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HongKongers in Leeds
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Be Water, Be United


是次活動展覽包括 lsb.co, Unit Choy 及HKFP提供的香港反送中運動相片,設計師明哥所設計之反送中運動Storyline,ReWater 3D打印的國殤之柱,讓本地人能夠更深入理解香港抗爭運動,及香港人與極權政府對抗的細節,把香港發生的事流散於外。活動期間,不少本地人認為相片很震撼及由衷地說支持香港人。


很高興,是次活動嚮應細葉榕人道支援基金之呼籲,為香港在囚手足及其家屬籌得 £1256,感謝各位列斯香港人的捐款,為在港政治牢獄的人和其家屬解決燃眉之急,延續香港族群的使命。有關詳情可留意他們社交平台作進一步了解。


Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong

活動照片來源:Pat Leung

HongKongers in Leeds
Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
Be Water, Be United.

Thank you for participating in the 612 Anti-Extradition Bill Movement Photo Exhibition.

Thank you to tsb.co, Unit Choy and HKFP for providing the photos for display, designer MingGor for designing Hong Kong Protest Storyline and ReWater for printing out the Pillar of Shame. These allowed local people in Leeds to better understand the details of the Movement and how Hongkongers continued to fight against the totalitarian government. People found the photos shocking and they also expressed their support to Hongkongers.

Thank you to the photographers and journalists who captured the moments during the Anti-extradition bill Movement. Thank you also to all Hongkongers who contributed and kept the Movement alive.

We have collected £1256 donation for Banyan Tree Aid. The donations will be used to support those who are imprisoned in Hong Kong and their families. For more details, please visit https://www.banyanaid.org/ .

Hong Kongers in Leeds will continue to fight against tyranny, and together to fight for democracy, freedom and justice.

Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong.

Event Photos Credit to Pat Leung

HongKongers in Leeds
Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
[全球聯合抗爭行動 ——「斷絕中共姊妹城市關係」 “Sever the sister city relationship with China” – Global Joint Campaign]



因應2020 年多個瑞典城市與中國脫離「姊妹城市」關係,全球多個抗爭組織現聯合發表聲明促請各地市政府重新審視他們與獨裁政權的密切關係,以正視聽,反對與漠視人權、自由和民主的的中共建交,並透過終止與中國的「姊妹城市」關係來捍衛人權和遏止其滲透。

The establishment of the “sister city” agreement was supposed to be a diplomatic strategy to foster economic engagement and cultural exchange between two nations. However, this diplomatic strategy is becoming a manipulative tool for the Chinese Communist Party regime to expand the influence of its dictatorship around the world. The legitimacy of "sister city" has long been questioned. 

The Chinese government's erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy, violent trampling of press freedom, and repression of democratic voices unveil its breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, causing thousands of Hongkongers to become political prisoners. China has been committing genocide in Xinjiang province by sending Uyghurs to mass arbitrary detention camps since 2014. Recently, leaked files exposed the inhumane situation in those camps like the ‘shoot to kill’ policy, torturing, sexual abuse, and more.
「毋忘721 元朗恐襲」

何君堯作為721 元朗恐襲的幕後黑手之一,但卻仍擁有英國註冊律師資格。希望大家能參與以下聯署,然後我們會去信Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA),促請SRA再就何君堯之言論及行為進行審訊,並剔除其註冊律師資格。


1. 2020年12月,SRA曾審訊何君堯,唯因未能傳召合適證人及提及其過往惡行,加上翻譯問題,因此不能剔除何君堯於英國之註冊律師資格,但他仍需繳付£130,000法律費用。

2. 收集聯署同時,我們亦希望各中英翻譯專家能聯絡我們,以研討對其之指控。

Petition: https://chng.it/rqPNdkSQTb
Youtube: https://youtu.be/3s7yoWhe_nw

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
Gmail: hongkongersinleeds@gmail.com
721 Yuen Long Terror Night

Junius Ho, cheerleader for the 721 Terror Night, is a registered solicitor in the UK. With all our signatures, we will send the petition to the Solicitors Regulation Authority to seek the disqualification of Junius Ho as a regulated UK solicitor on the grounds that he is in breach of the SRA’s principles.

We have a brief video about Junius Ho. Please share it worldwide and let the world know about his misconduct. Thank you.

