🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
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TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

被封鎖,有其他建議可以聯絡 @windanz
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Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
When December hits, most feel giddy because Christmas is just around the corner. But the December in #HongKong in 2019 was far from peaceful. The struggle for #freedom went on, and we had a memorable white Christmas - filled with #teargas.
#CCP #China #Beijing #Christmas #whiteChristmas #policebrutality #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #freedomofspeech
I will not watch any moment of #GenocideGames #Beijing2022 #Beijing2022WinterOlympics

Instead, I will #StandWithHongKong, work to end #UyghurGenocide, call for #FreeTibet and #FightForFreedom for #China

Thank you Badiucao for your courageous artwork


From Benedict Rogers
澳洲人權學生領袖Drew Pavlou被捕,英國警方羈留23小時

就讀昆士蘭州大學的人權領袖Drew,7月21日以擅自闖入外交區域為由,被拘留超過23小時。Drew在帖文中指出,羈留期間律師無從探訪,手機被沒收,直至20小時以後才獲得5分鐘通話機會。他至今已被獲釋,但仍可能面臨7年的監禁。事緣他在領事館外,穿上了”Where is Peng Shuai”的襯衫,示威中共在西藏以及東突厥的人權問題。領事館人員獲悉後,向英國警方發送了有關炸彈襲擊的郵件,指控Drew意圖恐襲倫敦中國領事館。

同時在7月10日,香港思源與Free Tibet,在溫布頓球場,舉行了”Where is Peng Shuai”,為期兩日的示威。示威者穿上了”Where is Peng Shuai”的T恤,期間遭受保安阻撓,更被截停搜身。溫布頓假以「政治中立」助紂為虐,任由中資Oppo和支持國安法的滙豐銀行踐踏人權。


#fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #freetibet #freeuyghur #chinaliedpeopledied #uk #光復香港時代革命

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
TLDR: 就算失望,不能絕望。共勉之。
This is not a post recounting the details of the #UmbrellaRevolution so much as what it stood for and how it informed the #fightforfreedom in #HongKong. For years, #HKers had been struggling to defend our rights and values from the #CCP. The #UmbrellaMovement in 2014 was for many an awakening to the root cause of the social problems in #HK - the lack of a popularly mandated government as ours was (and is) but a #Beijing puppet.
The experience of 2014 produced the now much more mainstream indigenous ideology and inspired new protest tactics in 2019. Hong Kong has never stopped evolving to cope with challenges and does not intend to stop now. "Be water", the city-wide pro-democracy movement in 2019 taught us, even though it may be dark and the suffering ahead seem endless, don't lose heart. We will remember who we are, what we stand for, persevere and outlive the tyrant.
#China #democracy #freedomofspeech #standwithhongkong
Hundreds and thousands of students everywhere are being activated by Peng’s action. We stand in solidarity with people in China who are fighting for democracy and freedom.

Check our linktree for posters designed by Chinese and Hong Kong students, available for download. Follow @citizensdailycn and @northern_square for designs and updates.
Posted on IG @students4hk
#四通橋 #彭立發 #彭載舟 #北京 #民主 #選舉 #二十大 #FuckCCP #DemocracyNow #FightForFreedom #PengLiFa
11月11日 RemembranceDay

喺十一月上旬各大車站廣場都會有退役軍人等義工設置攤位以poppy記念品包括最常見的Pin和貼紙等為Remembrance Day 活動展開籌款。

每年11月第2個星期日英國都會在倫敦戰爭紀念碑前舉行閱兵及獻花儀式,今年則會在11月13日進行,亦稱為Remembrance Sunday,大家可以參與,而查理斯三世首次以國王身份出席今年活動。

11月11日為第一次世界大戰結束的日子,Remembrance Day(或稱Armistice Day)一般譯作「國殤紀念日」,亦作「退伍軍人節」,香港則稱之為「和平紀念日」。

在英國、美國、加拿大、澳洲等地,每年Remembrance Day均會有盛大的紀念活動;在英國時間當日早上11點,即1918年11月11日正式停火的時刻,全英將會默哀兩分鐘。

歐美國家民眾習慣於十一月上旬,在襟前別上紅色的 #POPPY #虞美人花,以誌陣亡將士及戰爭死難者。虞美人花為一戰期間,在佛蘭德斯戰場盛開的花朵,被載入加拿大一名軍醫的悼亡詩中。在和平紀念日前後,香港街頭仍可見有居港外籍人士及香港市民,在襟前別上POPPY。


▍BHK 英國資訊 Channel

#remembranceday #poppy #poppyday #fightforfreedom #britishhongkong #lestweforget #大會堂 #和平紀念日
#紀念手足 #光復香港時代革命 #英國生活 #BNO移民 #英國移民
【逆權運動|BBC首播香港抗爭紀錄片 示威者:從未見過香港人可以咁齊心】

英國廣播公司(BBC)周一(14日)首播講述香港2019年運動的紀錄片《Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom》,上半部回顧港府提出修訂《逃犯條例》至「8.31」太子站襲擊事件的歷程。影片下半部將於下周一(21日)放映,講述理大圍城等反送中運動後期事件,形容北京的鎮壓將永遠改變香港。






#BBC #紀錄片 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #三周年 #documentry #HongKong #Protest #ExtraditionLaw #FightForFreedom

誠邀您參與《追新聞》- COOTL《香港人在英國生活適應》調查

捍衛自由 矢志不渝
Remember those who served and sacrificed for freedom



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#remembranceday #poppy #poppyday #fightforfreedom #britishhongkong #lestweforget

由昨日開始,Birmingham HongKongers 響應 Hong Kong March 在伯明翰舉辦一連三日的 《求同存異文化展覽》,對比香港與英國/伯明翰的文化異同。展覽開幕後數小時,場地Rag Market負責人突然報稱收到投訴,展覽涉及政治敏感字眼,違反該市場政治中立的原則,要求遮蓋其中一個易拉架上的字眼。涉事字眼為Birmingham HongKongers 組織的自我介紹(見圖),過去曾多次展示於公眾場合,未曾接獲任何投訴。今次事件明顯是有針對香港人的勢力在背後行動,利用市場的投訴機制進行打壓。

Birmingham HongKongers 與Rag Market 合作多次,雙方一直關係良好,但我們絕不認同 今次Rag Market前線工作人員的判斷。英國作為一個自由民主的國家,必須在生活的各方面保障人民的言論及集會自由,免被「外國勢力」隨意侵擾打壓異己。Birmingham HongKongers 正與場地管理人進行交涉,希望雙方能理性解決今次投訴事件。

Birmingham HongKongers 會繼續用各種途徑堅持發聲,感謝各位同路人支持💪🏼

#birminghamhongkongers #hongkongmarch #FightForFreedom #standwithhongkong❤️🇭🇰💪🏻

Birmingham HongKongers
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Forwarded from Hong Kong Democracy Movement (HKDM2)
Jun 15: Leung Ling-kit wore a yellow raincoat with an umbrella standing at Pacific Place Patio at 4:30. He wrote “Carrie Lam kills Hong Kong” & “Black Cops are cold blooded” on a banner and hang it at the building for everyone to see. Police and negotiators went but did not allow anyone to go near him. At 9:15pm, he jumped down. That was the beginning of the 2 million+1 people march the next day.

People still commemorate him in Hong Kong to this day while countless of #HKPolice was standing by as if having a flower in hand can damage #nationalsecurity. This is the excuse they use to arrest people anyway. The laws that we having been fighting against, the extradition bill, national security law & article 23 are laws that criminalize thoughts.

#leunglingkit #HongKongProtest #5demandnot1less #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong