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Forwarded from RTHK Latest News
Families of NSL suspects questioned by police: sources

RTHK has learned that national security police took away four people for investigation on Thursday morning, including the elder brother of former lawmaker Dennis Kwok, one of eight overseas suspects wanted by the police.Meanwhile, sources said three family members of another wanted person, Mung Siu-tat, were questioned by the police on Tuesday. Mung headed the now-defunct Confederation of Trade Unions.It's understood no arrests were made.

2023-07-20 16:40:09
Forwarded from RTHK Latest News
Man jailed for three months over 'Glory to HK' video

A man was jailed for three months on Thursday for insulting the national anthem by replacing it with a protest song in a video showing Hong Kong fencer Cheung Ka-long receiving a gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021. Eastern Court magistrate Minnie Wat said photographer Cheng Wing-chun, 27, had shown no genuine remorse.She said the video he posted online had been viewed 90,000 times as of last July, with some of the comments posted underneath saying the protest song, Glory to Hong Kong, is the city's real anthem.Wat said she did not believe Cheng when he said he was not aware of the meaning of the song, given that he had worked for a political party and joined public assemblies in 2019.In mitigation, the defence lawyer said Cheng had not committed an offence before and it is unlikely he will break the law again.But Wat said a deterrent sentence was needed to reflect the seriousness of the offence.

2023-07-20 16:47:49 (1)





#23條 #鄧炳強 #間諜罪 #軟對抗 #危害國家安全 #勾結外國勢力 #極權統治 #暴政必亡
報導:自由亞洲粵語 @rfacantonese
#元朗721|案發時具指揮權警官 五人升職

《集誌社》整理出部分涉處理 721 事件的警員的名單,了解他們的去向為何。《集誌社》統計的 10 人當中,有 5 人在 721 事件發生後升職。 三名警隊高層,除時任警務處處長盧偉聰已退休外,時任警務處副處長鄧炳強及警務處行動處處長蕭澤頤在 721 事件發生後都有升職,鄧炳強現為保安局局長,蕭澤頤現為警務處處長。

在警察記者會上,曾回應「「我相信係無八個字咁耐嘛」,然後向身旁人員查詢後再補充道:「哦,39 分鐘」的時任新界北總區副指揮官曾正科,在 2020 年 10 月升任助理處長,任新界北總區指揮官,同年獲行政長官公共服務獎狀,他在 2021 年獲「踏浪者」行動獎章,2022 年獲香港警察卓越獎章。

不過,在 721 當日曾進入南邊圍村公所、因涉 721 事件而被廉署調查的時任元朗警區助理指揮官游乃強、及曾以「睇唔到錶」、「你咁樣係唔會令到我驚㗎」回應記者的時任八鄉分區指揮官李漢民,在政府電話簿則「查無資料」。

報導:集誌社 linktr.ee/the_collectivehk
#元朗 #721元朗恐襲 #白衣人 #警鄉黑勾結
#元朗721 |重溫 7.21元朗襲擊事件時序 39 分鐘「無警時分」

「 這一場襲擊,有 39 分鐘是「#無警時分」。根據監警會報告和警方公開資料,警方在當晚 10 時 41 分接報,直至 11 時 15 至 20 分,才有第一批快速應變部隊和 40 名警員到場,期間,在 10 時 52分,第一輛巡邏車上三名警員到場,認為自己無法應付情況,匯報情況後,元朗警區行動室指示他們撤退⋯⋯」

#毋忘721 #元朗 #721元朗恐襲 #白衣人 #警鄉黑勾結
報導:集誌社 linktr.ee/the_collectivehk
Fair trial? Not a chance. The judge kept interrupting the Gwyneth Ho Kwai-lam at the court. When are these #CCP appointed judges ever going to get the justice they actually deserve?

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Secretary for Security Chris Tang said Article 23 would target “soft resistance” & “internet loopholes”.
In short, when article 23 is passed, #HkGov can arrest anyone without reason. No 1 will be safe in HK. To this gov’t, anything can be identify as “soft resistance”.
#FreeHK #article23 #hkprotest #HKDMovement
Forwarded from RTHK Latest News
Court ruling on protest song ban to come next week

The High Court said it will hand down a decision in a week's time whether to ban people from playing the 2019 protest song Glory to Hong Kong.The Department of Justice (DoJ) is seeking a court order to prohibit people with a seditious intention or those trying to incite secession from "broadcasting, performing, printing, publishing, selling, offering for sale, distributing, disseminating, displaying or reproducing in any way" the song.In a hearing on Friday, senior counsel Benjamin Yu, representing the DoJ, said the song is capable of stirring up people's emotions, and playing it could incite violence and insult the national anthem.Justice Anthony Chan questioned whether those who violate the injunction order may also violate the national security law.Yu said the law doesn’t allow a person to be punished twice, and stressed that the principle of fair trial will not be affected.The court was also told that the injunction will not affect lawful journalistic activities. The Hong Kong Journalists Association earlier said the DoJ has approved its proposal to include an express exemption for journalistic activity if the injunction is passed. Under the exemption, journalists will be allowed to gather news, make observations and publish articles relating to the song.Chan presided over the hearing, replacing the original judge Wilson Chan who earlier received a “serious reprimand” for judicial copying.The court will announce its decision on whether to grant an injunction at 4pm on July 28.

2023-07-21 16:31:20 (1)
721 fourth anniversary: Granny Wong makes an appearance at Yuen Long Station
Now four years ago on 721, the Hong Kong Police failed to turn up when needed while ordinary people were being beaten up by local thugs. Now, they have to turn up at Yuen Long Station not just on the anniversary of that event, but on the 21st of every month. The anniversary draws more cops though, and so the ground floor transfer plaza was full of them last night.
721 fourth anniversary. Plenty of police on hand to watch the media and Granny Wong
721 assembly at Mel Lastman Square Garden in Toronto. By sight, there were roughly 200 to 300 people attended the assembly. Participants took turns to talk about how the HK protest should be in the future.
During the assembly, some people expressed the importance of maintaining Hong Kong's culture. Some people also raised the idea of joining the military. Certainly, the movement has maintained outside of Hong Kong.