1. In the previous decision, Junius Ho was found not guilty, due to the lack of character witnesses and wider research of his previous misconduct, however he was still required to pay his own legal fees of £130,000.

2. We are looking for linguistic experts to contact us for possible future legal actions on Junius Ho.

Petition: https://chng.it/rqPNdkSQTb
Youtube: https://youtu.be/3s7yoWhe_nw

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
Gmail: hongkongersinleeds@gmail.com
8.31 列斯香港人集會

日期: 2022年8月31日 (星期三)
時間: 1830- 1930 敬請準時
地點: Victoria Square outside Leeds Town Hall, LS1 3AD
衣著: 黑色
活動內容: 獻花、默哀、集會、分享

1. 是次活動舉辦已知會警察
2. 敬請準時
3. 敬請自備電子蠟燭及花束作獻花之用。

For media enquiry, please contact:

Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds

#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線
8.31 Hong Kongers Assembly @ Leeds

Date: 31st August 2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 1830-1930
Venue: Victoria Square outside Leeds Town Hall, LS1 3AD

Dress code: black
Activity: Offering flowers, Silence condolence, Personal Sharing

1. Local police authority has been informed of this event.
2. Please be punctual. The event will start at 1830 sharp.
3. Participants are advised to bring your own electronic candle or flowers for offering.

HongKongers in Leeds
Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
提提大家,8.31 列斯香港人集會將於下星期三晚上舉行。今次活動除了悼念香港抗爭活動死傷者外,也邀請了本地councillor 一同參與,及分享對在英港人之支援想法。同時我地亦設立一Google form ,收集大家想對香港人的說話。希望到時能見到大家!


日期: 2022年8月31日 (星期三)
時間: 1830- 1930 敬請準時
地點: Victoria Square outside Leeds Town Hall, LS1 3AD
衣著: 黑色
活動內容: 獻花、默哀、集會、分享

1. 是次活動舉辦已知會警察
2. 敬請準時
3. 敬請自備電子蠟燭及花束作獻花之用。
4. 香港人的話 Google form: https://forms.gle/dqbXx67fEf8dGMs57 

8.31 Leeds Hongkongers Assembly will be held on the coming Wednesday. We will commemorate the casualties in the protest. Besides, some local councillors will join us in the event to share their thoughts on supporting Hongkongers in Britain. If you have something to say to Hongkongers, please feel free to fill in the Google form through the link below. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

8.31 Hong Kongers Assembly @ Leeds

Date: 31st August 2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 1830-1930
Venue: Victoria Square outside Leeds Town Hall, LS1 3AD

Dress code: black
Activity: Offering flowers, Silence condolence, Personal Sharing

1. Local police authority has been informed of this event.
2. Please be punctual. The event will start at 1830 sharp.
3. Participants are advised to bring your own electronic candle or flowers for offering.
4. Google form - words for Hongkongers, https://forms.gle/dqbXx67fEf8dGMs57

HongKongers in Leeds
Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
[一個坐滿Victoria Square樓梯的黃昏]

2022年8月31日,約400多人參與「8.31 列斯香港人集會」,有老、有幼,攜著鮮花與蠟燭,悼念一眾香港抗爭活動之死傷者。當「港共」繼續扼殺任何在港港人悼念之權利與自由時,離散港人定必毋忘初衷,繼續抗爭。

亦感謝服務Hunslet and Riverside的Councillor Ed Carlisle參與及分享,讓我們了解Leeds Council 的支持及支援。



The crowd filled the stairs of Victoria Square last evening.

On 31 August 2022, about 400 people participated in the 831 Leeds Hongkongers Assembly. They commemorated the causalties in the protests in Hong Kong with flowers and candles. While the Communist Party oppressed our right and freedom to mourn the deceased in Hong Kong, we shall never forget our intention and keep on fighting for freedom.

Thank you to Councillor Ed Carlisle, councillor for Hunslet and Riverside ward, for joining us and sharing his support for the Hongkongers.

We will fight till our last breath.

HongKongers in Leeds
Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds
末代港督彭定康應Llkley Literature Festival 邀請,將於10月11日假King’s Hall, Ilkley, Leeds 為新書《香港日記》(The Hong Kong Diary)舉行分享會,資料如下:
地點:King’s Hall, Ilkley, Leeds, LS 29 8HB

HongKongers in Leeds
Bio: https://linktr.ee/hkersinleeds