Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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When the #NationalSecurityLaw just established, #CarrieLam said the law will only affects a small amount of people. Up until this point, 1 person is arrested per 2.5 days. With this rate, there's no surprised if an #Uyghur type education camp is built in #HK.
According SBS News, #CarrieLam refered those who left #HongKong as fugitives. This explains how they are going to execute the Immigration Ordinance on Aug 1.

#CarrieLam announced her plan to exchange civil servant between #HongKong & #China. Her intention is obviously trying to destroy the governing system that's inherited from #UK. #HK's governing system has a much longer history than #China. The only thing they are trying to bring to HK is corruption which #CCP is known for.
There's absolutely no consequences for whatever #HKPoliceTerrorist do whatsoever. And this includes prostitution. That's because they are protected by the judges. We often mention #CarrieLam & other government officials when it comes to putting them on sanction list. But we shouldn't forget the judges played a huge part on destroying our #ruleoflaw!
Although #HKGov, #CarrieLam & #HKPoliceTerrorist were able to use 7000 police to stop people from commemorating #TienanmenSquareMassacre, they couldn't stop people all around the world. There might be the most people to commemorate #June4 all around the world this year. So, typical #Wumao responded & insult the Queen Elizabeth in an attempt to save #CCP's face.
It's been 2 years now. Our comrade, Leung Ling-kit, reminded us to stop #CarrieLam & #HKGov from passing the extradition bill with his life. After 2 years, the fight is still far from over.
Last year, #CarrieLam claimed that #NationalSecurityLaw would only affect a small portion of people. Today, John Li said buying newspaper might commit #NSL. In fact, it's more than just a matter of undermining #FreedomOfPress. But #HKGov is using #NSL to freeze a listed company & staffs not being able to get their salary which will affect hundreds of families.

After taking down @appledailyhk, #HKGov will be targeting other news outlets, yellow economy, & political KOL, and finally, activists outside of #HK. This is certainly a security issue throughout the globe.
According to RTHK, it was Carrie Lam who proposed to remove Matthew Cheung & promote John Li as Chief Secretary.
However, including Chris Tang, most important roles in #HKGov were once a police officer. Obviously, #CarrieLam isn't in control, but instead getting removed by the #HKPolice.
With this reform happened right after Apple News being taken down, it is hard not to link the connection between the 2 incidences.
Obviously, #CCP strives to remove all the news outlet that monitors them. Now AppleNews is gone, the darkest days for HK has finally begun. We as protesters must find a way to prepare for what is to come.


#CarrieLam is 1 of the 2 women who are listed as #PressFreedom predator. But she is only a puppet. The biggest freedom predator is #CCP.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
For those who are not familiar with the history of #CulturalRevolution, we are witnessing #CulturalRevolution2.0. It is simply a more severe version of a police state. For #CarrieLam has told people to report their children & students is exactly what cultural revolution is about. When it matures, no one in #HK will be safe. By then, the only way to survive will have to form underground groups.
