🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
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TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

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Carrie Lam is merely a puppet of #CCP. #HongKong is now directly colonised by Communist China.
The safety of #BNO must be secured as we’ve passed the point of no return. It’s a mistake to let British Hongkongers fall into Chinese hands and @GOVUK has to #RightTheWrong now! https://t.co/4nyVaBwrzs🇬🇧Britons in Hong Kong #HKStandsWithUK (@BritonsHK) June 30, 2020

🇬🇧Britons in Hong Kong
We welcome @GOVUK’s decision to root out #Huawei, a company heavily influenced by #CCP. This act would significantly lower the potential cybersecurity risks. Apart from it, the gov should plan out more concrete actions in other aspects to fight against China’s aggression. https://t.co/ol9WfZDlnK🇬🇧Britons in Hong Kong #HKStandsWithUK (@BritonsHK) July 15, 2020

🇬🇧Britons in Hong Kong
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
After 32 years, the #CCP has finally extended its claws onto the tiny island that lights candles for the victims of #TiananmenMassacre on #June4th. Indeed there were no one but the police in the vast and empty #VictoriaPark last night, but light were flickering all around Causeway Bay, all around #HongKong, and ALL OVER THE WORLD. How can this joke of a regime not realize that every time it bans something, it only gets repeated and more loudly and more widely? So well done, #XiJinping and #CarrieLam for reminding global citizens of the thing that never happened by not letting #HongKongers talk about it.
Many members of the #TiananmenMothers have passed away without seeing justice done, at the same time in the global commemorative assemblies yesterday, many school-aged children attended with their parents. The truth will live on.
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When December hits, most feel giddy because Christmas is just around the corner. But the December in #HongKong in 2019 was far from peaceful. The struggle for #freedom went on, and we had a memorable white Christmas - filled with #teargas.
#CCP #China #Beijing #Christmas #whiteChristmas #policebrutality #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #freedomofspeech
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#HongKong had a 71% turnout rate for a local-level election (for seats without political powers) in 2019, today #CCP is worried that no one will vote. What changed? The whole election system, overhauled by #Beijing.
#China #election #LegislativeCouncil #Legco
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Please pay attention to what’s happening to the first #HongKong political prisoners in #China. WHERE IS #TANGKAIYIN???? // #HK #CCP #save12hkyouths
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#CCP censors our speech, but still can't censor people's hearts. // #HongKong #HK #Queen #RIP #UK
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We're laughing but it's actually not funny. The simplest expression of playing a song in #HongKong is now criminal, and so are thoughts. #CCP is also moving quickly on wiping our history, renaming our schools and streets and institutions in the name of "de-colonization". Public opinion? It has no part to play.
#China #decolonization #British #UK #Queen #HK
匿都唔匿 明目張膽歐美插旗爪牙直接介入海外事務
Not even hiding … and how are these allowed? Aren’t even hiding but listed as police affiliated!

#fuckccp #boycottchina #china #ccp #london #glasgow #toronto #newyork #uk #police


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TLDR: 就算失望,不能絕望。共勉之。
This is not a post recounting the details of the #UmbrellaRevolution so much as what it stood for and how it informed the #fightforfreedom in #HongKong. For years, #HKers had been struggling to defend our rights and values from the #CCP. The #UmbrellaMovement in 2014 was for many an awakening to the root cause of the social problems in #HK - the lack of a popularly mandated government as ours was (and is) but a #Beijing puppet.
The experience of 2014 produced the now much more mainstream indigenous ideology and inspired new protest tactics in 2019. Hong Kong has never stopped evolving to cope with challenges and does not intend to stop now. "Be water", the city-wide pro-democracy movement in 2019 taught us, even though it may be dark and the suffering ahead seem endless, don't lose heart. We will remember who we are, what we stand for, persevere and outlive the tyrant.
#China #democracy #freedomofspeech #standwithhongkong
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Even though it’s probably not the most important issue in the #uk at this moment but it’s good to see it’s still being taken care of! Less #ccp influence is always better :)
#fuckccp #china #boycottchina #taiwan #taiwancanhelp
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Is this for real?! TLDR: #CCP literally has no respect left for international diplomatic code, or anything for that matter.
1. Has #China got extraterritorial jurisdiction in the #UK now?
2. Is 🇬🇧 going to do anything about it other than saying they respect our freedom of speech?
3. Hope the protester recovers 🤕 And look after yourselves, y'all going to anti-CCP protests.
#Manchester #HongKong #HK
Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots
【Street booth for Cities De-twinning in Glasgow】
<English below>

中共除了營運非法 #海外警署 外,他們仍然透過不同方式,於英國擴張自己的勢力,就如 #姊妹城市。不久前,曼城已經發生 #中國領使 #戰狼式襲擊 #和平示威者 事件。作為曾在香港經歷過 #中共打壓 人權的每一位,若然我們仍然對此無動於衷的話,情況只會變得更差。

在此我們誠邀一眾反共的朋友,到街站協助我們向本地人講述中共的可怕,並呼籲他們參與 #斷絕姊妹城市 聯署。

簽名聯署!Please sign the petition!

Apart from running illegal overseas police stations, #CCP has been using different ways to mount its hands over the UK, such as #CitiesTwinning. The recent incident in Manchester in which a #ChineseConsulate attacked a peaceful #HongKongProtester was yet another demonstration of China's over-aggressive diplomacy. As we have experienced CCP oppression, if we turn a blind eye and stay hushed to such brutality, the condition will only worsen.

We sincerely invite everyone to join us and help out in the upcoming booth, expose the viciousness of CCP, and urge Scottish locals to sign and support our petition on Cities De-twinning.

22 Nov 2022
Opposite the entrance of St. Enoch Subway Station G1 4DB
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1- when the #ccp #surveillance is carried out overseas and then the draconian #nationalsecuritylaw is used to threaten people … should the #unitedkingdom @ukgovofficial do something?
2- You are probably safe as long as you are overseas, but please think carefully before you wanna go back to #HK.
#fuckccp #boycottchina #china #hongkong
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Landmark #nationalsecuritylaw trials have started in #HongKong. #CCP using #HK’s corrupted judicial system to impose its twisted narrative on HK history. People’s wish for self determination is to be criminalised as “sedition”. Courts = puppets, it’s not just 47 on trial, but everyone in Hong Kong who ever supported the fight for freedom. #China #beijing