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如果發現我哋嘅教材有誤人子弟嘅成份,或者有想學嘅野,請 pm @VladimirPutin852
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Affect 同 Effect

Affect(動詞): 對某樣野有影響。發音
例子: “The coronavirus affects the economy ” 中國冠狀病毒影響經濟。

Effect(名詞): 由於某啲行動或原因而產生嘅結果。 發音
例子:“The coronavirus has a huge effect on the economy” 中國冠狀病毒對經濟有重大影響


Have you imagine that if your country which cannot criticize the government?
呢句主語有少少唔清楚, 如果睇嚟句子基本結構係country criticize government

呢為手足應該係想問如果"你"鬧唔到政府, 所以改一改主語就得
Have you imagine that if you your country which cannot criticize the government?
You can beat trump doll and tweet in Twitter to express you real feeling, which is getting more freedom than in China.
呢句前段唔錯啊, 個比喻雖然少人用但都係睇得明, 但主語都係用得唔係太好
which 係跟住 real feeing, 所以手足係話緊feeling 得到更多自由

呢句唔合理嘅地方係feeling 唔係人, 唔會話感情得到自由
You can beat trump doll and tweet in Twitter to express you real feeling, which means you are is getting more freedom than the people in China.

原句嘅is getting係正在獲得, 同手足對話緊嘅人應該係*已經*有自由
所以應該用present perfect tense, 即have got
You can beat trump doll and tweet in Twitter to express you real feeling, which means you have got are is getting more freedom than the people in China.
Fill in the blank.
"One of the most affected _________, Spain withdrew 58,000 coronavirus testing kits purchased from a Chinese company on March 27, after it was revealed they had a mere 30-percent detection rate."
Final Results
Twitter 英文補習
#Example2 You can beat trump doll and tweet in Twitter to express you real feeling, which is getting more freedom than in China. 呢句前段唔錯啊, 個比喻雖然少人用但都係睇得明, 但主語都係用得唔係太好 which 係跟住 real feeing, 所以手足係話緊feeling 得到更多自由 呢句唔合理嘅地方係feeling 唔係人, 唔會話感情得到自由 所以可以加主語 You…
感謝手足嘅提醒, #Example2 嘅解釋有少少錯
which其實係指前面個兩個action, 即 "beat trump doll" 同 "express your real feeling"
所以其實唔係講緊feeling. 係Admin冇認真睇個句子嘅錯, 抱歉
但即使係咁, 亦都要將 is 變成 are. 因為有 "beat trump doll" 同 "express your real feeling" 總共兩個action

解釋係錯, 但句子冇改錯, 再一次為我嘅大意道歉🙇🏻‍♂️
動物森友會 Animal Crossing
任天堂 Nintendo
補充: 隻game因為可以俾玩家製造以上情景而被中共ban

圖源: @/nintenderos on twitter

正確答案: one of the most affected countries

One of the 嘅中文係其中一個,因為係好多個國家(s)嘅其中一個,所以跟住one of the 嘅依個phrase嘅名詞一定都係眾數。
所有由 "one of the" 開始嘅句子,跟尾嘅名詞都會係眾數。
例: one of the novels, one of my friends, one of the most exciting events
Fill in the blank. (我地假設用嘅係現在進行式)
"One of the most affected countries, Spain _______ 58,000 coronavirus testing kits purchased from a Chinese company."
Anonymous Quiz
MeKong River 湄公河
dam 水壩

大家可以順手加Hashtag #StopMeKongDam

原tweet link:

[幫返泰國人] 支那係湄公河上游起11座水壩,令下游旱災!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
如: WHO (World Health Organization)
Anonymous Quiz
WHO (好似正常英文單字咁讀, hu)
WHO (逐個字母咁讀, W-H-O)
Forwarded from RTHK即時新聞


2020-04-18 16:50:52
民主黨 Democratic Party
李柱銘 Martin Lee
楊森 Yeung Sum
單仲偕 Sin Chung-kai
何俊仁 Albert Ho

前立法會議員 Former member of Hong Kong Legislative Council
李卓人 Lee Cheuk-yan
區諾軒 Au Nok-hin
吳靄儀 Margaret Ng
何秀蘭 Cyd Ho

社民連 League of Social Democrats (political party)
黃浩銘 Raphael Wong
梁國雄 Leung Kwok-hung
吳文遠 Avery Ng

壹傳媒創辦人 Founder of Next Digital (Hong Kong-based pro-democracy media company)
黎智英 Jimmy Lai

民間人權陣線 Civil Human Rights Front (organization)
陳皓桓 Figo Chan

香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會(支聯會) Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China
蔡耀昌 Richard Tsoi
"China's suppression of coronavirus information has real health consequences_____not just in the country but throughout the world."
Final Results
consequences, not (標點符號之後要一個空格)
consequences,not (標點符號之後唔洗空格)

Edward Leung 梁天琦
Conviction 定罪

Appeal (against) 上訴
個against後面要加 "上訴咗啲嘜", 即天琦嘅定罪, 如appeal against his conviction

(court) Rejects appeal (法庭)駁回上訴
(Edward) Loses appeal (天琦)上訴失敗

Mong kok unrest 旺角事件/魚蛋革命

圖源: @/lihkg_forum on twitter
Forwarded from RTHK Latest News
Lawmakers spar in warm up for afternoon showdown

Lawmakers have spent a 45-minute session warming up for a House Committee fight on Friday afternoon, using their morning meeting to argue over who has the best external legal advice and who gets to call the shots over committee business.The Civic Party's Dennis Kwok continued to preside over affairs, as the committee once again failed to get down to the stated business of electing a chairperson.Instead, lawmakers debated whether the DAB's Starry Lee, as last year's chairwoman, has the authority to chair the committee regardless of a new election so that she can help clear up a backlog of work, including a bill to outlaw disrespect for the national anthem.Both sides pointed to external legal advice to back up their claims as to who is allowed to preside over House Committee meetings.The pan-dems' advice, which is that Lee cannot take control and move on to matters other than the election, mirrors that of Legco's in-house legal team.But the pro-establishment camp dismissed the outside legal opinion, saying it's biased being as it was provided by a team led by Bar Association chairman Philip Dykes, and pro-democracy legal scholar Johannes Chan.The pro-democracy camp, who used crowdfunding to pay for their legal advice, blasted their rivals for using taxpayers' money to engage senior counsels who backed up the claim that Lee can replace Kwok to direct the meetings.Lee has said she will chair the next House Committee meeting, at 2.30pm on Friday, and they will discuss which legal advice to follow.But before the morning session ended, Kwok ruled that he would be presiding over the next meeting and the first matter on the agenda, once again, would be the election of a chairperson. Both sides fear trouble at the meeting.Kwok said he doesn't want to see anyone getting hurt, and he urged Legco security staff to exercise restraint.Lee said she hopes there won't be any brawls. "I would like to urge all members to stay calm," she said.Legco staff were making preparations by removing chairs and other items from a corridor outside the meeting venue, "to make more space".

2020-05-08 11:28:13 (3)
#單字 #二十三條 #國歌法 #part1

“The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to
1) prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People’s Government
2) theft of state secrets
3) prohibit foreign political organisations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region
4) prohibit political organisations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organisations or bodies.”

1. Prohibit(動詞): 禁止
2. Treason(名詞): 叛國
3. Secession(名詞): 分裂
4. Sedition(名詞): 煽動人們叛逆國家/君權的行為或言論
5. Subversion(名詞): 顛覆
6. Theft(名詞): 盜竊

感謝 @ksjohnwp 指正錯誤