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呢單料其實幾大,但好似被主媒忽略。多倫多警局放左料一個視像會議。由43分鐘開始起,有位我相信是Derek Sloan議員向多倫多市長及其他committee提供有關covid及delta variant 存活率是99%, 並要求市長,省長, 醫管局及Teresa Tam承担責任及落台。最令人費解是條片是由多市警局放!


#特斯拉 #爆炸 #馬斯克


週五,一個 13 公噸的鋰電池在距離墨爾本約 50 英里的吉朗附近名為維多利亞大電池的可再生能源工廠起火。據澳大利亞廣播公司報導,大火隨後蔓延到相鄰的電池組,但此後已被控制。

該地區已發布有毒煙霧警告。消防人員最多需要等待 24 小時,火勢才會熄滅。

該站點是繼 2017 年在南澳大利亞安裝之後的第二個特斯拉電池項目,特斯拉首席執行官埃隆馬斯克當時稱該設施為“世界上最大的”。

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#假旗行動 #以色列船隻 #被襲擊
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#彭斯 #賣國者 #男同性戀
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Media is too big

Sidney Powell討論了聯邦調查局和Nancy Pelosi在 1 月 6 日的假旗中的角色。 仔細聽。我們人民要求看錄像。

Sidney Powell discusses the FBI & Nancy Pelosi’s role in the January 6th false flag.

Listen closely. We the People demand to see the footage.


#SidneyPowell #NancyPelosi #FalseFlag #國會山莊衝擊事件
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Radioactive material missing en route to Michigan, NRC says


Radioactive material headed to Michigan from an Ohio company never made it to its destination, according to a filing by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, prompting one expert to call the mishap "inevitable" considerinof the millions of shipments of the material each year.


#核管會 #Michigan #放射性物質 #掉失 #人為災難
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CDC 研究稱,馬薩諸塞州 74% 的 Covid-19 感染者已完全接種疫苗。 週五公佈的數據基於一項研究,該研究包括 469 例與多個夏季活動和大型公眾集會相關的 Covid 病例。 據 CDC 稱,共有 274 名接種疫苗的突破性感染患者出現症狀。 大約四分之三的病例發生在已完成兩劑 mRNA 疫苗療程或接受單劑強生疫苗接種的完全接種人群中。 469 人中有 4 人最終不得不住院,所有病例中有 90% 被發現是冠狀病毒的三角洲變體。

74% of people infected with Covid-19 in Massachusetts were FULLY VACCINATED, CDC study claims.

The data published Friday was based on a study comprising 469 cases of Covid associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings.

Overall 274 vaccinated patients with a breakthrough infection were symptomatic, according to the CDC.

Around three quarters, of the cases occurred in fully vaccinated people who had completed a two-dose course of the mRNA vaccines or received a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Four of the 469 people ended up having to be hospitalized, and 90% of all cases were found to be the Delta variant of Coronavirus.


#接種疫苗 #新增病例 #美國
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2021 年第二季度的業績顯示,美國五家最大的科技公司的利潤比去年第二季度增加了一倍多

Profits of the five largest American tech companies grew by the results of the second quarter of 2021 a little more than doubled compared to the second quarter of last year


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兩個男人在接受 Moderna 後臉上出現了滲出的紅疹

Two Men Develop Oozing Boils on Their Faces After Receiving Moderna



#Moderna #副作用
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世界經濟論壇克勞斯施瓦布:“口罩是不夠的。我們需要疫苗來讓自己免疫。網絡攻擊也是如此……我們需要構建 IT 基礎設施,讓數字抗體固有地溢出來保護自己。” 英鎊商店債券惡棍從不閉嘴。

WEF Klaus Schwab:” Masks are not sufficient. We need vaccines to immunize ourselves. The same is true for Cyber attacks…We need to build IT infrastructures that have digital antibodies spilled in inherently to protect themselves.”

The pound shop bond villain just never shuts up.


#世界經濟論壇 #克勞斯施瓦布
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THOUSANDS demand Guatemala president’s resignation for firing anti-corruption prosecutor

Guatemalan protesters have DEMANDED President Alejandro Giammattei resign after his sacking of a prominent anti-corruption prosecutor - who was investigating cases linked to Giammattei.

Demonstrators set fire to tires and threw paint over police. “Today we are in front of the presidential palace but a president does not live here: a traitor does," said Samuel Pérez, an opposition lawmaker.

Attorney General Maria Porras insisted that the dismissal of Juan Franciso Sandoval was justified, claiming he [Sandoval] “exercised selective justice..."

President Giammattei slammed Sandoval’s allegations that he was linked to an incident last year when $15mn in cash was found in a briefcase in a minister’s house.

