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Washington Post published an article to slam “Florida surgeon general’s warning on coronavirus vaccines”, but they can’t provide any actual details on exactly where the calculation went wrong.华盛顿邮报发文抨击“佛州医疗总长对中共病毒疫苗的警告”,却提不出任何细节来说明哪里计算错误

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Former DEA Agent Derek Maltz: Fentanyl and NPS are made in Chinese laboratories, they are chemical weapons and are being used against our kids and our future generation. CCP is behind the scenes of the fentanyl crisis, destabilizing the country, as the cartels are getting rich.
10/11/2022 前美国缉毒局特工主管德里克·马尔茨:芬太尼和新精神活性物质(New Psychoactive Substance,简称NPS)是在中共国实验室制造的,它是一种化学武器,被用来攻击我们的孩子和下一代。中共是芬太尼危机的幕后主使,他们在破坏美国稳定的同时,还让毒枭牟取暴利。
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10/12/2022 GB News Mark Dolan on Pfizer vaccine scandal: The politicians, the corporations and the high profile celebrities and TV doctors who needlessly coerced people into having the COVID vaccine have got blood on their hands. Never forgive, never forget, and never again.
10/12/2022 GB News主持人马克·多兰评论辉瑞疫苗丑闻:政客、公司、明星和电视医生毫无必要地胁迫民众注射中共病毒疫苗,他们手上沾满鲜血。永远不要原谅,永远不要忘记,永远不要再犯。
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The 20th National Congress is the life and death Congress of the CCP
#The20thNationalCongress #Xi Jinping #CCP #NFSC #milesguo #international news #hotnews
Media is too big
CCP is making BGY bribes in South American countries and Building military bases around the Atlantic and Pacific
#MilesGuo #NFSC #WhistleblowerMovement #CCP #CCPgameOver #BGY #militarybases
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #中共不灭灾难不止 #共产党你完了 #南美国家 #蓝金黃 #大西洋 #太平洋 #军事基地
31,470 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS
#Covid #COVID-19 vaccines #CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention #CDC #internationalnews #hotnews
#Covid #新冠疫苗 #美国疾控中心 #internationalnews #hotnews
Global Vaccine Disaster Report-128

Chief Nerd posting on #GETTR

German Pathologists Present Autopsy Results of "Sudden Adult Death" Patients Post- #Vaccination

"The blood brain barrier can be crossed by the vaccine. And you can see that it's the actual brain cells that produce the spike protein."

Netizen Comments:
@jillshank: These brain cells should be focused on thinking but instead are focused on producing spike possibly explaining changes in character after vaccination. (Exactly what @DrNaomiRWolf has described about personality changes)

@Heidi_5580: I have a friend who took her two shots about a year ago. Will not take any more⋯⋯

#CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine
Global Vaccine Disaster Report-127

P_McculloughMD posting on #GETTR

Because #COVID19 #vaccines cause fatal myocarditis and many cases are silent before the cardiac arrest, #Casten's daughter died of this condition unless proven otherwise. He should come out publicly and warn parents and children that this can happen to them and the only way to avoid catastrophe is to decline the unnecessary shots.

Netizen Comments:
@Weldingboy73 :so its a silent killer vaccine

@Dixel: This just shows how low they are willing to go, sacrificing their own child in a game of Russian roulette.

@gisimm1: As a father of a daughter, it's hard to understand the pain I would feel were I in his shoes⋯⋯

#CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine
Global Vaccine Disaster Report-126

P_McculloughMD posting on #GETTR

Why are the #Chinese wearing hazmat suits? #COVID-19? I have never worn one and have taken care of hundreds of patients. On my show this week I interview Dr. #Maria Eugenia #Barrientos from El Salvador who has treated thousands of acutely ill COVID-19 patients and she never wore a mask. When you see hazmat suits, think of the false narrative.

Netizen Comments:
@Butterscotch :Exactly, China(#CCP) does this to provoke fear around the world, so everyone takes extreme measures that benefit the #CCP… more testing, more buying, more lockdowns…

@weldingboy73: The hazmat suit is more for fear effect on the population its a very alarming picture⋯⋯
The #EPPO confirms that it has an ongoing investigation into the acquisition of COVID-19 vaccines in the European Union. This exceptional confirmation comes after the extremely high public interest. No further details will be made public at this stage.

Media is too big
來自克羅地亞的議員米斯拉夫·科拉庫希奇·梅普,針對疫苗問題繼續呼籲「歐盟委員會應立即終止針對COVID-19的新劑量假疫苗的合同,並要求歸還迄今已支付的25億歐元。 所有謊稱疫苗可以防止病毒傳播的人都必須被追究責任。」