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News from non-state media sources about China and Taiwan. 来自非国营来源关于中国和台湾的新闻。中英双语 Bilingual English and Chinese
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China Propaganda Machine Spreads to the US

It is found that massive amount of tweets and Facebook posts about the US protests circulating on the Internet were posted by social media accounts registered in China.

According to Dr. Shen Bo-yang (Puma), assistant professor of criminology in National Taipei University, as of May 31, 2020 Chinese has engendered over 70,000 said engagements in the social media world.

China's goal to defame protesters in all places has become obvious, as the chief editor of a China state-run tabloid Global Times Hu Xijin (@HuXijin_GT) tweeted the following on May 31:

"I highly suspect that Hong Kong rioters have infiltrated American states. Attacking police stations, smashing shops, blocking roads, breaking public facilities, these are all routine in their protests. Vicious HK rioters obviously are mastermind of violent protests across the US😡."

Despite China's attempt to influence international opinions from the coronavirus pandemic to the protests in the US, China has repeatedly reprimanded the international community for "meddling with China's internal affairs".

Source: Puma Shen; Stand News
#June2 #ChineseInfluence #America #SocialMedia #Twitter #Facebook
Former ambassador: Canada needs to loosen ties with China

Former Canadian ambassador to China interprets the country’s "Wolf Warrior" diplomacy and mindset regarding international affairs.

China, in a fury of how a state as inferior as Canada dares to refuse their demand of releasing Meng, arbitrarily detained the two Canadians. This shows that China has no understanding of judicial independence. Its regime basically measures every aspect of the world with power. It sees any kind of relationship as masters and vassals. Western allies, especially Canada, should start to reappraisal their relationships with China. Instead of saying yes to all of their demands, countries should reduce engagement with China.

Now that the world is distracted by the pandemic, China decides to implement “National Security Law” in Hong Kong to take away people’s rights by denying its agreement with #UK and other friends of Hong Kong. This is another reason why we should be alerted of a world dominated by China.

#China #Canada #HongKong

#Newspaper #NetizensVoice

The political censorship has increased on Youtube amid the filtering of the Chinese word “Gong Fei” on the platform 1/3

Internet users have found that YouTube- an overseas online video sharing platform, is automatically filtering the comments with the Chinese word “gongfei” (literally means “Communist Bandit” in Mandarin). YouTube has previously been alleged of cracking down on freedom of speech by labelling videos regarding Covid-19 as “Not suitable for most advertisers” with a yellow dollar sign. These series of events made the public questions whether the political censorship on YouTube platform has connections with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Editor’s Note:
“Gong Fei“ literally means “Communist Bandit” in Mandarin

#YouTube #Censorship #FreedomOfSpeech
Source: PTT, NTDTV

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#Newspaper #NetizensVoice

The political censorship has increased on Youtube amid the filtering of the Chinese word “Gong Fei” on the platform 2/3

On 13 May, many Chinese-spaking YouTube users found that any comments they left in any YouTube video’s comment section that contains the phrase “gongfei” will be removed by the platform--soon it was confirmed by many other YouTube users. According to the video provided by one of the YouTube users, the comment “gongfei” initially can be displayed in the comment section, but it disappeared only seconds later when the user refreshed the page. The user tried for three consecutive times, and found that comments with “gongfei” would be filtered within 15 seconds after posting. The user believed that YouTube has some kind of algorithm that will censor “sensitive words”.

Such a way of censoring “sensitive words” is very secretive and hard to discovered as Internet users normally won’t come back and check whether their comment has been successfully posted as long as it has been initially displayed.

YouTube’s action soon caused great attention among the Chinese-speaking users and many of them condemned the censorship and expressed their anger and disappointment. Some users wondered if YouTube found a more capable AI expert than Li Feifei while some others said disappointedly that “Money can make anyone do anything”

User @DrplumberUS said that he posted the phrases “gongfei” and “meidi” (literally means “American Empire”) in the Youtube’s comment section for five times respectively and found “gongfei” was all automatically filtered by YouTube while “Meidi”, however, was successfully posted

User @Feng1990122 also commented that “I posted in the entertainment channels based in the US and it’s true. Looks like there is a Chinese Communist Party branch in Google.

User @sitaideng said:” Onshore US citizens shall sue Google and Youtube for cracking down on freedom of speech.”

@Jumplittlefox is calling internet users to express their disagreement on Google’s censorship because “if you remain silent today, there will be more ‘sensitive phrases’ on YouTube, and eventually the platform will become exactly the same as Chinese social media software. But I don’t think this will happen because the Westerners will soon realize the issue and fight back.”

@SZheng1967 pointed out that “the evil Communist Party is dominating the Western Media. Western people are making deals with the evil and are surrendering themselves to the Communist Party--such action has caused great concerns to the world. We are here to urge the shareholders to take good care of their enterprise’s managing board for the sake of our next generation and for the sake of the entire human race. If you guys keep making deals with evil, there will be greater disasters in the near future!”

And other Internet user said that by filtering the word “gongfei” and yet turn a blind eye to “meidi”--a phrase that commonly used by the Chinese army of trolls to criticize the US Government, it’s obvious that YouTube is pro-Chinese Communist Party when it comes to the censorship of the comments and they’re urging US Government to take precaution measures.

#Youtube #CCP #Censorship #FreedomOfSpeech

Source: PTT, Twitter, NTDTV

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#Newspaper #NetizensVoice

The political censorship has increased on Youtube amid the filtering of the Chinese word “Gong Fei” on the platform 3/3

As a matter of fact, YouTube is cracking down the videos related to COVID-19 since the outbreak commenced. A bunch of videos were labelled by YouTube platform “Not suitable for most advertisers” even if they were sharing the information of the pandemic and introducing the precautionary measures to prevent the virus from spreading.

It’s common sense that advertising revenue is one of the major source of income for YouTubers and if one video is labelled as “not suitable for most advertisers” with a yellow dollar sign, the video will not appear in the “recommended for you” tab and only a few adversaries (or none) will be able to insert their advertisements to the video. By doing so, YouTubers’ advertising revenue will be reduced significantly and there will be less people viewing their videos.

YouTube has caused great dissatisfaction among the YouTubers and it is criticized for cracking down on freedom of speech and performing censorship on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, and many internet users have doubted that there are some dark deals behind the misuse of yellow dollar signs.

A bunch of internet users have started a petition on the “We the people” site, requesting the platform to explain the relationship between the yellow dollar sign and the filtering “sensitive phrases”, and they are expecting the White House to investigate YouTube’s misconduct. The petition started on 21 Feb and more than 100,000 people signed the petition to show their support within a month.

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible---Stainslaw Jerzy Lec, a polish writer

Source: PTT, NTDTV

#Youtube #Censorship #Coronavirus #WHO #CCP #FreedomOfSpeech #Petition #YellowDollarSign