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我係Ricker Choi, 以前乜嘢政治都唔理, 離開香港三十幾年連香港親戚朋友都冇乜聯絡. 但係2019你哋團結一齊抗爭, 喚醒好多我哋呢啲住喺外國嘅港豬,最近我寫信比被囚禁的香港手足,非常感動地講咗句"香港永遠是我家". 雖然我咁多年淨係返過香港兩三次, 但係呢一年見到你哋嘅勇氣, 令我視自己為香港人而驕傲! 希望可以用啲藝術來表達我對你哋嘅敬佩.

Admin: @RickerChoi
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陪伴我一年多的獅子山畫作, 終於要離開我屋企啦! Happy to see my painting "Lion Rock" has found a new home!

(Sold for $2380 CAD, ~$14,550 HKD, 24"x30")

90% of proceeds donated to TADC HK Humanitarian Fund:
***梁凌杰逝世20個月! Never forget Marco Leung's sacrifice 20 months ago! ***

梁凌杰的遺願 - Last Wish of Leung Ling-kit Acrylic Painting 16"x20" by Ricker Choi


#梁凌杰 #MarcoLeung #YellowRaincoatMan #太古廣場 #梁烈士 #他是被政權推下的 #毋忘手足 #artwork #反送中 #freehongkong #StandWithHongKong #NeverForget