Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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• 郭官擴大了煽動罪的定義範圍
• 承認新定義並非基於現有法律,而是為了"有效維護國家安全"
• 將犯罪意圖從「蓄意煽動」擴大至「罔顧煽動後果」

• 新聞工作者可能因缺乏明確法律依據的裁決而入獄
• 對香港法治和司法獨立提出嚴重質疑
• 新聞自由和言論自由面臨前所未有的威脅


#香港法律危機 #新聞自由岌岌可危 #立場新聞案
Shocking: Judge in Stand News Case Admits Ruling Lacks Clear Legal Basis

In a stunning development, Judge Kwok Wai-kin has not only reversed his previous ruling in the Stand News case but also admitted that this new decision lacks a clear legal foundation.

Key points:
• Judge Kwok broadened the definition of sedition
• He acknowledged the new definition isn't based on existing law, but aims to "effectively safeguard national security"
• Criminal intent expanded from "intentional incitement" to include "disregarding consequences of incitement"

What does this mean?
• Journalists may face imprisonment based on rulings without clear legal basis
• Serious questions raised about Hong Kong's rule of law and judicial independence
• Unprecedented threat to press freedom and freedom of expression

This ruling not only affects the Stand News case but could have far-reaching implications for Hong Kong's entire journalism industry and legal system.

#HongKongLegalCrisis #StandNewsCase
Media is too big
2019.8.31 晚上太子站警員無差別襲擊市民事件

速龍小隊衝落太子站月台拘捕多人 車廂內多人頭破血流 有人掩著後腦

#太子831 #速龍 #太子恐襲 #黑警 #警暴 #黑警死全家 #每日一願望黑警冚家亡
#反送中5週年 #反送中 #毋忘2019 #毋忘抗爭 #當年今日
【831】黑衣青年持花向太子站鞠躬 被帶入警署


Silencing Memory in Hong Kong

A young man bows at Prince Edward MTR, holding a sunflower to remember 8.31.
Result? Taken to police station.

This is Hong Kong today:
• Peaceful gestures treated as threats
• Citizens living in fear
• Basic freedoms vanishing

His words echo: "At least I haven't forgotten. The people here haven't forgotten."

When a flower becomes defiance, what's left of freedom?

Hong Kong's story is a wake-up call. How long before the world takes notice?

#HongKongFreedom #831Remembrance #HumanRights

蒙著面說服你 — 831 集會

昨日是831五週年,Birmingham HongKongers 和 West Midlands HongKonger Support CIC 在伯明翰市中心的維多利亞廣場舉行集會,悼念831事件及每位為香港的自由民主犧牲的死難者。五年來,香港人面對的恐懼和絕望有增無減,就算身在英國亦要提心吊膽。光復香港看似遙遙無期,感謝仍有約140名香港人出席集會,以行動證明我們仍然未忘初心。

「Free Hong Kong Democracy Now」是口號亦是信念。在陷入迷失的時候,讓我們一起找回信念,繼續前行。
IG @birminghamhongkongers

#831太子站 #毋忘831 #香港民族 #香港獨立 #UK #birmingham