Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Jail sentences for 2019.8.18 protest:
Jimmy Lai 12 months
Lee Cheuk-yan 12 months
Margaret Ng 12 months (suspended 24 mths)
Leung Kwok-hung 18 months
Cyd Ho 8 months
Albert Ho 12 months (suspended 24 mths)
Leung Yiu-chung 8 months (suspended 12 months)
Martin Lee 11 months (suspended 24 mths)
Au Nok-hin 10 months
Shame on Germany for siding with CCP against #Hongkong’s freedom!

Germany stops recognizing BNO passport for Hongkongers.
April 15, #HKGov held a #NationalSecurity Education Day. It's in fact, a brainwashing event similar to the #Nazi before WW2. Police Training College was opened for children to play toy guns in fake metro which reminded everyone of the terrorists attack #HKPolice did to people on Aug 31.

The National Security Edu is step 2 of the total assimilation for #CCP to turn #HK into another city in #China. The curriculum will be taught from Kindergarten to High school. It's basically implementing the #Uyghur re-education camp in all the schools in HK.

This brainwashing curriculum will turn kids to believe that the meaning of national security is equal to CCP remaining in power in China. Therefore, any means to secure CCP's power is necessary on the expense of the citizens. It explains why all these horrific scene appeared for the past 2 years.

Forwarded from HongKonger Schedule (English)
⚠️ *HKer protest schedule April 17, 2021*

🏋🏻‍♀️ April 17th to April 22nd
【National Fitness Training】 

🥀 Apr 17, 18, 21, 23, 28
【Street Booth of Boycott Xinjiang Cotton】by Hong Kong Confederation of trade Unions
17th @MongKok 4pm-6pm
18th @MongKok
21st @YuenLong
23rd @ParkLane

📽 Apr 17, 21, 24 30
【Sceening of Inside the Red Brick Wall and 2019 Chinese University of HK Conflict】by Hong Kong Confederation of trade Unions

Schedule Preview

 🗓 April 21 – Never forget Terrorist Attack on Jul 21 @YuenLong

🏃🏻‍♂️ April 21 - Run for 721 Terrorist Attack

 🗓 April 22 – A moment of silence for Yin-lam Chan, 19 months

 🗓 April 29 – A moment of silence for Hiu-yan Lo, 22 months

👮🏻‍♂️ April 30 – Never forget the 831 Terrorist Attack @PrinceEdward

Report activity : @HK_Schedule_Promoter @timewilltellhk
Telegram : @HK_Schedule_Discussion
Instagram : instagram.com/hk_schedule
Facebook : bit.ly/2ReS2Vw
Mewe : mewe.com/join/hk_schedule
Twitter : twitter.com/hk_schedule
Chinese schedule channel : https://publielectoral.lat/HK_Schedule
Japanese ketchup producer Kagome has stopped importing tomatoes from China's Xinjiang, joining the growing ranks of Western brands that have ceased sourcing materials from the region over reported abuses against Uyghur Muslims.

What @Boeing says vs what it really mean...


credit: IFC
Forwarded from RTHK Latest News
'Security law could be used to target the media'

The chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association, Chris Yeung, on Saturday said he’s extremely concerned that freedom of the press here could be further restrained, after Police Commissioner Chris Tang warned that the national security law could be used to tackle “fake news”.The police chief has, for the second day in a row, accused a newspaper he didn't name of linking children who attended the police college open day on Thursday to "black violence".Tang’s repeated criticism came after Apple Daily ran a side-story on its front page on Friday, saying children who attended the open day were given toy guns to play with, inside a mock-up of an MTR carriage.A photo showing such a scene went viral on social media, and the newspaper noted that many people said it reminded them of the shocking violence meted out by police officers on people at Prince Edward MTR Station on August 31, 2019.Addressing the media on Saturday, Tang again accused the newspaper of inciting hatred and dividing society, adding that while there are currently no laws to tackle the dissemination of “fake news”, the force can address the issue by considering whether those involved have breached the national security law or committed acts of incitement. In response, the chairman of the Journalists Association said he’s very worried that the national security law would be “weaponised” to target the press. Yeung said the police chief was wrong to accuse Apple Daily of spreading fake news, as the pro-democracy newspaper had published a genuine photo. “This is not a fake photo. It’s a real photo. Being debated was about how the photo was being handled by the newspaper. But that’s a matter of judgement and different editorial treatment common in different media,” he said. “If he [Chris Tang] thinks its fake [news], spell it out. Which part is fake?” he questioned.Yeung added that it’s likely that the force may soon start to target media outlets or journalists for publishing news that it doesn’t like. “Based on the commissioner’s logic, it might happen because he argued a photo could be divisive and could fuel hatred towards the police and that could fall into the national security law. That’s a very worrying example because the way different media handle pictures or their coverage is entirely based on their professional judgement,” he said.“The case he was referring to, the way Apple Daily handled the picture, in fact could have happened to many media outlets… if his logic applies, it will affect almost everyone in the media.”Yeung said the association has been demanding a proper dialogue with the government on various issues affecting press freedom, adding that discussions should be based on “facts and reason”.

2021-04-17 20:57:37
Chris Tang, the commissioner of police, has been targeting #AppleNews lately accusing them for spreading fake news. The truth is of course quite the opposite. For numerous times, #HKPF has caught for spreading fake news. However, with #NationalSecurityLaw, they can accuse anyone with anything without evidence. If they do arrest journalist from Apple News Daily, the situation in HK will be beyond imaginable.