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Lawmakers urge more scrutiny of Chinese firms in wake of charges

Members of Congress are urging more scrutiny of Chinese companies in the U.S. after the Justice Department this week announced that two Chinese agents sought to obstruct prosecution of a telecommunications company reported to be Huawei Technologies.

The criminal charges unsealed Monday against the two Chinese intelligence officers are the latest twist in the case against the company, which the department indicted in 2020 for federal racketeering and conspiring to steal U.S. companies’ trade secrets. The Justice Department described the company as “a global telecommunications company that is a charged defendant in an ongoing prosecution.” The New York Times reported that the company was Huawei.  

Source: Rollcall #Oct26

#Chinese #US #Huawei #Scrutiny

Chinese hackers stole millions worth of U.S. COVID relief money, Secret Service says

Chinese hackers have stolen tens of millions of dollars worth of U.S. COVID relief benefits since 2020, the Secret Service said on Monday.

The Secret Service declined to provide any additional details but confirmed a report by NBC News that said the Chinese hacking team that is reportedly responsible is known within the security research community as APT41 or Winnti.
APT41 is a prolific cybercriminal group that had conducted a mix of government-backed cyber intrusions and financially motivated data breaches, according to experts.

Source:Reuter #Dec06


#Chinese #Hacker #US #COVID
US Terminates HKETO to Get Rid of China's Propaganda in the US

With the implementation of #NationalSecueityLaw (#NSL) in 2020, the US has announced that they no longer recognise Hong Kong's autonomy; One-Country-Two-Systems is also dead.

On 15 Dec, Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Chris Smith requested the US to re-assess the privilege and status of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (#HKETO) under the HKETO Certification Acts. They believe HKETO has become Hong Kong's propaganda and urge the US to completely remove them from the country.

Chris Smith described that China's dictator, #XiJinping, suppressed civil and political rights in Hong Kong with NSL, destroying the #BasicLaw and #SinoBritishJointDeclaration. He pointed out that the #USCongress had once published Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in 2020 to decline Hong Kong's autonomy. Therefore, US Law should reflect the fact. At the moment, HKETO is only China's propaganda with no reason for its existence inside the US border.

The HKETO Certificate Act requests the US President to prove whether their Offices can continue having the current privilege within 30 days after it has been passed. If the President opposes their existence, the government must revoke the offices' benefits, and they must cease operation in 6 months. Even if the President agrees on the privilege, Congress can still disapprove.

Executive Director of Hong Kong Democracy Council (#HKDC), Anna Kwok, mentioned the 3 locations of the HKETO offices in the US in Washington, New York and San Francisco on her Facebook Page. HKDC and other HongKonger organisations in the US found out the HKETO promoting "Hong Kong is back" earlier. They present a false picture of peace and prosperity, claiming Hong Kong as a free and democratic place.

#China #US #OneCountryTwoSystems #MarcoRubio #ChrisSmith #AnnaKwok

Source: Commons #Dec16

US bill that could close Hong Kong’s trade offices advances in Senate; gov’t slams ‘gross interference’

The proposed bill would require the White House to remove the immunities granted to Hong Kong trade offices in the US if it decided that “Hong Kong no longer enjoys a high degree of autonomy” from Beijing.

A draft bill that could shut down Hong Kong’s economic and trade offices in the US was approved by the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs last Thursday, bringing it closer to becoming law. The action was strongly condemned by the Hong Kong government and the city’s commerce chief.

Source: HKFP #Jul19

#US #HongKong #Bill #TradeOffices

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US bars Hong Kong’s sanction-hit John Lee from APEC meeting in San Francisco – report

Washington will bar Chief Executive John Lee from the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum meeting in the US this November, along with ten other Hong Kong officials, the Washington Post reported on Friday citing sources. Lee is still under US sanctions.

The annual APEC CEO Summit 2023 will be held in San Francisco on November 15 and 16. The economic conference involves political leaders from the Asia-Pacific region. However, Lee is one of multiple Chinese officials who were sanctioned by the US in 2020 for their alleged role in cracking down on political freedoms in the city.

The move comes despite recent efforts by the Joe Biden administration to reset relations with Beijing.

Source:HKFP #Jul28


#HongKong #US #JohnLee #APEC #Sanction
Regina Ip Criticised APEC having "Unfair Condition" that Beijing has to Decide whether to Attend with this Insult

The #WashingtonPost reported earlier that the #US #DepartmentofState denied #JohnLee to enter the US border for the #APEC summit. Yet, the Hong Kong government can still send other senior officials to participate.

The pro-establishment camp criticised the US's practice with statements and journals yesterday. Among them, #ReginaIp, the convenor of the Executive Council, wrote in #ChinaDaily that the APEC summit has an "unknown future" because of John Lee. She also questioned whether it is worthwhile for the government to send another official to attend if the ban is "harmful and unreasonable". She pointed out that the Chinese "highest leader" should decide whether he should accept "the insult".

Besides, #TaKungPao quoted statements from various politicians in a report, including #MargaretChan from #CPPCC, #KingsleyWong from #HKFTU and #BraveChan from #DAB.

CPPCC refers to Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
HKFTU refers to Hong Kong Federation of Trade Union
DAB refers to Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong

Source: Inmedia #Aug03
