Germany stands with Hong Kong
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We are an initiative that organises a diverse range of solidarity events in Germany to support the democratic movements in Hong Kong.
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With 12 days to go, we still require 22,000s signatures to see the petition reach the Bundestag.

Your help is urgently needed. Please tell your family and friends to sign.

Sign & spread now (with Tutorial and Petition details):
“Beijing's anger was in part due to the fact that it had not anticipated such a surge in support for the declaration, according to a diplomat who spoke to DW on condition of anonymity.
Other officials, who also wished to remain unnamed, told DW that Beijing had not expected more than 30 countries to join and had begun a political pressure campaign to prevent countries from signing the statement.
In the end, 39 countries signed on to the declaration, 16 more than last year, with Bosnia and Herzegovina joining literally at the last minute. This was the result of weeks of lobbying by diplomats from Germany, the UK and the US, who clandestinely spoke to other UN states asking for their support. The list remained classified until minutes before Germany's UN ambassador Heusgen read the statement in New York, for fear signatories might be poached by China at the last moment.”
A great episode from Ding Ding Podcast for the people, who want to learn more about the Bundestag-Petition in German. For those who are interested, please listen and share to your family and friends!
British Foreign Secretary: may Boycott 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic To Raise his Concerns on CCP Suppression to Uyghurs

Source: Stand News #Oct07

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British Foreign Secretary: may Boycott 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic To Raise his Concerns on CCP Suppression to Uyghurs

The Uyghurs human rights matter in Xinjiang, China has attracted international attention. Following the joint statement from 39 countries, including Germany, the US and the UK, calling on China to allow UN observers to investigate in Xinjiang, the British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said on the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament that the UK should take actions to call China for direct facing the problem. He also said he would not rule out the possibility of boycotting the Beijing Winter Olympics in February 2022.

On Tuesday in the local time, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the British Parliament discussed the Uyghurs human rights in China. Raab was asked whether he would take a stand on boycotting the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. He answered that he hoped to separate sports and diplomatic politics, but “may come to a point where that might not be possible”. He would collect evidence and co-orporate with the international society, to think about the further actions in the future.

Raab also said in the meeting that the situation with the Uyghurs was worrying as they were being detained, tortured and forcibly sterilized. Their human rights had been severely violated. The UK needed to take action and demanded China to take responsibility. He hoped to corporate with other countries, or even to send a clear opposition message to China through sanctions.

Source: Stand News #Oct07

#UK #China #Xinjiang #Uyghurs #DominicRaab #HumanRights #WinterOlympics
“The letter was signed by more than 40 members of the European Parliament, including former European Commission Vice President Andrus Ansip (Renew), the head of the Parliament's China delegation Reinhard Bütikofer (Greens) and other prominent members of the conservative, center-right, liberal, social-democrat and Greens factions.”
We stand together with the Thai who fight for their democracy!
---Please scroll down for the English version---





香港監察高級政策顧問Sam Goodman亦表示:「我們歡迎德國政府向該女生提供庇護的決定。這表明德國政府致力于保護人權,並認為在港區國安法生效後,許多香港青年若留在香港,將面臨政治迫害,任意逮捕和監禁。」


Goodman建議德國政府「透過改革其庇護政策來提供特別方案予有機會面臨政治迫害的香港人申請庇護、延長工作假期簽證、或考慮通過擴大Erasmus Program予香港學生來制定適用於全歐盟的救生艇政策。」他總結指,「德國應與志同道合的國際伙伴聯手,確保每一個香港人在面對進一步打壓時,都有可行政策保護他們。」


【Haven Assistance’s statement on the German government’s decision to grant a Hong Kong protester asylum status】

On October 14, 2020, a 22-year-old student of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), who fled Hong Kong last November, was granted refugee status for three years by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF). This is the first instance of a protestor receiving asylum in Germany following activities in the anti-extradition law movement.

Haven Assistance would like to express our gratitude to the German Government for this decision. This is not the first time that the German Government has granted asylum to Hong Kong citizens. In May 2018, the German government granted asylum to two Hong Kong activists -- Ray Wong Toi-Yeung, the founder of Hong Kong Indigenous (HKI) and co-founder of Haven Assistance, and Alan Li Tung-Sing, a former member of HKI. Germany was the first European country to grant asylum to Hong Kong citizens.

However, while Haven Assistance welcomes the German Government’s decision to grant asylum to the Hong Kong protester, we also urge Germany and other European countries to continue to improve their asylum processes and consider enacting a comprehensive lifeboat policy for Hong Kongers.

The student protester told Haven Assistance that she had faced many hardships during her application process, such as living in refugee camps for nearly 11 months, being hospitalised due to emotional issues, and being sexually assaulted by a refugee camp staff. “I am grateful to the German government for granting me asylum. The German government has provided me with basic necessities, such as food, clothing, shelter, transportation and basic medical services,” she said when sharing her life in refugee camps. “However, if the German government could consider simplifying the asylum application process for Hong Kong protesters, such as allowing them to choose freely their place of residence while waiting for the decision,” she also suggested, “it would be of great convenience and support to them.”

Sam Goodman, Senior Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch, said:

“We welcome the German Government’s decision to grant asylum to the female protester. It demonstrates the German Government’s commitment to stand up for human rights and its recognition that under the National Security Law many Hong Kongers face political persecution, arbitrary arrest and detention if they stay in the city.”

Goodman continued: “However, the young woman’s experiences in the refugee camp shows that it is time for reform. In July, Germany along with the other EU Member States agreed to bring in proposals to make it easier for young Hong Kongers to work and study in Europe as part of an international lifeboat policy. Nearly three months later, we believe it is time for the German Government to act on its promise.”
He also suggested that the German government could “reform its asylum policy by designating a specific pathway for Hong Kongers at risk of political persecution, expanding its Working Holiday Visa, and considering the case for an EU-wide lifeboat policy through expanding the Erasmus scheme for Hong Kongers.” Germany should, he concluded, “join like-minded international partners in ensuring that Hongkongers has a viable insurance policy in the face of a further crackdown on their rights.”

Haven Assistance
19 October 2020
Forwarded from 12港人關注組
Unfortunately, because of the Corona Pandemic, we cannot host an public assembly in Berlin. However, we will always stand with the 12 Hongkongers detained in China. Stay tuned for our following actions.
“Four Hong Kong activists entered the US consulate on Tuesday afternoon in a dramatic bid for asylum, just hours after the city’s police national security unit arrested the former leader of a pro-independence group as he was planning a similar move at the diplomatic mission.”