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⚡️聯合國駐阿富汗總部遭到襲擊 - 一名軍官死亡,數人受傷 阿富汗赫拉特的聯合國大樓在政府軍與塔利班之間的戰鬥中被擊中。入口遭到火箭榴彈和槍聲的襲擊。據說該視頻顯示了該地區的一場戰鬥,據稱塔利班接管了一個檢查站。 聯合國表示將追究責任人的責任: “必須查明這次襲擊的肇事者並將其繩之以法……國際法禁止襲擊聯合國文職人員和大院,這可能構成戰爭罪。聯合國在阿富汗是一個民事實體,專注於支持和平努力、促進所有阿富汗人的權利以及提供人道主義和發展援助。”



#聯合國駐阿富汗總部 #一名軍官死亡 #有機會構成 #戰爭罪
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#以色列 #油輪 #爆炸
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⚠️注意:🇬🇧英國訂購抗凝劑超過 30 億英鎊‼️ 當英國政府突然以超過 30 億英鎊的價格訂購凝血抑製劑,並且招標指定了 2021 年 11 月 1 日至 2024 年 3 月 31 日(!)作為履行日期時,人們不得不懷疑這是否是當前的破產應對“大流行”的策略。 然而,我們談論的是一個永遠無法掩蓋的量級。即使這不是明確的意圖證明,現在英國政府也很難不承擔至少作為心腹或共同犯罪者的責任。

⚠️CAUTION: 🇬🇧UK orders anticoagulants for OVER £3 billion‼️

When the UK government orders blood-clotting inhibitors out of the blue for over £3 billion, and the bidding specifies 01 Nov 2021 to 31 Mar 2024(!) as the fulfillment dates, one has to wonder if this is the bankruptcy of the current strategy for dealing with the "pandemic".

However, we are talking about a magnitude that simply cannot be covered up for eternity. Even if this is not definitive proof of intent, it will now be very difficult for the British government not to be held accountable at least as a confidant or an co-perpetrator.



#英國 #大量入手 #抗凝血劑 #2024年3月31日結束 #假疫情
​​Covid vaccines from Pfizer destroy every system of the human body

The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a citizen-led group of Israeli health experts, has issued an urgent warning that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” from Pfizer damages virtually every system of the human body.

While much of the attention, at least in Europe, has centered around the AstraZeneca jab, which is linked to deadly blood clots, the Pfizer injection is actually far more dangerous and a much bigger threat, based on the latest data.

A detailed report released by the IPC warns that getting jabbed with a Pfizer syringe could lead to a catastrophic health outcome, as evidenced by the high number of people who have already had their lives ruined by it in Israel.

“There has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people,” the report explains. “We received 288 death reports in proximity to vaccination (90% up to 10 days after the vaccination), 64% of those were men.”

The Israeli Ministry of Health, meanwhile, is claiming that only 45 people in Israel have died from the Pfizer injection. This is a gross undercount that minimizes the true deadly impact of the jabs.

If the figures contained in the IPC report are valid, then more Israelis have died from the Pfizer shot than have Europeans from the AstraZeneca shot throughout the entirety of Europe.

“According to Central Bureau of Statistics data during January-February 2021, at the peak of the Israeli mass vaccination campaign, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared with the previous year,” the report further warns.

“In fact, January-February 2021 have been the deadliest months in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates compared to corresponding months in the last 10 years.”

Younger people are dying most from the Pfizer jab

The most affected demographic seems to be younger people between the ages of 20-29, which saw the most dramatic increase in mortality post-release of the Pfizer vaccine.

“In this age group, we detect an increase of 32% in overall mortality in comparison with previous year,” the report states.

“Statistical analysis of information from the Central Bureau of Statistics, combined with information from the Ministry of Health, leads to the conclusion that the mortality rate amongst the vaccinated is estimated at about 1: 5000 (1: 13000 at ages 20-49, 1: 6000 at ages 50-69, 1: 1600 at ages 70+).”

Based on this data, the IPC estimates that as many as 1,100 Israelis have died thus far from the Pfizer injection. Older people die the soonest, usually less than three days post-injection, while younger people typically live for more than a week post-injection before passing away.

The IPC further found that the risk of mortality goes parabolic after the second injection. Those who stop with the first shot have a much greater chance of living than if they go in for the second round.

As for the injuries caused by the injections, the IPC found that cardiac events such as myositis and pericarditis are common. The same goes for massive vaginal bleeding, neurological damage, and damage to the skeletal and skin systems.

“It should be noted that a significant number of reports of side effects are related, directly or indirectly, to Hypercoagulability (infarction), Myocardial infarction, stroke, miscarriages, impaired blood flow to the limbs, pulmonary embolism,” the group contends.

The full report from the IPC is available for viewing at this link.

“These mRNA vaccines contain a virus which then attaches to the RNA (the messenger) of man’s DNA which can never be undone,” warned one commenter at Great Game India.

“This means that the RNA / messenger will always carry a virus; the very one they inject into the body!”

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