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Global Vaccine Disaster Report-59

stardust_1776 Posting on Twitte:

@AprilMarie710: VAERS Whistleblower Nurse Speaks Out on the growing number ofPediatric Myocarditis Cases

"Pediatric Charge nurse of 13 years was fired for asking 'why aren't we reporting to VAERS?" Regarding the influx of children with myocarditis.

Netizen Comments:
@FairLad76512404 :A lot of kids recently had COVID, which is known to give kids myocarditis.

@JohnAb192423612:This is the kind of person we need to support.

@ivan_martinean:People are afraid to speak out. We are being controlled with fear.

#HimalayaOxfordVisionaryFarm #HongKong #Gfashion #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #PAG #law #PAX #PLA #Himalaya #HDO #HCN #TakeDowntheCCP
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Global Vaccine Disaster Report-65

DrNaomiRWolf posting on GETTR:

@DrNaomiRWolf: Oh. The Washington Post reporting 16 months after I did, that women indeed experienced menstrual problems post-MRNA vaccination. Yet the WH and CDC apparently colluded with Twitter to silence me and then my life and careet was turned upside down. But…now the Wa Post reports that I was right. Ok then.

Netizen Comments:
@fgillam: My granddaughter stopped having periods after her second shot. A year later surgery because her ovaries were covered in cyst.

@Hystorical_1: You’ve been vindicated. You’ve been a beacon of light.

#HongKong #Gfashion #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #PAG #law #PAX #PLA #TakeDowntheCCP
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Global Denunciation of the CCP-31

Enes Kanter FREEDOM Posting on GETTR:

@EnesKanter:Women's rights are human rights, but over the past week, #Iran's dictatorship has once again shown the world its complete disregard to women's freedom.

Brave people of Iran!
Keep fighting!

I stand with my #Iranian brothers & sisters and I support their calls for #Freedom.

Netizen Comments:
@johey0423:Iran’s dictatorship is evil like the CCP and Putin, they against freedom and human rights. They will be finished together this time .let’s go and see what will Putin,the CCP,Iran do

@fangirISW: Love it brother!!! Keep speaking TRUTH!!heartheartheartheartclapclapclapclap

#HongKong #Gfashion #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #PAG #law #PAX #PLA
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Global Vaccine Disaster Report-81

ZeroHedge Posting on GETTR:

@zerohedge :FDA Withholding Autopsy Results On People Who Died After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines

Netizen Comments:
@BO_ZO:Because it will prove the vaccines are killing people. Something they already know.

@Nancy47459:Can’t have the truth getting out or anything…

#HongKong #Gfashion #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #PAG #law #PAX #PLA #TakeDowntheCCP

零對衝金融博客 ZeroHedge蓋特發文:


@BO_ZO :因為它將證明疫苗正在殺死人。他們已經知道的事情。


#HongKong #毒疫苗 #數字貨幣 #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #病毒真相 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒 #TakeDowntheCCP
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Global Denunciation of the CCP-35

News max posting on GETTR:

@newsmax: 'STALEMATE': Chinese state media calls for world to recognize Russia's annexation | Chris Salcedo Show

Netizen Comments:
@TOMAS10: The CCP is doomed , and their support of Putin will make sure of it .

@JASJULY66: Of course they do; China and Russia are working together in a common goal to take down the US and it’s Western allies

#HongKong #Gfashion #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #PAG #law #PAX #PLA #TakeDowntheCCP

美國著名新聞網News max蓋特發文:

@newsmax: 「僵局」。中共國家媒體呼籲世界承認俄羅斯的吞併行為

@TOMAS10: 中共是注定要失敗的,他們對普京的支持將確保這一點。

@JASJULY66: 他們當然會這樣做;中共國和俄羅斯正在為一個共同的目標而合作,以打倒美國和它的西方盟友。

#HongKong #毒疫苗 #數字貨幣 #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #病毒真相 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒 #TakeDowntheCCP
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@newsmax: 在COVID-19大流行期間,Anthony Fauci博士的淨資產增加了500萬美元。紐約人對這些啓示發表了看法。Newsmax的記者邁克-卡特報道。

@Mollygal1: 有一百萬美國人在他的眼皮底下死去。

deleted-roleall1950: 真是一個腐敗的小人。需要進行調查和入獄。

#HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #病毒真相 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒 #TakeDowntheCCP
Global Vaccine Disaster Report-97

Newsmax posting on GETTR:

@newsmax: Dr. Anthony Fauci's net worth increased by $5 million during the COVID-19 pandemic. New Yorkers sound off on the revelations. Newsmax's correspondent Mike Carter reports.

Netizen Comments:
@Mollygal1: And one million Americans died on his watch.

deleted-roleall1950: What a corrupt little man. Needs to be investigated and jailed.

#HongKong #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #TakeDowntheCCP
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Global Vaccine Disaster Report-113

The Vigilant Fox posting on GETTR:

@VigilantFox: CDC Provided Misinformation to Facebook to Combat 'Misinformation' on the Platform

Dr. Peterson Pierre: "The emails also showed that the CDC was working closely with Twitter and Google to censor any dissenting views. The truth of the matter is CDC stands for Center for Disinformation and Control."

Netizen Comments:
@Colin_Cambray: So Fuckerberg is complicit in mass murder...?

@TheNifty1250: Cases against Big Tech and individual bureaucrats for violating our Constitutional rights are now in order.

#HongKong #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #TakeDowntheCCP
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Global Vaccine Disaster Report-112

EpochTimes posting on GETTR:

@EpochTimes: #Florida’s law barring businesses from requiring proof of #COVID19 vaccination is likely legal, a federal appeals court ruled.

Netizen Comments:
@LBM1941: Should have done it 2 years ago. ITS EXPERIMENTAL FOR GODS SAKE!!! STOP JABBING

@Emergencyorwhat: The US Constitution agrees with this ruling. It's against Americans rights to have to get a vaccine especially one killing and disabling. The vaccine mandates and passports is theft of the fundamental human rights of Americans.

#HongKong #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #TakeDowntheCCP
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Global Vaccine Disaster Report-111

DrNaomiRWolf posting on GETTR:

@DrNaomiRWolf: This is huge. Ladapo warns young men AGAINST mRNA vaccines. Finally.

Netizen Comments:
@googwaba: This is Democide on a global scale. This is a crime on a scale we have never seen in all of human history. There are...no words to describe the absolute travesty of this.

@wlindemann: Its too late. They knew before. It's part of extermination. Sterilize people. Shut down the production of new people.

Crimes Against Humanity.

#HongKong #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #TakeDowntheCCP
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Global Vaccine Disaster Report-105

Gateway Pundit Posting on GETTR:

@gatewaypundit:Flashback: German Researchers Found Evidence that a Vaccine-Triggered Autoimmune Reaction Caused Myocarditis in 14 Patients

Netizen Comments:
@1_Preacher :And that's why You NEVER take an untested ( vaccine)
We all know it's Not a Vaccine, it's a skulldeath to many shot!

@hogdog1_0963:it was developedvto induce myocarditis .
in lab rabbits

#HongKong #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #CommunistChina #TakeDowntheCCP