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我係Ricker Choi, 以前乜嘢政治都唔理, 離開香港三十幾年連香港親戚朋友都冇乜聯絡. 但係2019你哋團結一齊抗爭, 喚醒好多我哋呢啲住喺外國嘅港豬,最近我寫信比被囚禁的香港手足,非常感動地講咗句"香港永遠是我家". 雖然我咁多年淨係返過香港兩三次, 但係呢一年見到你哋嘅勇氣, 令我視自己為香港人而驕傲! 希望可以用啲藝術來表達我對你哋嘅敬佩.

Admin: @RickerChoi
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中大床褥盾 - CUHK Mattress Shield - 11/11/2019. Acrylic painting by Ricker Choi

Channel link ---> @HKRevolutionArt

#CUHK #中大保衛戰 #中大二號橋戰役 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #中大 #光復香港時代革命
黃之鋒周庭林朗彥即時還柙, 裁判官押後至12月2日下午判刑,三人即時還柙入獄。

你們加油! 頂住呀!

painting of Agnes by Ricker Choi.

Channel link ---> @HKRevolutionArt

#周庭 #釋放周庭 #Mulan #RealMulan #AgnesChow #FreeAgnes #freeagneschow
#FreeJoshua #FreeIvan #StandWithHongKong
#黃之鋒 #林朗彥
Save 12 HK Youths, acrylic paintings by Ricker Choi

Today is 100th day since #12HKYouth have been abducted to #China. They were abducted by mainland authorities at sea on August 23, 2020 when trying to escape to Taiwan. They haven't been seen ever since. The 9 who have helped them are also arrested.

Channel link --> @HKRevolutionArt

#12港人 #Save12HKYouth #釋放十二 #光復香港時代革命 #光復香港 #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong
#香港加油 #五大訴求 #五大訴求缺一不可 #fivedemands #FiveDemandsNotOneLess #StandWithHK
理大圍城 - Siege of Polytechnic University, painting by Ricker Choi

Channel link --> @HKRevolutionArt

#理大圍城 #PolyU #理大 #理大保衛戰 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #煲底之約 #光復香港時代革命
梁凌杰的遺願 - Last Wish of Leung Ling-kit Acrylic Painting 16"x20" by Ricker Choi


#梁凌杰 #MarcoLeung #YellowRaincoatMan #太古廣場 #梁烈士 #他是被政權推下的 #毋忘手足 #artwork #反送中 #freehongkong #StandWithHongKong #NeverForget
潛入虛擬的香港Freedom畫廊。 (仍在建設中)。展示了我的藝術作品,我們將為您準備一個開幕晚會!Sneak peek into our Virtual Hong Kong Freedom Gallery. (Still work in progress). My arts are displayed in it, and we will have a virtual opening gala!

Thank you HK Defense Initiative !!!

Channel link --> @HKRevolutionArt
發生在17個月前: 7·21 元朗襲擊 - 香港歷史的轉折點。 Exactly 17 months ago: 2019 Yuen Long attack - the day when HK police colluded with mafia to indiscriminately beat civilians to "teach them a lesson."

Acrylic paintings by Ricker Choi

channel link —> @HKRevolutionArt

#721事件 #yuenlong #元朗 #721元朗恐襲 #721唔見人 #721事件 #721 #元朗恐襲 #何妖 #警謊 #721YuenLong #721yuenlongnightmare
激光中 8月2019 - Laser Fest - August 2019 - painting by Ricker Choi based on photo by Studio Incendo

Channel link --> @HKRevolutionArt

#光復香港時代革命 #光復香港 #反送中 #freehongkong #StandWithHongKong #StandWithHK #香港加油 #五大訴求 #五大訴求缺一不可 #fivedemands #FiveDemandsNotOneLess See Less
很榮幸我《願榮光歸香港》的鋼琴編曲出現在「發夢 」- 2019,這是吳文安為國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈學院所編的舞蹈。

It is my deep honor that my arrangement of "Glory to Hong Kong" is part of "Dreaming - 2019", a dance choreographed by Goh Boon Ann with Taipei National University of the Arts , School of Dance.

- L M F - 《2 0 1 9》
- B e y o n d -《海濶天空》
- Thomas dgx yhl - 《願榮光歸香港》, arranged by Ricker Choi

Complete video clip --->

Where my arrangement of Glory to HK appears --->

Photo Credits: Taipei National University of the Arts, School of Dance”