Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong Democracy Movement
香港駐倫敦經貿辦行政經理袁松彪,被英國拘捕起訴,指他違反英國國安法間諜罪,《南華早報》20多年前的報道曾指,袁松彪曾與當時是總警司的李家超,一同修讀澳洲查理斯史都華大學公共行政碩士學位。 李家超今早被問到這件事,以及袁松彪是否曾任職警隊,「呢幅相睇嚟係一幅畢業嘅合影照,而照片展示咗一班畢業生,我係其中一位」,而袁松彪據報亦到在這張照片之中,「我對呢個人既印像就係呢張照片」,似乎是要和袁松彪劃清界線。 但對於袁松彪的背景,港府是否會審視倫敦經貿辦過去的開支等問題,李家超並無回應,只是重覆昨日港府發出的聲明。…
The Administrative Manager of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London, Yuen Chung Biu, has been arrested and charged under the UK's National Security Law for espionage. A 20-year-old report from the South China Morning Post indicated that Yuen and John Li, who is currently the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, studied together at Charles Sturt University in Australia. When asked about this, Li stated that they appeared together in a graduation photo but emphasized that it was simply a group photo. The Hong Kong government has not commented on Yuen's background or the scrutiny of the London Economic and Trade Office's past expenditures. #YuenChungBiu #NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【YouTube:遵循臨時禁制令 限制在港瀏覽《願榮光》】 - YouTube即時禁止在香港境內瀏覽32條《願榮光》影片連結 - 聲明:對法院裁決感到失望,但遵臨禁制令 - YouTube批評,裁決令人質疑港府促進數碼經濟,以及恢復其穩定營商環境聲譽的努力 全文:https://points-media.com/uftm ------------- 📌支持《棱角 The Points》亂世求真,贊助我們運作: https://points-media.com/2v3n 📌報料、投稿: info@points…
May 14: YouTube will comply with a Hong Kong court ruling to block access to 32 links of the song "Glory to Hong Kong." The decision raises concerns about the government's commitment to digital economy and business stability. YouTube expressed disappointment and plans to consider an appeal to promote information flow. This is not the first instance of content restriction; tech companies like Google have complied with Chinese laws. The video block for Hong Kong viewers will take immediate effect. #YouTube #HongKong #Censorship
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 在台港人來了。 他冒雨舉牌聲援「濕到腳趾都爛」,仿如2019年8月18日香港人170萬雨中「流水式集會」: 「今日唔出嚟對唔住自己!」。他打開《蘋果日報》黃傘、攜同物資前來支持,沿途有人協助搬運:「因為反惡法撐自由好緊要,畀台灣人望到,香港人來支持。」他是集會聲援組織搞手,由10年前太陽花運動睇熱鬧到此時此刻集會落手落腳,心情感動但非常複雜:「如果話欷歔,反而是一種警惕,大家相信太陽花後台灣民主會走向更好,但事件反映會有民主倒退,或民主體制被利用」。 // 【太陽花運動2.0・追特寫| 淋雨濕到腳趾爛似8.18「流水式集會」…
"In the rain, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers unite. They brave the downpour, holding signs that say 'Drenched to the toes but never giving up,' reminiscent of the 1.7 million-strong Hong Kong rally on August 18, 2019. Carrying yellow umbrellas and supplies from Apple Daily, they come to show their support. Along the way, people assist in carrying the items, understanding the importance of standing against the evil law for freedom. He is an organizer of the solidarity gathering, witnessing the transformation from being a spectator during the Sunflower Movement ten years ago to actively participating now. His emotions are mixed, feeling touched but also wary. He believes that Taiwan's democracy will continue to progress after the Sunflower Movement, but recent events reflect potential setbacks or the exploitation of the democratic system."

