Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【兩終審法院非常任法官辭任】 【郝廉思:辭任因香港政治狀況】 【岑耀信:辭任只為參與政治杯葛向中國政府施壓】 Tg channel 現已成立,請追蹤以觀看最新資訊 https://publielectoral.lat/boomheadhk 香港司法機構網站晚上發聲明,指來自英國的兩位終審法院非常任法官郝廉思勳爵(Lawrence Collins)、岑耀信勳爵(Jonathan Sumption),已向行政長官提出請辭。10名海外非常任法官將減至8名。 原本任期於2026年6月30日才屆滿的郝廉思,早前向英國法律博客透露:「我辭…
June 7: Hong Kong's judiciary website announced the resignations of non-permanent judges, Lord Lawrence Collins and Lord Jonathan Sumption, from the UK. This reduction in overseas non-permanent judges, from 10 to 8, raises concerns about the rule of law and judicial independence. Lord Collins cited the "political situation in Hong Kong" as the reason for his resignation, while Lord Sumption chose to remain despite being urged to resign. Their departures add to existing doubts about the judiciary's autonomy since the enactment of the National Security Law and discussions on Article 23. #HongKongJudiciary #Resignation #PoliticalSituation #NationalSecurityLaw #Independence #LordCollins #LordSumption