🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
IG: @BritonsHK
TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

被封鎖,有其他建議可以聯絡 @windanz
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#HongKong had a 71% turnout rate for a local-level election (for seats without political powers) in 2019, today #CCP is worried that no one will vote. What changed? The whole election system, overhauled by #Beijing.
#China #election #LegislativeCouncil #Legco
I will not watch any moment of #GenocideGames #Beijing2022 #Beijing2022WinterOlympics

Instead, I will #StandWithHongKong, work to end #UyghurGenocide, call for #FreeTibet and #FightForFreedom for #China

Thank you Badiucao for your courageous artwork


From Benedict Rogers
🇬🇧反抗極權・守護民主 Unite for Democracy -LONDON🇬🇧

Joint Rally of Ukrainian & Hongkongers
Supported by Tibetan & Uyghurs
Date: 4th June
Time: 4pm~5:30pm
Location: Opposite Downing Street SW1A 2AS

🇬🇧如水再聚 莫失莫忘 Be Water. Be United.-LONDON🇬🇧
612 London Rally
Date: 12th June
Time: 3pm~4:30pm
Location: Parliament Square SW1P 3AD

#democracy #4June #12Jun #freedom #hongkong #china #ukrainian #uk
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Please pay attention to what’s happening to the first #HongKong political prisoners in #China. WHERE IS #TANGKAIYIN???? // #HK #CCP #save12hkyouths
【天下圍中|英媒:卓慧思擬列中國為逼切威脅 「香港的事之後,經濟夥伴已不再」】

英國保守黨黨魁選舉結果將於下周一(9月5日)揭曉,新首相即將出爐。《泰晤士報》周一(29日)引述熱門候選人卓慧思(Liz Truss)的幕僚稱,假如卓慧思當選,她上任首相後便會重新評估英國外交方針,把中國列為對英國國家安全的即時威脅。

卓慧思競選期間主張重整英國外交政策,並再次審視去年發表的《國防、安全及外交政策綜合評估》報告,檢討英國未來十年的外交和國防策略。中國在去年的報告中,被英國政府視為構成「系統性挑戰」,但當時英國政府仍稱擬與中國加強「開放貿易關係」,而俄羅斯則是「活躍威脅」(active threat)。

卓慧思的幕僚透露,卓慧思檢討英國外交方針時,會把中國列為與俄羅斯相近的「逼切威脅」(acute threat),並透露這決定與香港和新疆問題有關:「在香港(的事件)後,一切都暫停了,不會再有經濟夥伴(關係)」。


#卓慧思 #英國 #保守黨 #中國 #天下圍中 #uk #ConservativeParty #LizTruss #China #Tories #HongKong
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We're laughing but it's actually not funny. The simplest expression of playing a song in #HongKong is now criminal, and so are thoughts. #CCP is also moving quickly on wiping our history, renaming our schools and streets and institutions in the name of "de-colonization". Public opinion? It has no part to play.
#China #decolonization #British #UK #Queen #HK
匿都唔匿 明目張膽歐美插旗爪牙直接介入海外事務
Not even hiding … and how are these allowed? Aren’t even hiding but listed as police affiliated!

#fuckccp #boycottchina #china #ccp #london #glasgow #toronto #newyork #uk #police


📌國際文宣組 IFC TG Channel

🇬🇧十一抗極權英國活動2022 FB 完整內容

🌐其他英國抗爭資訊 TG Channel
🌐英戰線討論區 TG Group
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TLDR: 就算失望,不能絕望。共勉之。
This is not a post recounting the details of the #UmbrellaRevolution so much as what it stood for and how it informed the #fightforfreedom in #HongKong. For years, #HKers had been struggling to defend our rights and values from the #CCP. The #UmbrellaMovement in 2014 was for many an awakening to the root cause of the social problems in #HK - the lack of a popularly mandated government as ours was (and is) but a #Beijing puppet.
The experience of 2014 produced the now much more mainstream indigenous ideology and inspired new protest tactics in 2019. Hong Kong has never stopped evolving to cope with challenges and does not intend to stop now. "Be water", the city-wide pro-democracy movement in 2019 taught us, even though it may be dark and the suffering ahead seem endless, don't lose heart. We will remember who we are, what we stand for, persevere and outlive the tyrant.
#China #democracy #freedomofspeech #standwithhongkong
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Even though it’s probably not the most important issue in the #uk at this moment but it’s good to see it’s still being taken care of! Less #ccp influence is always better :)
#fuckccp #china #boycottchina #taiwan #taiwancanhelp