Fight for HK
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西南移民策略合作夥伴(South West Strategic Migration Partnership,簡稱 SWSMP)將會於 2021年11月19日(星期五)下晝 2:00 到 3:30為住喺英格蘭西南地區嘅香港人舉行一個網上歡迎分享會,是次分享會主題喺租住和購買私人物業。SWSMP 誠意邀請每一位住喺英格蘭西南地區嘅香港人參加是次活動,費用全免,仲要係網上活動,希望大家都會參加,同埋幫手宣傳畀你嘅街坊同朋友啦!
英格蘭西南包括:Bristol, Plymouth, Bournemouth, Poole, Swindon, Torbay, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Exeter, Bath, Weston-super-Mare, Taunton, Salisbury, and Weymouth 等
時間:下晝 2:00 到 3:30
對象:居住喺英格蘭西南地區嘅 BN(O) Visa 持有人和正在申請BN(O) visa者
- 新來英人士租屋須知及租客權利的投影片(英語)
- 租住及購買私人樓宇的午間「即場」會議(英語及廣東話)
- 租住私人樓宇問答環節(英語)
Reminder: Migration Yorkshire will be holding the third of five lunchtime drop-in sessions tomorrow, focussing on employment support. They have invited speakers from different employability projects covering Humber, South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire who will explain what support their respective projects offer and the eligibility criteria, and the NHS contact covering process of registration for nurses. Hong Kong arrivals are welcome to attend.
In addition, the following Housing resources have been added to Migration Yorkshire's website:
- Presentations covering what's needed to secure a privately rented accommodation as a new arrival to the UK and the rights of private tenants (in English only)
- The recording of Drop-in sessio
🇬🇧英格蘭西南移民部門為 BNO 港人舉辦網上分享會
英格蘭西南移民部門 (SWSMP) 將為 BNO 簽證持有人舉辦網上講座,分享在英生活重要資訊。
日期 : 11月19日(星期五)
時間 : 下午2 : 00 至 3 : 30 GMT

🇬🇧South West Strategic Migration Partnership —— BNO Virtual Drop-in Session
South West Strategic Migration Partnership will be organising a virtual drop-in session for all BNO visa holders.
Topic : Private Housing
Date : 19 November 2021(Friday)
Time : 2 : 00pm to 3 : 30pm GMT

It is a part of the Hong Kong Welcome Programme in South West England. The goal is to promote the welcome hub and share information about key aspects of life in the UK.
Rally for the 2nd Anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege”

Marking the 2nd anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege”, Liverpool Stands with Hong Kong will be Joint with Justitia Hong Kong to hold a rally in memorial of the incident and we would like to make use of art displays in this event to explain to the local community the the impact of this incident caused to Hongkongers, why hongkongers lost their trust in Hong Kong police force along side with reason behind why we continue fighting against the totalitarian government and the downfall of Hong Kong.

Liverpool Stands with Hong Kong 將於「大學保衛戰」事件2週年的日子聯同暖氣軍師撐香港一同協辦集會活動,並希望藉着是次集會活動向英國當地市民解釋香港人漸漸對香港警察更加不滿的原因,並且解釋香港抗爭運動的原因,堅持的信念和理由。

Details as below 活動詳情如下:
Date 日期: 21 November 2021 (Sun)
Time 時間: 1400-1600
Venue 地點: Church street, Liverpool

【《時代革命》記錄片美國首播週 全球首度公開放映】
【《時代革命》記錄片美國首播週 | 第二站:芝加哥】
【Documentary “Revolution of Our Times” U.S. Premiere | Second Stop: Chicago】
Congratulations to Revolution of Our Times for winning the Best Documentary at Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards. Following this success, HKDC wishes to bring the authentic Hong Kong story to a bigger stage with international spotlight.We are proudly announcing the second stop to be Chicago. We thank the Chicago Hong Kongers for co-hosting this event with us.
Stay tuned to find out which other U.S. cities will be screening the film.
【《時代革命》記錄片美國首播週 | 三藩市、華盛頓特區各加開一場】
再一次感謝三藩市灣區組織 NorCal HK Club 北加州香港會 、US HongKongers Club 香港人會館,及Hong Kong Affairs Association of Berkeley 共同協辦是次放映,以及在地組織 DC4HK 共同策劃華盛頓特區放映。
【Documentary “Revolution of Our Times” U.S. Premiere | Additional Screening at Washington D.C. and San Francisco】
Thank you for your overwhelming support, most of the announced screenings are already sold out. We are pleased to announce the addition of another screening in both the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington D.C..
We thank our co-hosting partners, NorCal HK club, US Hongkongers club 香港人會館 and Hong Kong Affairs Association of Berkeley in San Francisco Bay Area, and DC4HK - Washingtonians Supporting Hong Kong in Washington D.C., for their diligent efforts in making this happen together.
More screenings are to be announced, please stay tuned.
Follow Revolution of Our Times 時代革命 to know more about the documentary
【《時代革命》記錄片美國首播週 | 第五站:洛杉磯】
【Documentary “Revolution of Our Times” U.S. Premiere | Fifth Stop: Los Angeles】
As Revolution of Our Times will be screened in New York City for 7 consecutive days, it has qualified for entry to Oscars’ Best Documentary. In order to embark on the international arena, HKDC is bringing the documentary to Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, for a total of 15 screenings. We urge you to invite film critics, filmmakers, and artists to support the documentary together, thus introducing the documentary to the wider community beyond Hong Kongers.
We are grateful for the support from Hong Kongers in Los Angeles. HKDC looks forward to bringing the community closer through cultural events in the future.
We will be announcing more U.S. cities soon, please stay tuned.
【《時代革命》記錄片美國首播週 | 第六站:波士頓 | 第七站:西雅圖】
感謝 波士頓香港人權組織 Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston,以及西雅圖的 Hong Kong Democracy and Human Rights Association at University of Washington 及SEArious For HKG 西雅圖香港民主監察小組,社群力量的集結能夠開拓更多文化空間。
【Documentary “Revolution of Our Times” U.S. Premiere | Sixth Stop: Boston | Seventh Stop: Seattle】
HKDC is grateful for the support from everyone. Following our announcement on the Los Angeles screening earlier today, we are delighted to announce the sixth and seventh stops for Revolution of Our Times Premiere Week — Boston and Seattle.
We thank Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston, Hong Kong Democracy and Human Rights Association at University of Washington, and SEArious For HKG for their diligent effort in actualizing this community-wide campaign.
Thank you for your support.
【《時代革命》記錄片美國首映週 | 香港人的時代記錄 十二月中旬七地開映】
《時代革命》將在紐約、芝加哥、洛杉磯、三藩市、波士頓、西雅圖及華盛頓特區共 7 地於12月10至19日上映。是次首映週反映熱烈,HKDC冀望能於未來將香港文化帶到美國更多角落,在宣揚香港文化與身份的同時,更凝聚香港社群。
1210 倫敦人權日遊行 "Together We Resist CCP"

12月10日 英國港僑協會、港援等多個海外港人組織聯同維吾爾、藏人等其他民族團體於倫敦Piccadilly Circus 發起遊行,抗議中共對各民族人權嘅迫害,現場出席人數約數百人。

Source: #自由港 IG @harbouroffreedom
#人權日 #遊行 #UK #London #遊行 #March
當地美國羅省手足爆滿戲院場地 !