🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
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TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

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感謝Human Rights Consortium Scotland(蘇格蘭人權陣綫)Participation Officer - Doro今早同我哋互相分享工作及倡議,並支持我等在地港人社群持續扎根。

我哋希望推動同見證蘇格蘭多元文化實踐,捍衛我們應有的權利。特別係作為新移民我哋面對嘅各種挑戰同差距,例如 支援群體內的弱勢人士; BNO簽證持有人受到的職業限制,包括No Sportperson;中國的威脅及滲透下,英國未能有效保護港人,包括未有給予BNO附屬申請人合適的 #旅遊證件 等等。

喺嚟緊嘅日子,蘇格蘭香港人 Scottish Hongkongers會繼續同HRCS 加強各少數族裔群體與 #人權議題 之間嘅聯繫,促進社會更有效地運用資源,讓公共機構實施更友善的政策和提供合適的服務。

We are privileged to have an exchange with Doro, the Participation Officer at Human Rights Consortium Scotland earlier today. She imparted valuable insights into our work and advocacy efforts and reiterated support for the local Hong Kong community.

As an organisation, we strive to promote multiculturalism while advocating for human rights in Scotland. This comes with its own set of challenges and disparities, including supporting vulnerable people, addressing the restrictions faced by BNO visa holders, such as the exclusion of sportspeople and dealing with threats and infiltration from China. Unfortunately, the UK has failed to provide adequate protection to Hong Kongers, including appropriate travel documents for BNO dependents.

We remain committed to strengthening connections between various ethnic minority groups and human rights issues with HRC Scotland. We aim to foster more effective resource utilization within society and advocate for friendlier policies and suitable services from public institutions.


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#英屬港人 #國籍平權 #文化多元 #人權倡議 #NoSportperson