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#秋後算帳 涉舉辦悼念會等活動 科大學生會正副會長被勒令休學一個學期

香港科技大學生會今 (24日) 發聲明,指幹事會成員就舉辦周同學逝世半年悼念會、青蛙路補油及於學生會告示板張貼文宣的活動,被校方判以不同程度的紀律處分。



報導: #丘品新聞
#科大 #周梓樂 #悼念 #UST #HKUST #HKUSTSU #AlexChow #commemoration #MemorialSession #StudentDisciplineCommittee #AcademicRegistry #DisplinaryPunishment #English
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Tldr: HK govt tackling everyone in their way, inc student Union.
It makes sense, given how the younger generations of HKer dislike the govt. But it doesn’t make it okay.
Let’s hope the dissolution of the unions only move the action underground instead of being extinguished completely.

#HongKong #studentunion #cuhk #hku #HKUST
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#brainwash #alert
Now all #university students in #hongkong will need to defend another brainwash attack from #ccp before they can graduate.
#fuckccp #boycottchina #china #standwithhongkong #hku #cuhk #hkust