Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories
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JournaIist who actually goes to the places she writes about (Gaza, West Bank, Syria, Venezuela, DPRK, Donbass).


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I was in this area a few weeks ago and was told at the time Ukraine was shelling all the time. Well, another example...

Don't be surprised when western media use this scene and claim its Russia shelling a Ukrainian area
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
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🇺🇦🇷🇺 As a result of the shelling of Rubizhne (LPR) by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, one of the shells hit a residential high-rise building, the apartment is on fire.
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Former Nazi/Aidar prison, where they starved, tortured & mock-executed prisoners #UkrainianWarCrimes

From March 2014-March 2022, Aidar took over & militarized a sausage factory near the village of Polovinkina, north and slightly west of Lugansk. They turned part of it into a prison for LPR civilians and military, near-starving them, torturing them, and killing some. It is unknown how many were held there over the years, many didn't return to their families. If dead, their bodies have not yet been found.

Based on what I heard at that former prison, and the testimonies published before and since its March 2022 liberation, Aidar were indeed very much guilty of war crimes.

Although Ukrainian forces and secret services have committed the same heinous torture and executions as the Nazi battalions, it is important to emphasize the Nazi presence and crimes, given the wave of “I stand with Ukraine” virtue signalling which has overtaken the woke world since late February.
Forwarded from Ukrainian Policy Matters (Oliver Martin)
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More than 60 residents of the Kharkiv region evacuated to Russia

Due to the constant shelling of the Ukrainian army, the residents decided to leave and turned to the Russian military for help.

Also, about 30 local dogs and cats were saved from starvation. They will be distributed to nurseries.
"Khodakovsky, commander of the DPR's Vostok Battalion, claims that this OSCE satellite phone was found on one of the prisoners taken at Azovstal. He says this confirms the DPR's suspicions that the OSCE was providing support to the Ukrainian army all these years."
Media is too big
"Tatyana Ivanovna lives in a village near Azovstal. Listen to her story of the Azov battalion shooting the animals in the area and how they almost killed her for trying to save her chickens.

How they mocked her when she asked for water and food: I told their commander: ‘I want to eat, I haven’t eaten for six days …’ And he’s like: ‘I also want to’.

But ‘DPR people... came, hugged me, one brought me stew, another brought me bread, and one even thought of bringing sweets’.

We turned to the subjects of the film VolunTears. They helped Tatyana Ivanovna and other residents of the village of Uspenovka by bringing them food, water and medicine.

#Ukraine #Mariupol #Azovstal

Follow: https://publielectoral.lat/rtdocumentary"
"...Western media propelled a story about deaths of civilians in Bucha, of which Russian military were accused. They downplayed all objective facts and evidence, while hyping up clear fakes. But ultimately, once confronted with firm facts, even Western media recognized that civilians in Bucha had not died of gunshots, but of injuries caused by artillery projectiles of an outdated type that UAF used to bombard the town. Now they replicate new fakes, designed to shift focus from obvious responsibility of Ukrainian troops for the provocation in Bucha, as well as the provocation in Kramatorsk, which Western media prefer not to recall now, after clear evidence of Ukraine’s involvement has been discovered.

The work of collective Western "Ministry of Truth" has reached its climax in recent months. It started an unprecedented campaign of disinformation and manipulation of public opinion, aimed against Russia. Western media, objectiveness not among their strong sides, now have completely turned into state propaganda and a "fake factory".

IT corporations who monopolized the area of social networks and video hostings are no better.

States that call themselves a "community of democracies" in fact are building a cyber-totalitarianism. They want a world where they and only they will control all information flows and define what is or is not true, and what the audience should see and read. They label any alternative viewpoint as "disinformation and propaganda", disregarding all inconvenient facts..."

-- Vassily Nebenzia
🇺🇦В иностранном сегменте телеграмма обсуждают любопытные материалы с флешки одного из журналистов «Азова» Олега Вольнова, обнаруженную в Мариуполе. Материалы там шокирующие, но предсказуемые: как украинских детей и подростков учат кидать «зигу», выкрикивать нацистские лозунги, а ещё употреблять наркотики.

На видео украинским мальчикам лет восьми для потехи дают покурить наркотические вещества, а потом учат «джентельменским» основам любого приличного бойца «Азова»: кричать «хайль Гитлер», вскидывать руку и заодно нападать на прохожих.

На одних фото подростки кидают «зиги» во время приготовления шашлычков на природе. На других Вольнов держит стикер со своими сокровенными желаниями и побуждениями: «убивай русских свиней! Слава Украине! Русские – народ самоедов».

С флешкой также нашли журналистское удостоверение на имя Вольнова Олега Дмитриевича, на котором стоит печать «ГРОМАДСЬКА ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ "НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ КОРЕСПОНДЕНТ"». Владелец этой общественной организации – Николай Кравченко, что указано как в удостоверении, так и в открытых источниках.

Кравченко был одним из главных идеологов батальона, а также создателем гражданского корпуса «Азова», который сформировался вокруг военной ячейки. Этот гражданский корпус, кстати, считали защитником бизнес-интересов Арсена Авакова, то есть стадом пацанов, которые могли и на завод устроить рейд.

