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News from non-state media sources about China and Taiwan. 来自非国营来源关于中国和台湾的新闻。中英双语 Bilingual English and Chinese
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🇮🇳🔥 — On today, February 4, 2022, as 🇨🇳 People's Republic of China celebrates the start of 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, on the other side of the Himalayas, 🇮🇳 India-based Tibetan diasporas & supporters of 🟨🟥🟦 Central Tibetan Administration, the Government-in-Exile led by Dalai Lama & backed by India & US State Department, held a Protest outside the 🇨🇳 PRC Embassy in New Delhi

Surrounded by journalists, the Tibetans carrying the flags of the old Tibet Monarchy burned Chinese flags and called for a boycott against the Olympic Games, such as for the Independence of Tibet, which was invaded by PLA Forces in 1950 following the End of Chinese Civil War and the Nationalist retreat to Formosa, the nowadays 🇹🇼 Republic of China (Taiwan)
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
The world has rewarded the CCP with an Olympic Games where everyone has to wear masks bc the CCP unleashed a virus on the entire world but the teams and announcers are acting like it didn't happen bc our elites have business deals there

Are you paying attention yet?
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⚡️China supports Russia’s demands for halt to NATO expansion - Kremlin

Russia also confirmed that it considers Taiwan an integral part of China and opposes independence in any form.

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Putin/Xi summit key points: Massive gas deal - intent to resist external influence

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping’s first face-to-face meeting in two years has finished Friday:

▪️A contract has been prepared for the supply of 10bn cubic meters of gas from the Far East to China, and for 100mn tons of oil to China over next 10 years

▪️Both presidents signaled their intent to resist external forces interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign countries or undermining security through “color revolutions”

▪️Xi Jinping noted that Beijing and Moscow jointly serve as a support for uniting the world in overcoming crises, political and strategic trust between the countries continues to strengthen

▪️Putin said Russia and China’s relations “have acquired a truly unprecedented character and are an example of worthy relations that help each other develop"

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Putin/Xi joint statement key points: nuclear weapons withdrawal

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping released a joint statement following their first summit in two years, highlighting:

▪️calls for all world powers to withdraw nuclear weapons deployed abroad and limit the development of missile defense

▪️urge for US to abandon plans to deploy medium and shorter-range ground-based missiles in Asia-Pacific and Europe, and accelerate the elimination of chemical weapons stockpiles; military-biological activities of US & its allies threaten Russia and China

▪️ intent to resist the interference of external forces in the internal affairs of sovereign countries through "color revolutions", as China supports Russian proposals for long-term legally binding security guarantees in Europe

▪️concern of the return to confrontation of major powers; "when the weak become prey to the strong"

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Beijing Olympics: NBC TV ignores the principle of ‘leaving politics out of sport’ – got as far as opening ceremony (audio)

“Vladimir Putin, who is here tonight, certainly has the world watching. Russia has amassed more than 100,000 troops on three sides of Ukraine. US officials have threatened severe sanctions if Russia makes a move.”

Let the games begin.

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Forwarded from 香港人的蘋果
【促釋放書桂民海】(Part 1/2)


21名瑞典出版人,包括知名作者、文壇要士、瑞典主要報刊的編輯及桂民海著作在瑞典的出版人考尼茨(Martin Kaunitz),周一聯名致信中國駐瑞典新任大使崔愛民,敦促中方釋放瑞典籍香港書商桂民海。⁣





這封獲21名瑞典文化人聯署的呼籲信在瑞典主流媒體《每日新聞》(Dagens Nyheter)上刊發,期間直接向剛赴瑞典履職的中國大使崔愛民喊話:大使先生,您在瑞中關係中聽到最多的名字是桂民海,瑞典所有政黨、言論自由組織和瑞典主要報紙都要求立即釋放桂民海。⁣


Source: 自由亞洲粵語 RFA Cantonese


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President Xi declares Winter Olympic Games open

President Xi Jinping on Friday night declared the 24th Olympic Winter Games open at the National Stadium in Beijing.International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach also spoke at the opening ceremony, thanking those around the globe who he said have gone “beyond the call of duty” to make the events happen as a global pandemic continues raging.Bach talked about how the Olympics highlight “ambition, courage and strength” and likened those qualities to what China has done to grow Olympic winter sports to its residents.Bach’s remarks immediately preceded the games being officially opened by Xi, his words prompting the setting off of fireworks that lit up the sky over the Bird's Nest.Held on the first day of Spring by the Chinese calendar, the ceremony began with a performance by dancers waving glowing green stalks to convey the vitality of the season, followed by an explosion of white and green fireworks that spelled the word "Spring".On a three-dimensional cube resembling a block of ice, lasers carved imagery from each of the previous 23 Winter Games. The block was then "broken" by ice hockey players, enabling the Olympic rings to emerge, all in white.That was followed by the traditional "parade of nations", with each of the 91 delegations preceded by a women carrying a placard in the shape of a snowflake resembling a Chinese knot.In keeping with Olympic tradition, the parade was led into the stadium by Greece with the rest ordered by stroke number in the first character of their Chinese name, which meant Turkey was second, followed by Malta, with host China going last.The entrances for China, Hong Kong and Russia generated applause in the partially filled stadium.Russian President Vladimir Putin, the highest profile foreign leader present for the Games, could be seen in the stadium. Friday's ceremony began shortly after Xi and International Olympic Committee Chairman Thomas Bach entered the iconic Bird's Nest stadium.Soon after the start, the Chinese flag was passed among 56 people representing China's different ethnic groups before it was raised and the national anthem performed.Directed by Zhang Yimou, reprising his role from Beijing's 2008 Summer Games triumph, the event featured 3,000 performers on a stage comprised of 11,600 square metres of high-definition LED screen resembling an ice surface.All of the performers were ordinary people from Beijing and nearby Hebei province, with "the Story of a Snowflake" its central thread. (Additional reporting by Reuters)

2022-02-04 22:24:01
Forwarded from China in Focus - NTD
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Concerns about #Beijing's silencing of critics have been a focus in the run-up to the #OlympicGames. U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price was asked what American athletes should do if they want to protest #HumanRightsAbuses in China.

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With the #2022Olympics opening ceremony just days away, Chinese officials are scanning for those who disagree with the regime's policies, reportedly clamping down on #SocialMedia—and dissidents are getting locked up or put under #HouseArrest.

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An Olympian in #Beijing shed tears on social media, because she was sent to #Isolation for seven days even after a row of negative tests, unable to enter the #OlympicVillage.

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A Chinese man is set to spend over two years in a U.S. prison. He was sentenced for his part in a conspiracy to defraud #Apple out of more than a million dollars, all through a fake #iPhone scheme.

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Media is too big
“Worries of safety, security, and COVID-19 ramp up for those that attend Beijing 2022,” says #DavidZhang.

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Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
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BREAKING: CCP agents pull Dutch reporter away on live TV in Beijing
Forwarded from Kash's Corner
Media is too big
"China’s building a military like nobody’s ever seen before, and we’re cutting our budgets."

Trump joins former top White House aide Kash Patel to discuss #Afghanistan, #China, and #VaccineMandates on Kash’s Corner.

The full interview will premiere on Mon. Feb 7 at 8pm ET on

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