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02/14/2023 BBC News: The US military says it has recovered electronics parts from the suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that it shut down earlier this month, which could be helpful in determining the exact purpose of the structure. The search is continuing for the wreckage of three other objects shot down last weekend that have so far not been identified, while tensions with China show no sign of cooling down.

02/14/2023 BBC:美國軍方表示,他們已經從本月早些時候擊落的疑似中共間諜氣球上找到了電子部件。這些部件可能有助於確定該飛行物的確切用途。而對上週末被擊落的另外三個不明物體殘骸的搜索仍在繼續,這些物體迄今尚未被找到。美中之間的緊張關係至此仍沒有降溫跡象。
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02/14/2023 The US has issued a stern warning to the CCP, saying that it will intervene if Beijing attacks Philippine forces at the South China Sea. The warning from the State Department came in the wake of the Chinese Coast Guard's reported use of "military-grade" laser devices against the crew of the Philippine Coast Guard ship, BRP Malapascua, in the South China Sea last week. This is a significant escalation in the tense relationship between the US and China over the South China Sea. The US is determined to protect the interests of its allies in the Philippines.

02/14/2023 美國向中共國發出嚴厲警告稱,如果中共在南中國海攻擊菲律賓軍隊,美國將進行干預。美國國務院發出警告之前,有報道稱中共國海岸警衛隊上周在南中國海對菲律賓海岸警衛隊的巡邏艦馬拉帕斯加號的船員使用了「軍事級別」的激光。 這是美中兩國在南中國海問題上緊張關係的一次重大升級。美國決心保護其盟友菲律賓的利益。
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02/15/2023 On February 15, 2023, Dalian's People's Square, numerous elderly people petitioned en masse in front of the City Hall to oppose injustices in the medicare reform and fight for their rights. On the same day, hundreds of thousands of elderly people in Wuhan took to the streets and gathered in Zhongshan Park, blocking Jiefang Avenue, to protest the Wuhan government's reform that cut 2/3 of the medicare funds. The CCP sent a large police force, leading to a fierce confrontation between the two sides and the police started to arrest people!

02/15/2023 2023年2月15日大連市人民廣場,眾多老人們在市政府門前集體請願,反對醫保改革中的不公,為自己爭取權利。同日,武漢市數十萬老人走上街頭,齊聚中山公園,將大動脈解放大道堵了個水洩不通,抗議武漢政府砍去2/3醫保資金的改革。中共派出大量警力,導致雙方對抗激烈,警察開始抓人!
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02/14/2023 WION: China released a travel advisory for its citizens living in Pakistan on Feb 11th because of high security risks in Pakistan. Beijing has called the situation grave and complex, all Chinese citizens and businesses should stay vigilant and pay attention to local security situations. The Chinese Embassy in Islamabad closed down its consular section on Feb 13th.

02/14/2023 世界新聞台:由於安全風險增加,中共2月11發佈旅行警告,提醒中共國公民謹慎前往巴基斯坦。北京稱巴基斯坦現在的安全形勢嚴峻複雜,所有在巴中共國公民和企業務必提高警惕,密切關注當地安全形勢。2月13日,中共駐巴基斯坦大使館關閉了其領事證件大廳。
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#國際 令人震驚的民意調查:44% 接種疫苗 的澳大利亞人表示後悔。
郭先生2023年2月15日直播概要 (英语,共4页)
Summary of Miles Guo’s Grand Live Broadcast, Feb. 15, 2023
#ChatGPT #BrunoWu #NeilShen #BillGates #MilesGuo #NFSC #ProjectA10 @NFSC777
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February 15,  2023 #milesguo revealed that following Sequoia Capital's Shen Nan Peng’s failed attempt to acquire #CHATGPT, the CCP sent a team to negotiate with #Microsoft, a shareholder of CHATGPT’s Open AI, threatening them with access to the CCP-controlled Communist-China market. Obviously, it turns out to be another CCP’s success, CHATGPT became another platform aiding CCP with content #censorship according to the CCP's needs. @NFSC777
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#milesguo revealed that there are over a thousand of launch bases for spy balloons in communist China, goes beyond its border, the CCP's largest overseas launch base located in #RedSea coast of #saudiarabia
Arabia, many more military spy balloon bases have been deployed by the CCP around the world, in the #Bahamas, #Cuba, and #Venezuela. CCP has over 200 tiers of balloons. These that have been shot down are lowest tier.
February 15, 2023. In his live stream, Miles Guo asked the same question both in simplified Chinese, primarily used in Communist China, and traditional Chinese, which is used in HK, Taiwan and overseas Chinese communities.
Shockingly, CHATGPT gave very different answers to the exact same question in simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.
Which discloses that CHATGPT has done significant content review.
Went on in his live stream, Mr. Guo further revealed that following Sequoia Capital's Shen Nan Peng’s failed attempt to acquire CHATGPT, the CCP sent a team to negotiate with Microsoft, a shareholder of CHATGPT’s Open AI, threatening them with access to the CCP-controlled Communist-China market. Obviously, it turns out to be another CCP’s success,
CHATGPT became another platform aiding CCP with content censorship according to the CCP's needs.
Once AI chat bots like CHATGPT are controlled by the devils like the CCP, the threat of AI technology brings much worse and deadly threats to humanity than nuclear weapons. Following the CCP, the CCP will lead you to the graveyard. CHATGPT is bound for a rapid demise if CCP influence is not stopped sooner.
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02/14/2023: Former Brexit leader Nigel Farage: The CCP’s spy balloon showed that its levels of surveillance are way beyond anything any of us have understood. Most of our western politicians do not have the guts to stand up against the CCP, no doubt many of the elites are already in the pay of the CCP. We need to understand China is playing a hundred-year game towards world domination. Wake up and smell the coffee, everybody!

