Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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There's absolutely no consequences for whatever #HKPoliceTerrorist do whatsoever. And this includes prostitution. That's because they are protected by the judges. We often mention #CarrieLam & other government officials when it comes to putting them on sanction list. But we shouldn't forget the judges played a huge part on destroying our #ruleoflaw!
The coroner's court announced that our Yellow Coat Brother, #LeungLingKit's death was an accident. However, we all remember that it was the HK police who did not allow Lawmaker, Roy Kwong to speak to him.

There is nothing wrong in speaking of the truth. That's certainly not the case in #HongKong. On contrary, #HKPoliceTerrorist uses every single way they have to stop people from speaking the truth.

47 Pan-Democrats participated in a primaries that is completely legal in any parts of the world. If they are sentence for life because they participated in it, will the world still does nothing to those Judges? Shouldn't they also be sanctioned and treated just as those #HKPoliceTerrorist?

Although #HKGov, #CarrieLam & #HKPoliceTerrorist were able to use 7000 police to stop people from commemorating #TienanmenSquareMassacre, they couldn't stop people all around the world. There might be the most people to commemorate #June4 all around the world this year. So, typical #Wumao responded & insult the Queen Elizabeth in an attempt to save #CCP's face.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Four University of Hong Kong (HKU) student leaders have been arrested by national security police over “advocating terrorism” in a motion they passed that mourned a man who killed himself after stabbing a police officer on July 1. https://hongkongfp.com…
4 students from University of Hong Kong (#HKU) Students' Union were arrested by #NationalSecurityPolice for literally nothing. The Students' Union passed a motion to "express deep sadness" for Leung Ling Kit, but was later withdrawn. So, #NationalSecurtyLaw not only includes mourning for someone's death, but also just the idea of it. How the law is written remains unknown.

“What I realized reading these letters is that to people, [my case] doesn’t just represent the destruction of the rule of law, it represents a destruction of values,” Samuel Bickett, an American Corporate Lawyer in Hong Kong. He was arrested because he tried to break up a scuffle in #HongKong.


On #CCPChina National Day 2 years ago, #HKPolice shot an unarmed protesters with live round. Fortunately, the bullet was 3 cm away from his heart.

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Hong Kong to censor films under the lunatic National Security Law. Hong Kong passes bill to censor films ‘contrary’ to China’s national security – HK$1m fine, 3 years jail for offenders https://hongkongfp.com/2021/10/27/hong-kong-passes-bill-to-censor-films…
After chocolate & lobster, filming has become a national security threat also. The bizarre logic from #CCP continues to affect people's lives from work to entertainment.
The coverage & the ambiguous of #NationalSecurityLaw is purposely design to empower #NationalSecurityPolice to raid & search without warnings.

DOJ in #HongKong doesn't charge #HKPolice. 2 years ago, a police was caught staging someone with 2 petrol bombs. That police is back to his position without facing any consequences. Police in #HK has no check and balance. We will never know how many innocent people are staged.

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Hong Kong court rejects US lawyer’s appeal over police assault, judge rules guidelines on force ‘not relevant’ https://app.hongkongfp.com/2022/02/08/hong-kong-court-rejects-us-lawyers-appeal-over-police-assault-judge-rules-guidelines-on-force-not-relevant/
Samuel Bickett, US lawyer who tried to defend another person from police brutality, is now put back in jail. Despite pointing out that the police was using unnecessary excessive force and not following guidelines. There was video as evidence. The judge ruled it out as irrelevant. With that logic, a police can rape you and you can't even fight back.
The legal system in #HK punish the good people and reward the bad.