Кроме того, Кравченко в 2016-2018 гг. являлся руководителем юношеского корпуса «Азова» и тогда же создал организацию «Азов-Пресс», которая потом получила название «Национальный корреспондент». Именно под эгидой последней работал журналист, чья флешка была найдена в Мариуполе.

Руководитель юношеского крыла, организация медийной работы батальона – всё сходится. На флешке юного журналиста из «Азова» как раз только дети и подростки, которых, видимо, Кравченко с удовольствием заманивал под своё крыло чуткого воспитателя будущих "украинских патриотов".

В марте бывший депутат Верховной рады Игорь Мосийчук и бывший член «Азова» заявил о гибели Кравченко в Мариуполе.

Сколько западные и украинские медиа не пытались сделать из «Азова» геройское воинское формирование, стоящее на страже европейской свободы и «демократии», ребята из нацполка каждый раз будут подставляться. Каждый раз всплывут какие-то новые колоритные материалы, которые идеально отражают идеологию новых европейских «героев». На этот раз неадекватных мальчиков под наркотой обучает нацизму юный подопечный главного идеолога «Азова». Что мы увидим ещё?

#Украина #Азов
@pezdicide никакой химии — только факты
Media is too big
Short clip from recent interview. Yes, we're all anti-war, but at some point you have to stop fence sitting and singing songs & recognize that the people of the Donbass have been warred upon for 8 years. Russia's military operation is to put an end to that (and also to relieve Ukrainian civilians from the reign of Nazi terror they've been living under).
As a rule of thumb, if you see Western corporate media quoting the "Mayor of Mariupol" or any derivative (assistant to) along with a new claim of some alleged, never-proven, non-existent "Russian atrocity", yawn and move on.

Remember the "mass graves" hoax. Yeah, that was via Mr. Runaway Mayor....

The latest: "200 bodies" found by "workers", according to Ukrainian authorities (who are *not* in Mariupol) and relayed by (drumroll...) "Petro Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor".


-200 bodies in one basement is almost certainly logistically improbable, or at least highly unlikely
-The article provides absolutely no photographic evidence, just adviser to mayor says...
-The mayor & all around him have a terrible track record of lying
-When the mayor claimed there was a mass grave west of Mariupol containing up to 9,000 bodies thrown "into pits", the "worst crime of the 21st century", I went to the exact place in question with journalist Roman Kosarev and it was (drumroll...) a small, orderly, normal cemetery. Gravediggers were there, explained each body was buried individually, in coffins, including some Ukrainian soldiers, and basically called the mayor a coward for running off & leaving his city behind.
-In this conflict alone (Russia's military operation in Ukraine), Western corporate media has been exposed for hoax after hoax after lie after lie. Then consider the same re their lies on Syria. Then remember WMDs in Iraq and incubator babies thrown on the ground, and, and... And stop giving any credibility to this corporate owned media who don't give a damn about the people they crocodile tear fake cry for.
-That there are countless (perhaps hundreds, perhaps more) of civilians by Ukrainian shelling or executed by Nazi terror gangs like Azov & Aidar, but same corporate media is silent on these actual existing crimes.
Forwarded from DPR MFA
Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin:

Exactly eight years ago, on May 26, 2014, Donetsk felt all the inhumanity and cynicism of the Kiev regime: Ukrainian militants aimed heavy artillery and combat aircraft at residents of a peaceful city. War has come to the capital of the Republic.

During these long years, we have lived in conditions of military conflict and incessant shelling. But we didn't give up and didn't break down. We defended and built our country in the firm belief that justice would prevail. We knew that the day will come when the Ukrainian criminals, who gave the order to bomb Donetsk, will be judged by the international tribunal.

And this time has come. We are driving the enemy out of our land. The crimes of neo-Nazis are being investigated, and they will be publicly condemned. It should not happen again in the future. Thousands and thousands of innocent victims who died from the aggression of the Ukrainian regime must be avenged.

Latest videos from hard drive of Azov journalist, following from 1st post. These are via a journalist who needs to remain anonymous for their safety.

"The next videos from the hard drive of Azov journalist Oleg Volnov!

Here you can see, how young Azovs are practicing violence with homeless guys..."
Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories pinned «I recently spoke with Larry C Johnson, formerly with the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, on the Donbass & Russia's military operation in Ukraine. https://odysee.com/@EvaKareneBartlett:9/veteran-of-the-cia-state-department,:0»
Interview I did some nights ago with two wonderful Canadian journalists who are concerned about a fellow Canuck journalist (me) being on a Ukrainian kill list.

They were very generous with their time & very well-informed about Ukraine's war on the Donbass.

We discussed Canada's pumping upwards of $1 billion to Ukraine (for "democracy" cough), the very real & very active Nazis in Ukraine, and my scepticism that govt Canada would ever protect me given that they fund Nazis and also given that, back in the day in Gaza when I was repeatedly coming under live Israeli fire while accompanying Palestinian farmers/farm workers, Canada didn't give even a fraction of a f*ck for my Canadian well-being.