02/14/2023: 前英國退歐領導人奈傑爾·法拉奇:中共間諜氣球表明中共國的監控水平遠遠超出了我們的認知。大多數西方政客沒有勇氣對抗中共, 毫無疑問,西方很多精英已被中共收買。我們要明白中共正在為「統治世界」而進行「百年博弈」。每個人都要覺醒並瞭解真相。
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02/13/2023 Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe urges transparency on spy crafts penetrating U.S. airspace in recent days. The first spy balloon was an act of espionage in plain sight, plain view of the American people. The Biden Administration’s excuses of not shooting down the CCP’s first spy balloon have now drifted away with numbers 2, 3 and 4.

02/13/2023 前國家情報總監約翰·拉特克利夫敦促政府對最近幾天入侵美國領空的間諜飛行物增加透明度。第一個間諜氣球是在美國人民視線下明目張膽得進行間諜活動。拜登政府不擊落中共第一顆間諜氣球的藉口,隨著後面第2、3、4個飛行物的出現而站不住腳了。
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02/14/2023 Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discusses how the US has responded to the CPP’s spy flights. Pompeo says it's a shame on America that the Biden Administration allowed a balloon to travel for five days across the United States, this is a weakness and invites provocation. It is not normal to shoot down four things in a handful of days, so an explanation is required for why they are treating these objects differently.

02/14/2023 前美國國務卿邁克·蓬佩奧就美國如何回應中共的間諜飛行器進行點評。彭佩奧表示,拜登政府允許間諜氣球飛越美國領空長達5天,這是美國的恥辱,這種軟弱表現會招來敵人的挑釁。美國政府在數天之內就擊落了四個物體是不正常的,他們需要解釋為何要用不同的方式應對這些飛行物。
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02/15/2023 荷蘭半導體公司阿斯邁的光刻技術是製造半導體的關鍵,中共國一向覬覦此項技術。阿斯邁稱他們在中共國的一名前僱員盜取了公司的「一些數據」。目前此事件仍在調查中。

02/15/2023 The lithography technology of Dutch semiconductor company ASML is a linchpin to manufacturing semiconductors, and China has always coveted this technology. ASML said a former employee in China stole "some data" from the company. This incident is still under investigation.
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02/15/2023 China, Iran and Russia are consolidating to be an evil axis to counter the western hegemony. They have been trying to align their interests through bilateral deals and visits. Iran is giving drones to Russia. Iran is also looking to join the SCO. Russian officials also visited Iran in November. In December, China's Vice Premier visited Tehran. China has also been economically supporting Russia during this war.

02/15/2023 中共國、伊朗和俄羅斯正在形成對抗西方霸權的邪惡軸心國。他們一直在試圖通過雙邊貿易和訪問形成共同利益。伊朗出售無人機給俄羅斯,它也在尋求加入上合組織。去年11月份俄羅斯官員訪問伊朗;去年12月中共副總理訪問德黑蘭。在俄烏戰爭期間,中共國也一直在從經濟上支持俄羅斯。