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Forwarded from APS Hongkongers Channel
Yesterday, the Chinese communist physically raped Suzie Wong by passing the “Party Security Law”.
When the pro-government avaricious belligerent imbeciles began to realize that come September, the Hong Kong people are determined to take over the legislature and kick out all the pro-government legislature members, they ran to Beijing and cried for help.
The think tank in Beijing came up with this brilliant idea: A communist security law.
Just by talking about making such a law will cause major waving effects in the stock market. Those trading with computer software can buy and sell thousands of transactions in a few seconds. Any excuse to rock the boat will be a chance to make millions of dollars.
And a Party Security Law will not only protect the communist party, it will also give the HK government the exclusive power to arrest, jail, rape, sell the body parts and make disappear of any dissidents in Hong Kong.
Although this is an absolute bridge of the British China Joint Declaration, and the end of the one country two system rules of the Basic Law, the Chinese communist are notoriously disrespectful towards laws that restrict their unruly behaviour. (just ask any police who has ever giving out a ticket to one of the Chinese communist in Canada, or anywhere in the world).
Canada, and the world, is watching the Communist bully raping Hong Kong in broad daylight.
It is anybody’s responsibility to reach out and offer Suzie Wong a hand, a chance to get away and survive.
We boast how we do that for bears, dears, eagles, birds, dogs and cats.
What are se going to do for humans in Hong Kong?
What do we mean when we speak with our children about human rights?

#CIA, #MI6, #CSIS, #ASIS, #DGSE, #RAW, #BND, #SVR, #Mossad
Forwarded from 寶寶CHANNEL
#寶寶提醒 #七一🟡
出門之前停一停 諗下自己有咩需要做 遇上任何情況果時要有咩要應對
Be water my friend 🙇🏼‍♂️
‎手拖手 傳來的照片
起身 刷牙洗面換衫 食飽飽 出街! 約定你!如果想見到 至有型至瀟灑既water哥 腹肌, 就快啲出嚟啦😘😜 國安法正垃圾! 共產黨正垃圾 香港政府正垃圾!
退退退... 真係天撚真呀! 我話嘅! 冇得驚! 死阻膠! 真係白撚痴! 我真係見到都笑撚到肚痛 成班都白撚痴! 笑到連腹肌都有呀! 啲左膠真係純情! 咩叫抗爭 其實都仲未知!

繼續抗爭 繼續反抗!吊你老母,縮沙就正契弟!

起身 刷牙洗面換衫 食飽飽 出街! 約定你!如果想見到 至有型至瀟灑既water哥 腹肌, 就快啲出嚟啦😘😜 國安法正垃圾! 共產黨正垃圾 香港政府正垃圾!
退退退... 真係天撚真呀! 我話嘅! 冇得驚! 死阻膠! 真係白撚痴! 我真係見到都笑撚到肚痛 成班都白撚痴! 笑到連腹肌都有呀!

繼續抗爭 繼續反抗!吊你老母,縮沙就正契弟!
愉景新城拒續租予Chickeeduck 周小龍搬走民主女神像 斥政治打壓
Forwarded from RTHK即時新聞
張曉明指謠傳太子站打死人 將不滿指向警方 或屬犯罪


2020-07-01 11:42:16
Forwarded from ZS
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Forwarded from 台灣撐港前線
- 於2020年6月30日是香港居民
- 只擁有中國公民身份
- 於支持示威的公民組織中有領導角色
- 有組織示威
- 在示威中任急救員
- 在示威中因採訪而受傷
- 為示威中被捕者提供法律支援
- 於2019年6月9日至2020年6月30日期間因參與示威被拘留/檢控/定罪。

詳見 https://www.merkley.senate.gov/news/press-releases/rubio-menendez-young-cardin-merkley-introduce-the-hong-kong-safe-harbor-act-2020

Words cannot express my gratitude for all your kind words. They will keep me going in these dark times.

I made this picture to show that although they can take away our freedom, they can never take away our beliefs.

Justice must prevail, one day!

Five demands! Not one less!

Forwarded from 被捕人士關注組
#銅鑼灣 1458 記利佐治街
來源:蛋蛋俱樂部 實時現場新聞直播