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"#China wins twice" is the way #CCP China conducts its business. Is Europe really willing to make itself and Europeans vulnerable to #Chinese propaganda, under completely unequal/imbalanced terms???
#EU #tradedeal #Chinatrade #trade #Europe #english #diyms #meme
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2021 Hong Kong Charter:
We shall unite the diasporic communities, to come together at the international front, for the eventual Liberation of Hong Kong. We vow to stand against the oppression from the Chinese Communist Party, to strive for freedom and democracy in Hong Kong, to continue safeguard our determination for Hong Kong's autonomy both locally and overseas, to advocate for international collaboration in countering the Chinese Communist Party's global aggression, and to safeguard the universal values of freedom and democracy.
#2021hongkongcharter #hongkong #standwithhk #standwithhongkong #democracy #fuckccp #boycottchina #english #diyms
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Action action action!
So the US and China gonna meet up in a couple days ... which, NOW, is a very good time to send a signal indeed: the US is not backing off.
But you know what? We want more! More! More!
(Greedy yes but who doesn’t like more actions?!)
#usa #sanction #china #beijing #washington #anthonyblinken #hkpf #fuckccp #boycottchina #meeting #indopacific #english #breaking #news #diyms
政府公布,昨日(15 日)共有 11 宗接種疫苗後送院個案,包括一名 61 歲男子,在接種荔枝角公園體育館接種中心,接種 #復必泰 #疫苗 後出現中風情況,他於下午被送往瑪嘉烈醫院,現正留醫,情況穩定。他亦是本港首宗接種復必泰後中風個案。

#立場新聞 報道全文:

#BioNTech #FosunPharma #復星醫藥
#Vaccine #Vaccination #stroke #CommunityVaccinationCentre #WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #NeverTrustCCP #ChineseVirus #CCPVirus
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Just funny how CCP China/HK govt wants to meddle with someone's internal business when they keep asking people not to do so lol.
#Denmark #CCP #China #HongKong #TedHui #meme



#100毛 / 根據多間傳媒引述《星島日報》報道指,東區法院嘅高級二等檢控主任、同埋法庭檢控主任會前主席嘅黃華芬,幾日前被律政司停職。目前喺政府電話簿中,佢嘅姓名同職位資料已被刪去。


當時電郵寫到「Please advise the police on this important matter of honesty and reliability affecting the legal system of Hong Kong.」 (請建議警方呢件係有關誠信同可信性嘅重要事件,而且係影響緊香港嘅司法制度。)

當時電郵嘅結尾中更加寫到「P.S. We love Hong Kong.」(我哋愛香港。)「 It is sad to see Hong Kong is falling. What happened to the Cathay Pacific will sooner or later happen to DOJ. 」(香港搞成咁,令人好痛心。喺國泰發生嘅事,遲早都會喺律政司發生。)(毛毛強行翻譯)

資料來源:星島日報 | 立場新聞


【敢言檢控主任黃華芬遭停職 傳面對紀律程序】#眾新聞

#DOJ #DepartmentofJustice #Prosecutors #Suspension #ExpressionFreedom #言論自由已死 #政治凌駕一切