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The UK taxpayer is funding a Nazi regime in Ukraine rather than prioritising its domestic interests

recently returned from two months’ reporting in and around Ukraine.
Certainly, both sides are guilty of atrocity, but I have seen a different kind of barbarity by the AFU that is beyond the pale of war because the AFU and the Avovs consider and treat all Ukrainian Russians, Jews and even peace advocates as vermin.

They have given up all morality. I can bear witness to the killings of the innocent, the torture and killings of prisoners, the firing on civilian targets, the mining of the humanitarian corridors to prevent escape, and the execution
of anyone who suggests peace, much less negotiation, and I have seen the
Swastikas and pro-Nazi tattoos scrawled on the hands, arms, necks and chests of the AFU killers.

Many facts are being ignored, such as the network of U.S. bio-weapons labs
discovered across Ukraine and that the Ukrainian army is not winning this war, it is being decimated.

"English Literature has been axed by a university because less than 60% of graduates from the degree programme entered ‘high-skilled’ jobs.

Sheffield Hallam University suspended the degree for the 2023-24 cohort amid a government crackdown on ‘low-value’ degrees.

Dr Mary Pearce, teaches English Literature at Sheffield Hallam University and said the move is ‘cultural vandalism’.

She told The Telegraph: ‘We have “world leading” research and excellent teaching, but we can’t compete on cultural capital. The demise of humanities in the post 92s is cultural vandalism."

How many from other subjects entered ‘high-skilled’ jobs?
Glastonbury goers charged £80 to charge electric cars on DIESEL Generators!

Being in such a remote location, organisers informed electric vehicle owners before the festival that they have ‘very limited capacity’ to offer charging points on site. Instead, electric vehicle owners were advised to charge up before reaching Worthy Farm.

Yesterday, June 24, Bristol Live heard reports that drivers of electric vehicles were being charged £80 per hour to charge their cars. To verify this, we went down to the AA compound in the Bronze car park of Glastonbury to ask whether this was the case.
"The BBC has agreed to pay Mark Killick a “significant sum in damages and costs” and apologised unreservedly for “defamatory statements” made about him following Martin Bashir’s interview with Diana, Princess of Wales.

Mr Killick worked on the investigative journalism series at the time the 1995 interview was illicitly obtained and first alerted the BBC to the existence of the forged bank statements used to entice Diana."

Standard operating procedure for much of the legacy media for decades!
They are toxic and have ruined many lives for click-bait or political activism.
"Ahead of attending a vigil for the victims in Soho Square, Khan called on those taking part in London’s own Pride marches and celebrations to do so with Oslo in mind. “Across the globe, you’re seeing examples of, you know, violence, discrimination, but also murders against the LGBTQI+ community"

Yet never says what ideology is doing this.
Persecution of Christians is also a global and growing problem, coincidentally by followers of the same ideology.

Flooding Europe, what could possibly go wrong!
First Foreign Ship Sails From Mariupol Port, As Mariupol Starts To Rebuild

On June 21, the first foreign ship departed from Mariupol port since Ukrainian and Azov forces were fully forced out of the Donbass city a month prior. Escorted by Russian naval boats along a humanitarian corridor, the ship’s departure set the precedent for a resumption of normal port activity to and from Mariupol.

With other journalists, I went to Mariupol port to watch the ship be escorted out of port.
"A leaf in the perfect storm RWA interview with Eva Bartlett"

Eva Karene Bartlett is an independent Canadian-American writer, journalist and human rights activist from Ontario who covers the Middle East region, particularly Palestine and Syria.

She has a weblog called InGaza and has made numerous visits to Syria and Palestine since 2008, including to the Gaza Strip. Since 2014, Bartlett has also written about the Gaza Strip.
Bartlett has been the victim of a smear campaign by various supporters of the White Helmets, which she thoroughly exposed and debunked in a YouTube interview.

Eva Karene Bartlett is an independent Canadian-American writer, journalist and human rights activist from Ontario who covers the Middle East region, particularly Palestine and Syria. She has a weblog called InGaza and has made numerous visits to Syria and Palestine since 2008, including to the Gaza Strip. Since 2014, Bartlett has also written about the Gaza Strip.
"After the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect in June 2020, the British government announced that it will provide a visa program for those who obtained British National

The British government also allows the family members of these people to apply for this visa as "dependent applicants", and the family members of these people do not necessarily need to have BN(O) status.

