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It's Chinese Lunar New Year
Ethnic groups in Asia celebrating the same New Year but not only CHINESE
with their unique traditions some apart from Chinese ...
除咗係Chi na有慶祝之外,韓國,越南,菲律賓等等嘅亞洲國家,甚至係美國,加拿大都有慶祝。


農曆新年並非專屬於中共國,國際社會同英語系國家,已經普遍用「Lunar New Year」取代「Chinese New Year」 嘅稱呼。

所以我哋都應該將春節嘅英文譯法,改成「Lunar New Year」(農曆新年)。

喺呢度先預祝各位Happy Lunar New year先啦,願香港人新年平安。
STOP saying Chinese New Year from 2022

#新年正名 #HappyLunarNewYear #LunarNewYear
Mayor of Hackney @mayorofhackney :Last week at Cabinet we were pleased to grant a ten year lease to @hackneychinese to co-curate a new East & South East Asian Community Centre on Englefield Road. Today was a chance to celebrate #LunarNewYear with these diverse communities & talk about their plans for the future. https://t.co/lVS6LMku9i https://twitter.com/mayorofhackney/status/1489982869237866501?s=20&t=Ws9A4L39qXTcgo5juL_bag
春?乜春呀? 唔係春節,唔係中國新年,係農曆新年!

The Lunar calendars used by China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Korea all have the same New Year's Day. Hence, by simply referring to all "Lunar New Year" as "Chinese New Year" is not culturally sensitive and inclusive enough. It is somehow disrespectful to other cultures.

現今世界各地都有不同民族文明使用農曆,例如越南、韓國、香港、台灣、中國、蒙古、泰國、印度以及希伯來等等。其中中國、台灣、香港、越南、韓國嘅農曆新年係同一日,因此將所有農曆新年總括為「中國新年」係非常「文化不包容同不敏感」 (culturally exclusive and insensitive)。

為此,列斯手足連線準備咗電郵template,如果大家發現你身邊有政府部門、公司或者學校使用「中國新年」(Chinese New Year)而非「農曆新年」(Lunar New Year),懇請大家可以send 個email好心提醒,要求佢哋要留心並非只有中國先會慶祝農曆新年。更重要既係,一傳十,十傳百,將會有更多人明白中國不可以騎劫所有亞洲文化。

Referring to our important festival as "Lunar New Year" is more universal and culturally sensitive.

Email Template: http://bit.ly/3Xz10MN

Credit to IG @hongkongers_in_leeds
#正視聽 #農曆新年 #LunarNewYear #行動post
舞龍迎春賀新禧 – 倫敦農曆新年嘉年華 🧧
Dragon Dance Welcomes Spring: Lunar New Year Carnival in London


日期 / Date : 3/2/2024 (星期六 / Saturday)
時間 / Time : 2:00pm - 8:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : Golden Lane Community Centre (EC1Y 0SA)
活動內容 / Content : Games, taro ball making and Fai Chun writing workshops for parents and children, thematic talks, various food and retail stalls.
報名方法 / Registration : https://forms.gle/xPVNEATkgfE3tfAz8 請於Google form預約時段。Please reserve a spot through Google form
名額 / Capacity : 80人一節 總共6節 80 per slot, 6 slots in total (歡迎walk-in )

協辦機構 / Co-organisers :
英倫好鄰舍教會 大樹下合作社

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