Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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Taiwan ranked #3 out of 98 in the global fight against #COVID19. China not on the list "due to a lack of publicly available data" i.e. lack of data transparency.

A research from Lowy Institute. https://hk.appledaily.com/china/20210128/BDKDV55PJVE2JJMPB444UEJ53Y/
It is vital to learn the truth of #COVID19, in order to prevent future outbreak.
However, the mendacious CCP regime keeps suppressing the truth. #WHO is complicit with CCP.
There has always been speculation about #COVID19 as a lab made virus. Now, numerous news outlets report new details from a document about #CCP weaponising SARS 5 years before the pandemic. Interesting enough, what's currently happening is well documented.

This helps to explain why #Beijing used every single way not to cooperate with experts to find the origin of the virus. If this isn't the only threat #CCP is giving to the world, we have to be sure what they are capable of.


The latest census is so fake that even people in #China don't believe. What #CCP is hiding is the number of casualties from #COVID19 which they always claim they have control of. Dropping in population would also means the shrink in productivity and the market. However, those numbers might have always been fake anyway.
Urged to invite Taiwan to participate World Health Assembly; US Secretary of State: Taiwan is a reliable partner 
US Secretary of State Brinken announced statement, urged WHO director general invites Taiwan as an observer and participates the 74th WHA which hold on 24May. Representative of Taiwan to United States accepted interview from Voice of America and thanked Brinken for urging, believed that the statement highlights Taiwan as a good force in the world, “Taiwan citizens will remember this support in heart”. 
Brinken issued a statement through the State Department on Friday, issues such as global public health security are not restriction by national boundaries and political disputes. Taiwan provided valuable contribution and experiences when dealing with COVID-19, WHO leaders and those responsible countries should be realised, if they continue to exclude Taiwan’s 24 million people from the World Health Assembly will only threaten rather than promote global health goals. 
Source: Stand News #May08

#Taiwan #WHO #WHA #UnitedStates #Brinken #VoiceOfAmerica #COVID19 #WuhanVirus #GlobalHealth  
Joe Biden is ordering a investigation on whether #COVID19 is a lab made or not. At the same time, canceling the exact same investigation from the last administration. So why do people get censor when saying it was lab made before?

#CCP logic: everyone accuses me for leaking #COVID19, so we won't let you prove that we did not leak the virus. However, it's your fault for accuse us of leaking the virus.
🤔 Make sense.


The Hospital Authority has successfully bought 2 COVID oral medicine from Merck and Pfizer. However, both of them have a certain degree of side effects.

#COVID19 #Medicine #Merck #Pfizer #GoHkgraphic