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Canadian Overnight Rate Actual 1.75% (Forecast 1.75%, Previous 1.75%)

BoC: Future rate decisions will be guided by Bank's assessment of the adverse impact of trade conflicts against sources of resilience in Canadian economy

Our October projection for global economic growth appears to be intact, with growth still expected to edge higher over the next couple of years

Continuing trade conflicts and related uncertainty still weighing on global economic activity and remain the biggest source of risk to Bank's outlook

Financial markets have been supported by Central Bank actions and waning recession concerns while being buffeted by trade news
Canadian Q3 consumer spending expanded moderately, housing investment also source of strength, supported by population growth and low mortgage rules

Q3 investment spending unexpectedly showed strong growth; the Bank will assess how much this points to renewed momentum in investment

CPI inflation remains at target and core inflation measures are around 2%, consistent with economy operating near capacity