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本台討論主題 : 中外時政 , 神秘學 外星人 / 陰謀論 , 文化藝術考古歷史哲學自然科學大包圍 。

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COVID : Dr. Peter McCullough said They Don't Want You To Know 5 Things of COVID
1. The virus does not spread asymptomatically.
2. We should never test asymptomatic people.
3. Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable.
4. COVID-19 is easily treatable at home.
5. The current vaccines are obsolete, unsafe, and unfit for human use.
#vaccine #covidhoax #jab
Young people die AFTER the jab, Don't be a Guinea pig. Experimental (Wuhan) COVID vaccine kills, mandatory vaccination is mass murder: #ScrewYourFreedom #jab #vaccine #murder #CovidHoax #Fraud #Scam #BillGates #Fauci #Rothschild #Rockefeller https://ugetube.com/watch/experimental-covid-vaccine-destroying-young-life_gM3PjRn43wFsFP9.html
謠傳羅馬尼亞已關閉疫苗中心的“謠丸子” 💊💊💊 粉碎吧!🗯️看眞相~

Poor Romanians, they always pay to make someone very rich.
I know people who got the vaccine just because they knew it was gonna be mandatory, they didn't want it but just gave up.

#Romania just bought 120 million doses a couple of weeks ago (July 2021). 購置一個億++的針劑數量,誰在和你玩玩!💨

Romania's population: 19 million. That's 6 boosters per person (minimum! Including infants and the sick et al).

What's your country's name and population? How many vaccines has your government bought? 想想你自己國家的人口總數吧!…你的政府papa購置了多少隻呢?🔔

#Jab #Population #Vaccines #Doses #Romania



♨️ 心臟問題
💢 血栓
🔺 腦神經問題
‼️ 陰道出血
🚨 炎癥
💊 皮膚問題
💥 疾病爆發

「證詞項目」的創建是為了為所有接種 #Covid19 #疫苗 後受到影響的人提供一個平台,並確保他們的聲音被聽到,因為以色列媒體還沒有聽到他們的聲音。 The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the Covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.

📺 完整的視頻和證詞:

#針反應 #AE#Jab #Injection #Adverse #SideEffect #Injuries #Death #Reaction #VAERS #Thrombosis #Bloodclot #Blood #Disease #Inflammation #Testimony #Truth #Proof #針劑 #疫苗不良事件報告系統 #血栓 #血液 #副作用 #針劑損傷 #死亡 #不良反應 #微粒脫落 #靴頂 #抗體依賴性增強 #疾病 #炎症 #見證 #眞相 #證明

@PandemicTruths 💬