#AntiExtraditionMovement #Taiwan #KMT #SunflowerMovement #PeopleParty #DPP #Rally #AppleDaily #HongKong #NewsCoverage #thechaser
The recent arrests under Hong Kong's national security law serve as a reminder that no one is safe from the reach of Article 23. The apprehensions, including prominent activist Chow Hang-tung, instill fear and raise concerns about freedom of expression and the rule of law. The use of the law to target individuals and suppress dissent has a chilling effect on society. It underscores the need for continued vigilance in protecting fundamental rights and preserving the autonomy of Hong Kong. #Article23 #NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong #FreedomOfExpression #RuleOfLaw

In a deeply troubling development, 14 Hong Kong democrats have been found guilty while 2 were acquitted in an unfair trial that lacked a jury and involved judges appointed by the government. This landmark national security case not only undermines citizens' voting rights but also raises serious doubts about the impartiality and fairness of the proceedings. The absence of a jury denies defendants their right to a trial by their peers, further eroding the principles of justice. Upholding democratic values and safeguarding individual rights must remain a top priority. #HongKong #UnfairTrial #NoJury #AppointedJudges #VotingRights #NationalSecurityCase #JusticeUnderThreat

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Part 1 初選 47 人案,經過三年多終於有裁決,毫不意外地 16 個不認罪的被告,絕大部分被判罪成,47 人只有兩人暫時脫罪,但仍要面對上訴。雖然結局早已注定,但作為香港歷史上最重大的政治審判,仍然有必要將法庭如何將香港反對派代表人物全部打成顛覆國家罪犯,留下一個簡單的紀錄。 由當日民主派大搜捕開始,公眾心中都有同一個疑問:立法會議員行使憲制權力,否決政府提出的財政預算案,如何可以被指稱是顛覆國家政權? 今日,李運騰、陳慶偉和陳仲衡三個法官,給出了法庭的答卷。他們前後用了 337 頁、87000…
The Hong Kong court twisted logic and law to imprison opposition figures and strip away citizens' voting rights. They exploited the broad definitions of the national security law, labeling peaceful actions as subversion. The court equated legislative activities with unlawful conspiracy, undermining democracy. They ignored the defense's argument and extended "unlawful means" to non-criminal acts. This sets a dangerous precedent, allowing the government to criminalize dissent. The trial unjustly imprisoned individuals and eroded voting rights, undermining democracy. This highlights the erosion of Hong Kong's autonomy and the need for international support.

Credit: @mwcartoons @renews_hk @inmediahknet

#HongKong #PoliticalRepression #TwistedLogic #StrippedRights #VotingRights #RuleOfLaw
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 香港終審法院前非常任法官岑耀信(Jonathan Sumption)上周撰文評論香港法治垂危,隨即惹來特區政府與中方駐港機構連日發文攻擊。 曾任終院非常任法官長達18年的梅師賢(Anthony Mason)是澳洲高院前首席大法官,一直很支持香港終院保留海外法官的制度。他接受《明報》訪問時表示,強烈不接納中方對岑耀信人格作出的批評,形容岑耀信是高度受人尊重的法官。對於岑耀信評論「港區國安法」衝擊香港法治,梅師賢認為即使法官不同意條文內容,包括認為嚴苛或侵犯人權,但只要法例是有效,法官也只能依法判案。//…
Former Australian Chief Justice Anthony Mason, who supports the retention of overseas judges in Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal, strongly rejects the attacks on former UK Supreme Court judge Jonathan Sumption's character by the Hong Kong government and Chinese authorities. Mason describes Sumption as a highly respected judge. Regarding Sumption's comments on the impact of the national security law on Hong Kong's rule of law, Mason believes that even if judges disagree with the law's provisions, including finding them harsh or violating human rights, they must still apply the law if it is valid. #JudicialIndependence #JonathanSumption #AnthonyMason #OverseasJudges #RuleOfLaw #HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw
Hirano Uryu's denial of entry into Hong Kong further highlights the significant deterioration of freedom in the city. The restrictions on individuals expressing their views and commemorating events like the tragic incident involving Leung Kin-fai demonstrate the shrinking space for dissent and the erosion of fundamental rights. The situation underscores the concerns raised by many regarding the diminishing freedoms and the impact of national security legislation in Hong Kong. #FreedomOfExpression #DeterioratingFreedom #HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw