
30日,世界卫生组织发布中国—世卫组织新冠病毒溯源联合研究报告。联合专家组评估了关于病毒引入人类的四个路径,认为新冠病毒“比较可能至非常可能”经中间宿主传人(the scenario including introduction through an intermediary host was considered to be likely to very likely.),“可能至比较可能”直接传人(the zoonotic introduction scenario was listed as possible to likely.),“可能”通过冷链食品传人(the potential for SARS-CoV-2 introduction via cold/ food chain products is considered possible.),“极不可能”通过实验室传人(a laboratory origin of the pandemic was considered to be extremely unlikely.)。(央视新闻 @ 微博)(WHO-convened global study of origins of SARS-CoV-2: China Part