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【國安法生效近 9 個月 國安檢控專員身份成謎】

#立場新聞 報道:

《港區國安法》去年生效至今近 9 個月,數十人被控,多人「未審先囚」。律政司的國安檢控科,負責人身份至今仍然成謎,甚至辦公室一般聯絡資料,網站都未有列出。


有傳 2016 年退休的律政司前副刑事檢控專員沈仲平,可能出任國安檢控專員;他回覆《立場》查詢時稱不便評論。記者亦曾多次查詢該科的人手編制,律政司拒絕公開

#初選大搜捕 #顛覆國家政權 #國安法 #法治已死 #法治死完再死 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #政治打壓 #Subversion #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #Judiciary #DOJ #DepartmentofJustice #Bail #Primaries #PrimaryElection #PressFreedom #PublicJustice #PublicInterest
【終院海外法官韋彥德:如要違良知做事將離任 不會容許英國最高法院名聲置於險境】

#立場新聞 連結:

英國《泰晤士報》早前引述消息,指香港終審法院非常任法官之一、現任英國最高法院院長韋彥德(Lord Reed),將會在短期內決定,是否離任終院非常任法官。韋彥德在英國週三(17日)出席國會最高法院年度聽證會時,無透露是否已有決定,指處理這問題要非常小心,形容舉動會是非常嚴重的一步,但如果香港局勢變到他們不能憑良心服務下去,那他就不會再出任香港法官或任命他人來港。他又指,短期內會再與英外相、大法官舉行定期會面,審視委任英法官至香港終審法院的安排。

You should quit Hong Kong's top court now, UK judges are told

#國安法 #法治已死 #法治死完再死 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #政治打壓 #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #Judiciary #CourtOfFinalAppeal #LordReed #Judge #UK #DOJ #DepartmentofJustice
唔洗理啦 反正結果都一樣

唔洗理啦 結果陪跑當任性

無論幾次終生 佢都係唔會明
唔洗理啦 反正呢個制度

圖:IG @side._lee
文字及概念:IG @rehk_neverforget

#選擇 #香港文宣 #hkelection #選票 #國安法 #議會 #區議會 #立法會 #白色恐怖

#撐蘋果 #撐蘋果日報 #蘋果日報 #新聞自由 #國安法 #政治打壓 #留下來的人 #避唔到一齊捱 #WeNeedAppleDaily #SupportAppleDaily
/// 直搗香港自由的核心


/// Cutting Hong Kong's Freedoms to the Core⁣

Hong Kong's Apple Daily newspaper said on Wednesday (June 23) it will be shutting down operations following a raid on its headquarters by national security police and the arrests of several executives for "collusion with foreign powers." The 26-year-old tabloid's assets were frozen, leaving it with no money to pay its staff. Known for a mix of lurid stories of traffic accidents and sex scandals, as well as painstaking investigative journalism and incisive political analysis, Apple Daily fell victim to an ever-broadening crackdown on public criticism of the government under a draconian national security law imposed on Hong Kong by the ruling Chinese Communist Party from July 1, 2020.⁣

#自由亞洲粵語 @rfacantonese⁣⁣

#蘋果日報⁣⁣ #國安法⁣⁣ #appledaily
Hong Kong Watch is formally launching a social media campaign encouraging people to mark the LegCo election that will take place on December19th 2021, by sharing a photo with the hashtag #ReleaseMyCandidate.

With this campaign, hope to send a message to the international community that these rigged elections do not reflect the voice of the Hong Kong people and to again call for the release of the 47 pro-democracy activists and 35+ primaries candidates who have been jailed for over 300days.

Please feel free tagging us in your posts and we’ll retweet / share.
👉🏻our fb/ig: @hongkongwatchorg

#save47 #初選大搜捕 #Support47 #國安法 #顛覆國家政權 #法治已死 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #政治打壓
#國安法 實施以來,共八名工運組織者因他們參與工會及民主運動而被檢控,至今已被未審先囚逾一年。未經審訊而被長期羈柙令被告未能獲得公平審訊,有違《公民權利及政治權利國際公約》等國際人權法及標準。

Since the imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, 8 union organisers have been prosecuted before of their role in their trade union of their involvement in Hong Kong #Democracy movement.

They have been held behind bars over a year. The lengthy pre-trial detention impedes the right to a fair trial and contravenes international human rights laws and standards such as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

#李卓人 #吳敏兒 #余慧明 #黎雯齡 #楊逸意 #伍巧怡 #陳源森 #方梓皓 #工會運動 #LabourRights

Full report:
Post on ig @HKLabourRights
#威權統治 兩年下的香港工運
HK Union Movement under two yerar of #authoritarian rule

香港工會運動在過去 #國安法 實施兩年來面對前所未有的挑戰,儘管現時政治氣氛令人窒息,但工人反抗剝削的Q抗爭並無終止,留任的組織者承受著巨大的心理壓力,仍然有工人有意願和能力自行組織起來爭取權益,他們需要我們的聲援,將他們的聲音帶到國際。

Hong Kong’s independent trade union movement face unprecedented suppression under the Hong Kong National Security Law (#NSL). However, Hong Kong’s courageous labour #activists are still experimenting innovative ways standing up for their rights. Let their voices be heard. Amplify their voices across the world.

Full report:
IG @HKLabourRights

#香港勞權監察 #HKLabourRights #國際線
#海外港人 #國安法 #NationalSecurityLaw #LabourRights #TradeUnion
Not Guilty— Stand with Hong Kong 47

The "Hong Kong 47" are in urgent need of our support. Our fellow Hongkongers are suppressed and cannot speak up in Hong Kong. Therefore, living in the land of freedom, we should stand out and speak for them. We need to stand up for their rights and show the world the unfairness of the Hong Kong government and the CCP. So we urge your support in this joint campaign with participating cities to stand for the politically persecuted "Hong Kong 47" and all other Hongkongers in jail or on trial.

Full Version:

#47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #在英港人 #外國港人勢力