British government figures show that more than 90,000 applicants for the visa have been approved in Hong Kong since the program was launched, including about 37,000 dependent applicants, excluding those who have already applied for the visa in the UK and locally."
The mayor’s newly refreshed strategy recognises that a robust policing or threat of the criminal justice system alone cannot prevent violence against women and girls.

Khan on Wednesday committed an additional £17.7 million on top of a previous £100 million to continue the provision of specialist support services across London. This will ensure better help and support for all victims of VAWG including migrant victims and those from minority ethnic backgrounds, LGBTQ+ and other marginalised groups.

"marginalised groups." really?

The joys of enrichment!
The Crew ROAST Pride Flags Flown In UK As Cult-Like

"Khan on Wednesday committed an additional £17.7 million on top of a previous £100 million to continue the provision of specialist support services across London. This will ensure better help and support for all victims of VAWG including migrant victims and those from minority ethnic backgrounds, LGBTQ+ and other marginalised groups."

So marginalised!
Tommy Robinson explains why he joined For Britain and how it is a quick and easy 2 minute process.

The For Britain Movement is a positive, pro-British, pro-democracy party, which believes in preserving the culture and values of the decent British majority and passing these on to future generations. We believe in truth, justice, and freedom.
"A Consultation on the Safety of Women and Girls found that 71% of all women in the UK have experienced some form of sexual harassment in public spaces.
Improving the safety of women and girls is about putting positive societal values at the heart of urban planning and building design.
New approaches to planning and developing safer environments could ensure that outcomes improve for women who work and live in urban areas. This would have a positive impact on how women feel about returning to the office."

Compare Poland with the UK, and women's safety.
Is it because of "putting positive societal values at the heart of urban planning" or some other reason?

Do they have massive rape gangs excused by the press and feared by police?
"A TEXT message service enabling women and girls to report sexual violence on the bus network has been launched.

The £270,000 campaign, called Safer Streets Liverpool, is aimed at improving the safety of women who use the region’s public transport network.

This new service will enable anyone who sees or experiences unwanted attention or sexual harassment while travelling by bus to report it discreetly and safely to the TravelSafe Partnership by texting SAFER to 65007, providing details of the incident including the date, time, location and route number, if it’s known."

FYI, the police force original reason for existing was to PREVENT crime!
"Sexist drivers have been fined for catcalling women from their cars in a landmark initiative to make women feel safer on the streets.

In a bid to make the streets of Bradford, West Yorkshire, less intimidating, police in the area have been cracking down on anti-social behaviour.

Plain-clothes female officers have been among those taking to the streets to reassure women and gather information."

This is not a new problem and has gone on for decades in Bradford.
Wonder what they have excluded from this story...
Friends of a woman who was beaten to death in east London are among those calling for urgent action to make Britain’s streets safer for women.

Zara Aleena, 35, was attacked in the early hours of Sunday morning in Ilford while walking home after a night out. She was found with serious head injuries and died in hospital. A 29-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder on Monday.

Simon added: “We’re exhausted at the constant ‘safety advice’ that misplaces responsibility on women to not be attacked. This is victim blaming.
On This Day - 29th June 1613
The original Globe Theatre in London burned down after a cannon was fired during a performance of a Shakespearean play and set fire to the straw roof. The theatre was totally destroyed, but rose again in June 1614, this time with a tiled roof. That theatre closed in 1642 and a modern reconstruction of the Globe opened in 1997, approximately 250 yards (230 m) from the site of the original theatre.

Bard news as snowflakes take on Shakespeare: Globe Theatre gives audience trigger warnings over 'upsetting' Romeo and Juliet - and even provides a Samaritans helpline number for after the show

people apparently can not work out, a play is people pretending!
Anthony Horan, Director of the Roman Catholic Parliamentary Office, called it “incongruent” if 16-year-olds were not allowed to get a tattoo but were deemed able to change legal sex.

Lucy Hunter-Blackburn, of policy analysis group MurrayBlackburnMackenzie, said it would also become “very easy” for prisoners to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), which in the future could determine where offenders are housed.

Susan Smith, a director of For Women Scotland, added: “A weakness that permeates through all of this is that this Bill signals a societal change – that we are accepting self-ID”.