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The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has intensified restrictions on outbound travel for officials at all levels. Hong Kong media report that the CCP strictly controls leaders' travel in civil service, state-owned enterprises, state-owned banks, universities, and hospitals, with officials at the "director" level and above facing permanent restrictions. Experts suggest this reflects the CCP's deep-seated insecurity.
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During the annual Shangri-La Dialogue summit for defense officials, Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun said, "Anyone who dares to split Taiwan from China will be crushed and destroyed."

Taiwan's defense minister said they had a "grasp" on the situation after a Chinese nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine surfaced in the Taiwan Strait.

They were alerted to the presence of the nuclear-capable Jin-class submarine after it was spotted by a fishing boat.

Military experts believe it may have surfaced due to a mechanical problem rather than as a show of strength in the region.

They estimate it was traveling through the Taiwan Strait to avoid U.S and Japanese military exercises taking place in the Philippine Sea.

Source: Liberty Times
2024年6月16日 多语快报,NFSC新闻简报 (英语,共4页)
June 16, 2024 Multilingual Express, NFSC Press Briefing
#takedowntheCCPviatheCCPitself #CCP #NFSC #MilesGuo #CCPdoesnotrepresentchinese #takedowntheCCP #CovidCCPvirus #culturalrevolution
The battleground between America and the CCP is not in Beijing, but in the US
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP #COVID #FDA #CDC #mRNA #MEGA 571
CCP – True evil and Satan! It has not only released the virus to the entire world, but has also been spreading its evil governing system.
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP #Chinese≠CCP #COVID #FDA #CDC #mRNA #MEGA 572
Kansas AG Sues Pfizer
for Lying About Its Vaccine
On June 17, Kansas AG Kris Kobach announced he was suing Pfizer for misleading Kansas residents about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine. The complaint accuses Pfizer of misleading Kansans about the vaccines’ risks, including potential harm to pregnant women and the risk of myocarditis, and further alleges that Pfizer falsely claimed its vaccine was effective against COVID variants despite evidence to the contrary. - The Gateway Pundit, 06/17/2024

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Dr. Mike Yeadon: You can’t invent, properly test, and mass produce anything, let alone a complex product, in less than a year. With my experience, plus the people who are in clinical development, and now I have friends who are in manufacturing, you can’t do it in 5 years. It’s not a matter of throwing more money and more people…
Mike Yeadon 博士:不可能在不到一年的時間內發明、正確測試並大規模生產任何產品,更不用說複雜的產品了。憑借我的經驗,加上那些從事臨床開發的人,現在我結識了從事製造的朋友,所以你不可能在 5 年內做到這一點。這不是投入更多資金和人力的問題……

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There is a lot of evidence that 1. Scientists in the Wuhan lab conducted gain-of-function research on how to make the coronavirus in the human body. They succeeded. 2. The United States helped pay for it. 3. It is very likely that the coronavirus leaked from this lab and killed 25 million people. 4. We can't know for sure because some American scientists don't want to disclose it, and the Chinese Communist Party is unwilling to cooperate. And Americans should know the truth.
有大量證據表明1. 武漢實驗室的科學家對如何在人體中製造冠狀病毒進行了功能獲得性研究。他們成功了。2.美國幫助支付了費用。3.很有可能,冠狀病毒從該實驗室洩漏並導致 2500 萬人死亡。4.我們無法確切知道,因為一些美國科學家不願透露,而中共政府也不願合作。所以美國人應該知道真相。

Kansas AG Kris Kobach accuses Pfizer of misleading vaccine marketing in lawsuit

06/17/2024 #Kansas Attorney General #Kris #Kobach said that Kansas sues #Pfizer for misleading claims it made to the public related to its #COVID-19 injections. Pfizer concealed its #vaccine’s risks to pregnant women and that it can cause heart disease such as myocarditis, and falsely claimed that its vaccine was effective against the covid variants and could prevent the transmission of covid-19. Pfizer also colluded with social media platforms to censor any speech critical of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness.

#ccp≠chinese #ccp≠china #decouplefromchina #novaccines
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James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee: The CCP has infiltrated not only the US economic and academic fields but also the political fields. It has also infiltrated some external groups to promote the "climate change" agenda. All this the CCP has done is hurt the US economy and divide American politics.
眾議院監督委員會主席James Comer: 中共不僅滲透了美國的經濟領域,學術領域,也深有了政治領域。中共還滲透了一些外部團體,推動「氣候變化」議程。中共所做的這一切都是為了傷害美國經濟,分裂美國政治
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Dr. Kimberly Biss: Early on, the Japanese requested information from Pfizer through the Freedom of Information Act that clearly showed that lipid nanoparticles (fatty envelopes around RNA) can go anywhere in the body. They did this because they were using lipid nanoparticle technology early on to deliver chemotherapy drugs across the blood-brain barrier into the brain…
Kimberly Biss 博士:早些時候,日本人通過《信息自由法》要求輝瑞公司提供信息,這些信息清楚地表明脂質納米顆粒(RNA 周圍的脂肪包膜)可以進入人體的任何地方。之所以這樣做,是因為他們早期使用脂質納米顆粒技術將化療藥物穿過血腦屏障送入大腦…

Scientists Testified COVID Virus
Originated From Wuhan Lab
On June 18, during a U.S. Senate panel, Dr. Richard Ebright stated that "the large preponderance of evidence indicates that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, entered humans through a research incident." Dr. Steven Quay concurred, saying that "the probability that this actually came from nature based on these features is one in a million." Dr. Ebright also pointed out that the now-debarred Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) carried out US-funded, gain-of-function research on viruses between 2014 and 2021.

罗格斯大学分子生物学家理查德·埃布赖特(Richard Ebright)博士6月18日在美参议院作证时说,“零证据表明新冠病毒起源于自然”。“它起源于‘全球蝙蝠 SARS 病毒研究中心’——武汉病毒研究所”。“该所进行了基因改造病毒研究,使之细节上与新冠病毒特征相符”。“实验产生的变异病毒在肺部的传染性是原来的 10,000 倍,在脑中的传染性是原来的 100 万倍,在人源化实验室小鼠中的致死率是原来的 3 倍”。