Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong Democracy Movement
繼英美及新西蘭本周初譴責中國支持的黑客組織「APT31」多年間對海外發起數千次網絡攻擊後,比利時和芬蘭分別證實該組織對其發動網絡攻擊。評論認為,習近平擴張野心在現實和網絡世界同時推進,認為民主國家應採取更有力措施,包括阻止中國獲得有關技術。⁣ ⁣ 美國周一(25日)證實七名來自中國駭客組織的間諜對美國白宮、國會及批評北京的西方議員等進行了數千次網絡攻擊。周二(26日),芬蘭警方證實,與中國國家安全部有關的「APT31」黑客組織是 2021 年芬蘭議會遭網絡入侵事件的幕後黑手。芬蘭安全情報局也和國際合作伙伴…
Belgium and Finland join the condemnation as they confirm being targeted by China-backed hacking group APT31. Criticisms grow over Xi Jinping's expanding ambitions in both physical and online realms, urging democratic nations to take stronger measures, including restricting China's access to relevant technologies. The US confirms thousands of cyberattacks by seven Chinese spies on the White House, Congress, and Western legislators critical of Beijing. Finland's police link the APT31 group, associated with China's National Security Ministry, to the 2021 cyber intrusion in their parliament. Joint investigations focus on espionage, communication breaches, and intrusions into Finland's parliamentary information systems, pointing directly at Beijing.

#ChineseHackers #CyberAttacks #CCPInfiltration #APT31 #EvilCCP #TakeDownCCP

source: @rfacantonese
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
黎智英案第54日審訊|裴倫德提及「打倒中共」 李宇軒發訊指「首要目標是建立香港」
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第54日審訊|裴倫德提及「打倒中共」 李宇軒發訊指「首要目標是建立香港」 https://bit.ly/3PFmlm4
Jimmy Lai, founder of Next Digital and Apple Daily, along with three related companies, faces charges of conspiring with foreign forces. During the 54th day of trial, witness Li Yuxuan reveals communication with UK Conservative Party member Peillun De before the National Security Law came into effect. Discussions revolve around utilizing Hong Kong to "topple the CCP," and Li acknowledges Hong Kong's willingness to play that role. He clarifies that "toppling" refers to causing chaos and confirms his willingness to bear the consequences. Li also emphasizes that their primary goal is to establish Hong Kong, with "toppling the CCP" being secondary or merely a means to "liberate Hong Kong." The trial adjourns until April 8.

#JimmyLai #NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong #NextDigital #AppleDaily
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
涉「星火同盟」男被控洗黑錢罪成 官不信納為義工助派捐款 還押4.17判刑
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
涉「星火同盟」男被控洗黑錢罪成 官不信納為義工助派捐款 還押4.17判刑 https://bit.ly/43BLdRs
22-year-old man linked to "Spark Alliance" found guilty of money laundering in Hong Kong. Judge dismisses claim that funds were for humanitarian aid, intensifying concerns over the persecution of individuals supporting protestors amidst the ongoing crackdown on dissent. Sentencing postponed to April 17. People facing repercussions for aiding protestors seek justice amidst eroding freedoms. #SparkAlliance #MoneyLaundering #HongKong #Persecution #Crackdown #SupportForProtestors #JusticeForHelpers
Due to China's increasing influence and the implementation of a new national security law, Hong Kong's economic position has been severely shaken. The erosion of the city's autonomy and the tightening grip of Chinese authorities have raised concerns among international businesses, leading to a decline in investments and a loss of confidence in Hong Kong as a global financial center. This, coupled with the redirection of cargo and the restructuring of shipping routes, has further diminished Hong Kong's economic prospects.


#ChinaInfiltration #NSL #freeHK #standwithhongkong
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
《立場》被指煽動案4.29裁決 由開審至裁決橫跨近一年半
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
7.21首名非白衣人罪成 涉英龍圍對抗 官指即使白衣人暴力對待亦不應以暴易暴
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
7.21首名非白衣人罪成 涉英龍圍對抗 官指即使白衣人暴力對待亦不應以暴易暴 https://bit.ly/3J6Nmew
The concerning verdict in the Yuen Long 7.21 attack case, where individuals protecting themselves and others were found guilty of rioting, raises questions about the fairness of the court system in Hong Kong. Treating self-defense as a crime undermines human rights and the rule of law. It is crucial to ensure a fair and just legal process that upholds the principles of justice and protects individual rights.

#YuenLongAttack #HumanRights #Fairness #HongKongCourt
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
11.12大老山隧道|兩女生暴動無罪 官拒納警員供詞、指「巧合到非常匪夷所思」
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
黎智英案第55日審訊|李宇軒確認以義工角色 助日本議員推動制裁
The recent verdict on the Yuen Long 7.21 attack in Hong Kong is deeply flawed and raises concerns about the fairness of the court system. The court's attempt to change the historical narrative and accuse the victims is troubling. It disregards self-defense and the premeditated actions of the aggressors, mischaracterizing defenders as rioters. The verdict fails to acknowledge the right to protect oneself and others. This development undermines justice and distorts the truth. #YuenLongAttack #FlawedVerdict #Injustice #HongKongCourt
VANISHED ARCHIVES: Community Screening and in-person Q&A with Director Connie Lo

Source: @lampofliberty


🗓️Date : May 4, 2024
🕜Time : 1:30pm 紀錄片放映 |3:30pm 映後座談
📍Venue : Redmond Community Center Lecture Room 133 (6505 176th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052)
🎟️Admission : $10 (12歲以下免費 | 收益不扣除開支全數捐助《消失的檔案》團隊)

#Seattle #us #西雅圖 #VanishedArchives #消失的檔案 #六七暴動 #紀錄片


#伊朗觀察(Iran Watch)資料顯示,多間位於葵涌及觀塘的公司正在向伊朗出口中國無人機零件。

原來響應中國 #一帶一路,就係為咗做呢啲生意。
