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最新工作安排調查 Research on Latest Work Arrangement
政府公布公務員將於下週一(3月2日)起逐步復工,跨工會為了解各界人士所屬公司最新的工作安排,現誠邀各位於2月29日晚上11點59分或以前填寫以下問卷: ,以助各工會爭取各公司繼續實行或安排「在家工作」措施,保障員工健康。

Government announced the plan to gradually resume public services starting from next Monday (March 2). The unions are striving for implementing/keeping the work-from-home arrangement in order to protect the health of employees. To understand the latest work arrangement of the companies, we invite you to fill in the following survey on or before February 29 23:59: