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Clearly, we are being set up for something very bad


What is really going on here? Incompetence alone cannot be the answer. The incompetence required is too vast to be possible especially when from all over the world the most distinguished scientists and medical experts of our time are issuing alarms that are censored by “official health authorities” and the media.


The corrupt dumbshits doing the censoring are not capable of carrying the books for the real experts who are being silenced.
Clearly, we are being set up for something very bad.

Depopulation generally, focusing on the elimination of the middle classes in the West in particular. Look at how many middle class owned businesses have been destroyed. Its not what they say, its what they do …. “Ye shall see them by their fruits” Matthew.

The Western economies are now contracting. The more they contract the higher markets go, as capital flees to perceived safety. When “they” are ready, they will collapse this too.
Biden, Fauci discuss requiring COVID booster shots every 5 months

“President Biden on Friday said he and Dr. Anthony Fauci discussed requiring COVID-19 booster shots every five months rather than every eight as previously anticipated.

The shorter timeframe would increase the number of vaccine doses that the US will need to set aside for booster shots — as poorer nations clamor for more US donations.

“The question raised is should it be shorter than eight months? Should it be as little as five months? That’s being discussed. I spoke with Dr. Fauci this morning about that,” Biden said in the Oval Office during a visit from Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.”

Why Is the Gates Foundation Funding the UK’s Medicines Regulator?

“On August 13, the UK government published a response to a freedom of information request in relation to the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) — the UK’s equivalent of the FDA. The question it was in response to enquired as to whether or not the agency had received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The answer was yes:”

“Firstly, $3 million may not be a lot of money to the GF but it’s still a substantial sum to the cash-strapped MHRA. Secondly, the Gates Foundation’s roughly $60 billion in assets include, among other things, shares and other forms of investments in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, whose products the MHRA has to regulate on a regular basis. Those companies include Sanofi, Merck, Eli Lilly and Company and Abbott Laboratories, all of which have developed or are developing covid-19 treatments and/or vaccines that are yet to receive authorisation in the UK. They also include Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech, which together have developed and marketed the most profitable vaccine in history.

This is a blatant conflict of interest. It’s also worth noting that the MHRA’s former CEO, Ian Hudson, now works as a senior advisor at the GF.”

Forwarded from Wakingup1984
We believe it is likely the FDA was instructed to find a way to both license the Pfizer vaccine — so mandates would be legally supported — while also retaining the vaccine’s liability shield.

The FDA could not find a way to do this under existing law. So instead, as we
reported Aug. 24 in The Defender, the agency chose to create confusion regarding the legal status of the two Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.

Highly recommend reading the latter portion of this article

Forwarded from 西行小宝
8/29 对于那些没有看透武汉病毒和疫苗真相的,尽管我们很早就重复过多次我们的看法: 病毒和疫苗,就是权力利益集团推进纳粹式极权管理的工具,以实现他们所谓的“大重启”,跟保护你的健康没有任何关系。

请看: 以色列已经宣布,不再把打过2针疫苗的人算作“免疫”。到9月1号,只有打过第三针的人才算作“免疫"。

权力利益集团正在使用医疗法西斯推进他们的极权计划。在欧洲率先推出疫苗护照,在澳洲利用病毒进行封锁(lockdown),在以色列开始强行推进”第三针“。如果不打疫苗,就不能参与正常社会生活; 如果不按照他们的意愿,打第三针,第四针,第五针....,最终你还是不能参与社会生活。



在反抗暴政,保护自由的道路上,只有两条路: 彻底区服,和彻底抗争!请你加入到彻底抗争上面来,因为前者是死路。【西行小宝报道】

Forwarded from  (Kira Yagami Raito)



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