Make them fight you on the battlefield of your choosing.
Make them fight you on your terms.
Make them fight you from a position of weakness, confusion, unfamiliarity and disadvantage. Always.
Never engage the enemy on his terms and under his conditions.
The cemeteries are full of those who have tried and failed to achieve victory on their enemy's terms.

曾經有人問我:“你為什麼需要那麼多裝備?” 那些昂貴的設備、昂貴的步槍、光學儀器、激光等等?只要瞄準並射擊。大致如此。對此我的回答是:“為什麼不呢?” 我為什麼要讓自己處於劣勢呢!我為什麼不好好利用每一個可以利用的機會! I was once asked, "Why do you need all that kit? All that expensive equipment? Expensive rifles, optics, lasers, etc? Just point and shoot." Something to this effect. - My answer to that would be, "Why not?" Why on earth would I choose to put myself at a disadvantage?! Why would I not take every single advantage available to me?!

力量倍增器。——我的床頭邊有網絡節點,還有我的家庭防衛手槍和戰鬥腰帶。 任何入侵者都必須適應黑暗,我不需要。——我將使用我所能使用的任何戰場或力量倍增器。 我永遠不會讓自己一起和敵人處於不利的境地。 Force multipliers. - I have nodes right next to my bed, along with my home defense pistol, and my battle belt. Any intruder has to adjust to the dark, I do not. - I will and do use everything I can that is a battlefield or force multiplier. I will never put myself in a disadvantaged situation with an enemy.

我一生都在警告人們不要加入他們的「猶太體系」。股市和其他狗屁金融領域。你將會失去。 我見過和認識過一些人,他們失去了一切,因為他們把自己的積蓄和金錢都投入了猶太股市的 #騙局。 I have warned people my whole life to not partake in their jewish systems. The stock market and other financial bullshit. You will lose. Over my lifetime I have seen and known people who have lost everything because they put their savings and money into the jewish stock market #scam.

在 2005 到 2008 年期間,住房、銀行等崩潰了,人們失去了一切。這不是一個孤立事件。這種情況經常發生,盡管這種規模的情況不太頻繁。通常是一天或一周的幾筆基金或投資,讓人們賠得精光。但只夠壓碎幾百萬人,“太小”了。不足以不引起媒體的註意。當然,我們都知道誰在擁有媒體誰經營著媒體,不是嗎? During the 2005 to 2008 housing, bank, etc crashes, people lost everything. That wasn't an isolated incident. This routinely happens, although less frequently on that scale. Usually it's a few funds or investments a day or week where people lose their shirts. Just enough to crush a few million people, but "small" enough to not draw media attention. And of course we all know who owns and operates the media now don't we?

我盡可能讓它簡單點。 如果牽扯到猶太人的就要反其道而行,你他媽的要離它遠點。 I'll make it as simple as possible. If it involves Jews, run the other direction. Stay the fuck away from it.

(完 𝙴𝚗𝚍)


♠️𝕵𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 猶太♠️
#Supremacy #霸權 #Jews #猶太人 #Battle #鬥爭 #Enemy #敵人 #FinancialTitan #金融巨頭 #Zillionaire #億萬富翁 #Capitalist #資本家