the South China Sea and imposing an investment ban on nine more firms.Last Saturday, Pompeo said he was lifting restrictions on contacts between US officials and counterparts in Taiwan, a move that greatly angered Beijing. (Reuters)

2021-01-15 23:48:42
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Lawyer who handled detainees' case loses licence

A human rights lawyer who handled the case of Hong Kong pro-democracy activists detained in China had his licence revoked on Friday, a move he said was triggered by the sensitivity of the case for Beijing.Lu Siwei - together with another rights lawyer Ren Quanniu - was appointed by families of two of the "Hong Kong 12", a group intercepted last August trying to flee the city by speedboat for Taiwan.The attempted escape came after the central government imposed a sweeping national security law on the financial hub; and some on the boat already faced prosecution in Hong Kong for activities linked to 2019's huge and often violent pro-democracy protests.Mainland authorities did not recognise the two lawyers appointed by the families, and Lu was denied access to the defendants.But just days after 10 of the group received jail sentences in late December, both lawyers received notices from mainland authorities saying their licences were to be revoked.Lu said after the ruling on Friday that handling a number of sensitive cases had "marked my destiny".The lawyer was accused of publishing "inappropriate remarks on the internet (and) seriously damaging the lawyer industry's image", according to the Sichuan justice department.Lu said before the hearing that he believed the notice was "just a cover" and that the Hong Kong case was likely a decisive factor behind the revocation.More than a dozen Chinese rights lawyers have had their licences cancelled or revoked in recent years in what activists have said is an effective silencing by authorities.The other lawyer Ren said last week he also rejected the charges against him, which accuse him of "causing a negative impact on society."Ren also represented Wuhan citizen journalist Zhang Zhan, who was jailed for four years in late December.His hearing is next week. (AFP)

2021-01-16 00:29:26