China and Taiwan News 中国和台湾新闻
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News from non-state media sources about China and Taiwan. 来自非国营来源关于中国和台湾的新闻。中英双语 Bilingual English and Chinese
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一位知情人士稱,印度之前的軍事部署主要是為了阻止中方行動,但此次重新部署將使印軍指揮官在必要情況下有更多選擇,以「進攻性防禦」戰略攻擊和奪取中國領土。這包括「淺度介入」行動,派更多直升機將士兵從一個山谷空運到另一個山谷,並動用像BAE Systems Inc.製造的M777榴彈砲這樣的火砲。目前不清楚中國在邊境有多少軍隊,但印方偵測發現,中國人民解放軍最近將更多部隊從西藏調至新疆軍區司令部,後者負責喜馬拉雅山沿線有爭議地區的巡邏任務。



Source: Bloomberg


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Russia, China extend friendship treaty, hail ties

The leaders of China and Russia on Monday announced the extension of a 20-year-old friendship treaty, hailing increasingly close ties and the "stabilising role" of their relationship.The Kremlin published a joint statement from Russia and China to mark two decades since the treaty was signed, as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping held a televised meeting by video link.The past several years have marked a period of intensified cooperation for Moscow and Beijing as the two global powers face common tensions with the United States.The two countries have developed economic, military and energy ties while supporting each other on a number of issues, especially when faced with criticism from the West.Putin said the friendship treaty has brought relations to an "unprecedented height" and that in February 2022 it will be extended for another five years.He hailed the accord - which he signed in 2001 with China's former president Jiang Zemin - as a "fundamental international legal document" and said that Russia-China cooperation "plays a stabilising role in global affairs"."As the world has entered a period of turbulence and change, and humanity faces various risks, close Sino-Russian cooperation brings positive energy to the international community," Xi said, according to a transcript released by the Kremlin.He said relations between Russia and China "set an example for the formation of a new type of international relations". (AFP)

2021-06-28 22:09:51
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Source: Now 新聞


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Virus response stars at warm-up show for CPP 100th

President Xi Jinping led the applause at Beijing's Bird's Nest stadium late on Monday for a spectacular celebration of Communist Party history, with China's rebound from the coronavirus given special treatment.The event, held under tight security and not broadcast live on television, comes before the July 1 centenary of the party that has shaped the modern history of China, guiding the country from war-torn to superpower status.The extravagant show - replete with tightly choreographed set-pieces of Communist history, big-screen dedications to key leaders from Mao Zedong to Xi, 100 trumpets and a greeting from a group of Chinese astronauts currently in space - omitted uncomfortable chapters of China's turbulent recent history.Instead, performers triumphantly punched fists in the air, danced and gave a theatrical retelling of party highlights - from the foundation of the party in a Shanghai house in 1921 to Mao's Long March.A special dedication was given to China's "defeat" of Covid-19, with performers in PPE and soldiers wearing masks.Xi has carefully reframed the pandemic, which emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, as a victory for party organisation and Chinese resilience under his watch.The virus has been virtually squashed within China's tightly-controlled borders, and the economy is on the rebound.That contrasts with the rolling lockdowns, high death rates and economic ruin that have roiled swathes of the world since the outbreak.Fireworks, typically banned in China's capital city, boomed overhead, as thousands crowded for a view outside the venue - which was constructed for the Beijing Olympics in 2008.On Tuesday, Xi will award medals to Party faithful and is expected to deliver a speech reinforcing the message that the party he heads represents economic growth and continuity. (AFP)

2021-06-29 01:53:19
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Closer to 100th birthday, we want to post more about its terrible work. This time: propaganda!

Google “red tourism” to get cringe worthy images 😂

#ccp #china #fuckccp #communist #propaganda #diyms #english
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Media is too big
Big businesses in the United States are being controlled by the #CCP to serve Chinese interests, according to a new House investigation.

🔥Josh Philipp's Live on 👉#EpochTV
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Source: Epoch Times

