#西九龍裁判法院 #串謀顛覆國家政權罪47人案


(Names of the 47 Defendants) between the 1st day of July, 2020 and the 7th day of January, 2021, in Hong Kong, conspired together and with other persons, with a view to subverting the State power, to organise, plan, commit or participate in, by threat of force or other unlawful means, namely:-

(i) advocating, engaging or participating in a scheme with a view tk abusing his or her powers and functions entrusted under Article 73 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”) of the People’s Republic of China (“the Basic Law”) after being elected to be a member of the Legislative Council (“LegCo”) for the purposes of:-
(a) obtaining a controlling majority in the LegCo to indiscriminately refuse to pass any budgets or public expenditure to be introduced by HKSAR Government (“the Government”) regardless of their contents or the merits of their contents;
(b) compelling the Chief Executive of HKSAR (“the Chief Executive”) to dissolve the LegCo under Article 50 of the Basic Law so as to paralyse the operations of the Government;
(c) ultimately causing the Chief Executive to resign under Article 52 of the Basic Law entailed by the dissolution of the LegCo and refusal to pass the original budget by the new LegCo;
(“the Scheme”)

(ii) with a view to carrying oht the Scheme, to stand or not to stand as candidates in the LegCo election (“the Election”), and/or inciting, procuring, inducing or causing others to stand or not to stand as candidates in the Election;

(iii) undertaking or agreeing, and/or inciting, procuring, inducing or causing others to undertake or agree, to exercise or forbear to exercise his or her powers and functions under Article 73 of the Basic Law after being elected as a LegCo Member when examining and approving budgets or public expenditure to be introduced by the Government jn accordance with the Scheme;

(iv) undertaking or agreeing, and/or inciting, procuring, inducing or causing others to undertake or agree, to wilfully or intentionally fail or neglect to discharge his or her duties of a LegCo Member after being elected in the Election, that is, to uphold the Basic Law, bear allegiance to HKSAR of the People’s Republic of China and serve HKSAR conscientiously, dutifully, in full accordance with the law, honestly and with integrity;

seriously interfering in, disrupting or undermining the performance of duties and functions in accordance with the law by the body of power of HKSAR.