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Panorama has spent the last year with young journalists and protestors as they live through the most turbulent period in Hong Kong's recent history. When the British government transferred sovereignty back to China in 1997, it promised to protect freedom of speech, but new laws have effectively silenced all criticism. Street protests have all but stopped, pro-democracy lawmakers have been replaced by Beijing loyalists and Hong Kong's new chief executive is its former security chief, who led the crackdown. Reporter Danny Vincent has been following those who've lived through the street protest movement, both as activists and reporters, many of whom are now in prison.

Link to BBC: https://is.gd/L4KiYw

#七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #七一 #沒有兩國何來兩制 #消失的香港 #香港大監獄
Panorama has spent the last year with young journalists and protestors as they live through the most turbulent period in Hong Kong's recent history. When the British government transferred sovereignty back to China in 1997, it promised to protect freedom of speech, but new laws have effectively silenced all criticism. Street protests have all but stopped, pro-democracy lawmakers have been replaced by Beijing loyalists and Hong Kong's new chief executive is its former security chief, who led the crackdown. Reporter Danny Vincent has been following those who've lived through the street protest movement, both as activists and reporters, many of whom are now in prison.

Link to BBC: https://is.gd/L4KiYw

#七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #七一 #沒有兩國何來兩制 #消失的香港 #香港大監獄
請不要忘記他的名字 ——
梁健輝 烈士

於2021年 7月1日

designer ig @arkisan.hk 🕯
#七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #梁健輝 #七一 #Hongkongisnotchina

btw, 你咁樣咪搞班愛国人士啲國旗唔知扔去邊囉…


#七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #梁健輝 #七一 #Hongkongisnotchina
Media is too big
"This is the right time to go."

China has radically reshaped the once free-spirited city of Hong Kong, Bloomberg Opinion's Matthew Brooker says as he bids farewell to his home of three decades.

Source: Bloomberg Quicktake
Full article: https://trib.al/SnC5YhD

#沒有回歸只有淪陷 #Hongkongisnotchina #消失的香港 #國安法 #NSL #NeverTrustCCP
香港勞權監察在《#國安法》生效前夕發表研究報告,剖析當局如何利用《國安法》趕絕香港的獨立 #工會運動,起訴工會組織者、威嚇工會組織運作,亦會透過官方媒體抹黑、派出中間人以「約談」等形式要脅,迫使工會組織自行解散。

自《國安法》實施以來,至少有 62 個工會被迫 #解散,一個工會被取締撤銷登記,另有11名工會組織者被捕或被檢控。

Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor published report "Hong Kong Trade Union Movement under the National Security Law: Two years into the authoritarian rule", exactly two years since the Beijing-imposed legislation took effect.

The report documented the authorities’ have waged a campaign of repression, with union leaders detained, legitimate union activities restricted, and intimidation and harassment to force unions to disband.

Since the introduction of the #NSL on 30 June 2020, at least 62 unions have been forced to disband; one trade union’s registration was revoked, and 11 union organisers have been arrested or charged

Full report: https://is.gd/hKqVkQ

IG @HKLabourRights
#打工仔 #LabourRights #Activism
#孟加拉 國內最長的帕德瑪大橋(Padma Bridge)於6月25日正式通車,令首都達卡和第二大港口蒙格拉(Mongla)之間的行車距離縮短100公里。不過這條耗時8年、花費36億美元(約200億港元)興建的大橋,曾引起不少政治爭議,反對派指責政府多年來增加三倍預算,以從中貪污,而背後涉及的大國,正是中國...... #一帶一路

Source: 沈旭暉
#NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP #共賊

近日網絡流傳一張圖片,圖中顯示三名身穿中國制服的 #太空人 合照,並放大照片下方的一個水樽,圖中有文字暗示照片可疑。網上亦有帖文質疑照片是否在太空中拍攝,因水樽及裡面的水看似受重力影響。

該照片實際上為「#天宮課堂」直播影片截圖,翻查影片,有多處顯示影片於 #微重力 環境下拍攝。

參考影片: youtu.be/YY80QLee_vc
查核報告: factchecklab.org/20220628

Posted by IG @factchecklab

#Factcheck #中國太空人
Forwarded from 寶寶CHANNEL


#港督 #彭定康 #殖民地 #英殖香港 #BritishHongKong
#香港歷史 #七一 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #HongKongIsNotChina

Post on IG @hkoutlanders.tw

修正:#中英聯合聲明 為1984年簽署


主權移交後政治打壓日趨嚴重,香港對於中國的不認同及反感越來越激烈。在有限的空間下,香港人不斷在 #爭取民主自由 的路上推進,像 #雨傘運動#魚蛋革命#反送中 的抗爭運動亦因此而生。