DNA evidence proves without a doubt that the "Jews" are Khazarian Mongoloids (DNA results and Shlomo Sand as well as other historians have proven this) who converted to Judaism in the centuries after Christ.

After their Empire collapsed, the Khazars spread throughout the capital cities of Europe and soon became the most reviled people in history.

Despite not being from the Middle East, they claimed that they were the direct descendants of the Pharisees, and eventually became known as 'Jews', the short word for Judea. One of their many lies was that the Biblical 'Jesus' was a Jew, when in fact, he was labelled the King of Judea, an ironic title because he was actually from the neighbouring state of Galilee.

Since that time, they have spread havoc and evil wherever they have gone, and it is not hard to see why they have been banned from more or less every country that they have ever lived in, especially Europe.

From day one, they have planned and schemed to take over the planet (Protocols of Zion); after all these are the direct descendants of the New World Order #NWO, the #Khazarian #Mafia as mentioned earlier. Through their usury, they gained humongous wealth and influence, which led directly to the spread of the evil conspiracy that is ZIONISM.

After they took control of France, Britain and Germany (until Hitler removed them), they started their plans for the takeover of the Middle East. Slowly and surely, they interfered, campaigned, bribed and murdered until their plans were accepted.

Over the last hundred years, they and their pawns have carved up the Middle East in a way that suited them, and in the process, stolen the land from the Palestinian people.

It is one thing to invade a country and rape it of its culture, but it is preposterous to pretend that you are the descendants of the people that originally lived there.

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