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Warum hat Herr Guo Wengui am 15. Februar 2022 den ersten Konkursantrag seines Lebens unterzeichnet?
——Der juristische Fall zwischen Guo Wengui und PAX (PAG)
New York State Court verkündete am 9. Februar 2022 ohne ein Geschworenengericht ein ungerechtfertigtes und hohes Bußgeldurteil gegen Herrn Guo Wengui.
#PAG #PAX #theSupremeCourtoftheStateofNewYork #LadyMay #MilesGuo #internationalNews #hotnews
Why did Mr Guo Wengui sign the first bankruptcy filing of his life on February 15, 2022?
——The case of the legal entanglement between Guo Wengui and PAX (PAG)
The Supreme Court of the state of New York announced on 9 February 2022 without a jury an unjust and huge fine judgment against Mr Guo Wengui.
#PAG #PAX #theSupremeCourtoftheStateofNewYork #LadyMay #MilesGuo #internationalNews #hotnews
Why didn't the New York Court authenticate the signatures of the documents submitted by PAX(PAG)?
——Mr Guo Wengui and PAX(PAG)'s legal entanglement case
#PAG #PAX #theSupremeCourtoftheStateofNewYork #CCP #MilesGuo #internationalNews #hotnews
德语 Deutsch
Warum hat das New Yorker Gericht die Unterschriften der von PAX(PAG) vorgelegten Dokumente nicht überprüft?
—— Der Rechtsfall von Herrn Guo Wengui und PAX(PAG)
#PAG #PAX #theSupremeCourtoftheStateofNewYork #CCP #MilesGuo #internationalNews #hotnews
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普衡律师事务所 首席执行官LucDespins
LucDespins, CEO of Paul Hastings threatened to have US DOJ,court system, IRS, and SEC put all Chinese Dissident in risk.
#LucDespins #DOJ #SEC #paulhastings #chinesewhistleblowermovement #nfsc #新中国联邦 #单伟建 #卢克 #太平联盟 #美国司法 #敲诈勒索 #WeijianShan #LucDespins #PAG #PAX #USJudiciary #extortion
Media is too big
Luc Despins - 普衡律师所的首席敲诈勒索官
普衡合伙人 Despins 对中国持不同政见者发起 2.5 亿美元的勒索战争
11/26/2022 对邪恶说不:战友在和平抗议时连续接到陌生号码来电导致网络中断;单伟建家人为何要选美国富人区定居?他唯一的儿女为何都要跟白人结婚?卢克的近照已曝光,他俨然成了一个糟老头
Luc Despins - Uyghur Genocide Supporter
Luc Despins - Chief Extortion Officer of Paul Hastings
Paul Hastings Partner Despins Wages $250 Million Extortion War Against Chinese Dissidents
11/26/2022 SAY NO TO EVIL: During the peaceful protests, fellow fighters received multiple calls from unknown numbers in a row, causing Internet outages. Why did Weijian Shan’s family choose to settle in the affluent neighborhoods? Why did both his only son and daughter marry white people? Luc’s recent photo has been revealed, showing he has clearly become a messy old man.
#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #USJudiciary #extortion #卢克 #单伟建 #太平联盟 #美国司法 #敲诈勒索
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One courageous Chinese woman asked our fellow fighters for a lot of flyers and said that she would share the information at the rally in solidarity with the protests across China.
#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #USJudiciary #NFSC
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11/28/2022 对邪恶说不:一位美国公民和他一家三口为何要参加针对单伟建的抗议?单伟建毁掉了多少人晚年的幸福生活?
#单伟建 #太平联盟 #养老金
11/28/2022 SAY NO TO EVIL: Why did a U.S. citizen and his family of three take part in the protest against Weijian Shan? How many people's happy lives in their later years have been destroyed by Weijian Shan?
#WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #pensions
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11/29/2022 对邪恶说不 第10天:新中国联邦战友抗议单伟建不仅为了自己而战,而且是为了告诉美国人中共有多邪恶,从而防止美国变成另一个中共国
#单伟建 #太平联盟 #美国司法 #新中国联邦
11/29/2022 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 10: The purpose for the fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China to protest against Weijian Shan is not only to fight for themselves, but also to tell the Americans how evil the CCP is so as to prevent the US from becoming another Communist China.
#WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #USJudiciary
An American veteran was shocked and outraged when he learned that the lawyers like Luc Despins and the top-notch law firms in the US had colluded with the Chinese Communist Party because this matter concerns the life and safety of every American, as well as their future.
#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #NFSC #USJudiciary
Media is too big
💥SAY NO TO EVIL: No matter how despicably Luc Despins and Weijian Shan make sneak attack against the fellow fighters who are protesting peacefully, we’ll never let them succeed.

💥Chinese Americans are enraged by the blatant power abuse and racial persecution by Luc Despins, a partner of Paul Hastings is a DOJ appointee who issued death threats to Chinese dissidents, if not paid $250M to his personal pocket.
💥Peaceful protest outside Paul Hastings office in NYC continues - please spread the words!
#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #USJudiciary #extortion #卢克 #单伟建 #太平联盟 #美国司法 #敲诈勒索
Media is too big
12/5/2022 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 16: A Jewish American attorney posted a letter online condemning Paul Hastings’ attorney Luc Despins for repeatedly citing an antisemitic website to attack a Chinese dissident seeking asylum in the U.S. The fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China are very supportive of the Jewish attorney’s action and call on all the Chinese people to learn from the Jews and bravely stand up for themselves.
#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #PaulHastings #USJudiciary #NFSC

12/5/2022 对邪恶说不 第16天:美国犹太裔律师在网上发出公开信,谴责普衡的律师卢克反复引用反犹太主义网站的信息来攻击在美国寻求庇护的中国异议人士;新中国联邦的战友们对犹太律师的做法表示非常支持,同时号召中国人也应该像犹太人一样,勇于站出来为自己发声!
#卢克 #单伟建 #普衡 #太平联盟 #美国司法 #新中国联邦
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SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 17: The persistence of the NFSC fellow fighters in their protest gradually made the Central Station staff and police change their attitude and be more supportive of us. Meanwhile, the public became increasingly interested in knowing more about our protests.

对邪恶说不 第17天:新中国联邦战友们对抗议的坚持让中央车站的工作人员和警察逐渐改变态度,并对我们予以更多支持。同时民众也越来越想要了解我们的抗议内容。

#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #USJudiciary #extortion #卢克 #单伟建 #太平联盟 #美国司法 #敲诈勒索
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12/8/2022 DIGA NÃO AO MAL DIA 19: Um funcionário afro-americano da cidade de Beverly Hills torna-se muito solidário com o nosso protesto depois de saber que temos vindo a espalhar a verdade sobre o vírus PCCh e as vacinas COVID. A sua mãe de 90 anos morreu devido ao vírus PCCh, e ele próprio teve de tomar as vacinas COVID a fim de manter o seu emprego.
#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #PaulHastings #OMelveny #JudiciáriodosEUA #NFSC
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On December 20, 2022, while the NFSC representatives at americafest2022 were exposing the viciousness of CCP judicial infiltration
Nick, a member of the self-organized protest group protesting the scandal at the U.S. DOJ,
was suddenly struck and injured by a driver hired by the CCP's lackey, #StuartSarnoff of O'Melveny & Myers LLP
This is a very serious criminal offense of #deliberate murder and #intentional harm to a fellow fighter of NFSC on US soil.
This will be proven in court!
#paulhastings #lucdespins The scum of the U.S. law firm, the lackeys of the Chinese Communist Party, must be held accountable for their actions!
American justice will root out these scum!
2022年12月20日,在新中国联邦代表在 americafest2022 上揭露中共司法渗透的恶行的同时,
突然被中共黑手,#美迈斯 律师事务所 #StuartSarnoff 雇佣的司机开车撞伤!
这是光天化日之下,发生在美国本土的,#蓄意谋杀#故意伤害 新中国联邦战友的一起情节及其严重的刑事犯罪。
#americafest2022 #paulhastings #LucDespins #intentional #StuartSarnoff #CCP #O’Melveny #PAX #pag太平联盟
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On December 23, at the Central Station in Manhattan, New York, the peaceful protests of the New Federal State of China against Paul Hastings and Luc, the judiciary scum, are continuing!
#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #PaulHastings #OMelveny #USJudiciary #NFSC
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New York Central Station, the 38th day of spontaneous protest by fellow fighters!


#LucDespins #WeijianShan #PAG #PAX #PaulHastings #OMelveny #USJudiciary #NFSC
if the people do not take down the CCP and World Economic Forum, There will be no more democracy in the world
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP #Chinese≠CCP #GTV #FDA #PAX ##MEGA 612
07/19/2024 Mr. #Miles #Guo Live Stream Recap

Mr. Guo(01/17/2022): We must use procedural justice to reveal the truths to the world through real evidence. Finally, the Department of Justice, Congress, and others will be fully involved in the investigations. The outcome of the #PAX case will lead to the global efforts to take down the #CCP, completely removing the toxins buried deep in the US and Europe by the CCP.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines