Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong Democracy Movement
7.21首名非白衣人罪成 涉英龍圍對抗 官指即使白衣人暴力對待亦不應以暴易暴 https://bit.ly/3J6Nmew
The concerning verdict in the Yuen Long 7.21 attack case, where individuals protecting themselves and others were found guilty of rioting, raises questions about the fairness of the court system in Hong Kong. Treating self-defense as a crime undermines human rights and the rule of law. It is crucial to ensure a fair and just legal process that upholds the principles of justice and protects individual rights.

#YuenLongAttack #HumanRights #Fairness #HongKongCourt
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
11.12大老山隧道|兩女生暴動無罪 官拒納警員供詞、指「巧合到非常匪夷所思」
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
黎智英案第55日審訊|李宇軒確認以義工角色 助日本議員推動制裁
The recent verdict on the Yuen Long 7.21 attack in Hong Kong is deeply flawed and raises concerns about the fairness of the court system. The court's attempt to change the historical narrative and accuse the victims is troubling. It disregards self-defense and the premeditated actions of the aggressors, mischaracterizing defenders as rioters. The verdict fails to acknowledge the right to protect oneself and others. This development undermines justice and distorts the truth. #YuenLongAttack #FlawedVerdict #Injustice #HongKongCourt
VANISHED ARCHIVES: Community Screening and in-person Q&A with Director Connie Lo

Source: @lampofliberty


🗓️Date : May 4, 2024
🕜Time : 1:30pm 紀錄片放映 |3:30pm 映後座談
📍Venue : Redmond Community Center Lecture Room 133 (6505 176th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052)
🎟️Admission : $10 (12歲以下免費 | 收益不扣除開支全數捐助《消失的檔案》團隊)

#Seattle #us #西雅圖 #VanishedArchives #消失的檔案 #六七暴動 #紀錄片


#伊朗觀察(Iran Watch)資料顯示,多間位於葵涌及觀塘的公司正在向伊朗出口中國無人機零件。

原來響應中國 #一帶一路,就係為咗做呢啲生意。

Forwarded from 庭刊 HKCourtNews
【博士生指遭警方催淚彈襲擊入稟索償 高院裁定律政司上訴得直剔除申索 官指要查明每一枚催淚彈施放詳情 屬不成比例及不公平】

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Portuguese man Joseph John becomes the first European citizen and person with dual citizenship to be sentenced under China's National Security Law in Hong Kong. He received a five-year jail term for posting pro-independence content on social media. Concerns over rights and foreign consular access have been raised. #NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong #PortugueseCitizen #DualCitizenship

Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
支聯會拒交資料案|鄒幸彤3人申上訴至終院證明書 鄒:法律不應成為有權勢者任意操縱工具
// 國際非政府組織「中國人權捍衞者」(Chinese Human Rights Defenders)周一(15日)發表一份題為《中國人權捍衞者家庭集體懲罰:如果我不服從,我的家人將受罪》的調查報告。報告內容提及香港,港府於2023年7月懸紅通緝身處美國、歐洲等地的海外港人,自2020年強推「港區國安法」後,接近50萬居民離開香港。根據香港民主委員會(HKDC)報告顯示,港警因應「國安調查」至少帶走31名家庭成員問話,另有23人與「被通緝」的海外人士有聯繫被扣押,5人被帶返警署問話。報告引述國際人權法「無罪推定原則」,任何人在未經法院審判定罪前,應被假定為無罪,但港府卻以親友聯繫作為檢控理據,是「集體懲罰」的典型例子。 //

【中國人權捍衞者報告|中國、香港打壓異見者 家屬遭「連坐罰」同受罪】


#中國人權捍衞者 #何方美 #余文生 #港區國安法 #王全璋 #許穎婷 #連坐罰 #鄭文傑 #追新聞 #thechaser



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Forwarded from 庭刊 HKCourtNews
【12港人案|鄧棨然認「意圖妨礙司法公正」及「管有汽油彈」 判囚46個月 官指鄧在內地被判刑「自作自受」拒作減刑】

Forwarded from 庭刊 HKCourtNews
【黎智英申聘Tim Owen|國安委建議入境處拒批Tim Owen工作簽證 黎智英申司法覆核一審敗訴 上訴再遭駁回】

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 國際非政府組織「中國人權捍衞者」(Chinese Human Rights Defenders)周一(15日)發表一份題為《中國人權捍衞者家庭集體懲罰:如果我不服從,我的家人將受罪》的調查報告。報告內容提及香港,港府於2023年7月懸紅通緝身處美國、歐洲等地的海外港人,自2020年強推「港區國安法」後,接近50萬居民離開香港。根據香港民主委員會(HKDC)報告顯示,港警因應「國安調查」至少帶走31名家庭成員問話,另有23人與「被通緝」的海外人士有聯繫被扣押,5人被帶返警署問話。報告引述國際人權法「無…
Chinese Human Rights Defenders released a report titled "Collective Punishment of Families by China and Hong Kong for Suppressing Dissent: If I Disobey, My Family Suffers." It exposes the targeting of families of overseas Hong Kong residents wanted by the government since the implementation of the national security law. Over 500,000 people have left Hong Kong, and Hong Kong police have interrogated 31 family members, detained 23 individuals with connections to wanted individuals, and brought back 5 people for questioning. The report criticizes the use of family ties as evidence, violating the presumption of innocence. #HumanRights #HongKong #Crackdown